Update docs with new steps to add projects.
The process to add new projects to gerrit has changed since the docs were originaly written and they need an update. Add steps for zuul, use review.o.o instead of gerrit.o.o, and don't set shared=group when running `git init` for the local git replicas. Change-Id: Ief34dd4afce2fcc5884b1a0aca361b7105fc3790 Reviewed-on: https://review.openstack.org/12386 Reviewed-by: James E. Blair <corvus@inaugust.com> Approved: Monty Taylor <mordred@inaugust.com> Reviewed-by: Monty Taylor <mordred@inaugust.com> Tested-by: Jenkins
This commit is contained in:
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ Ensure there is an up-to-date checkout of openstack-ci in ~gerrit2.
As a Gerrit admin, create a user for gerritbot::
cat ~gerrit2/.ssh/gerritbot_rsa | ssh -p29418 gerrit.openstack.org gerrit create-account --ssh-key - --full-name GerritBot gerritbot
cat ~gerrit2/.ssh/gerritbot_rsa | ssh -p29418 review.openstack.org gerrit create-account --ssh-key - --full-name GerritBot gerritbot
Configure gerritbot, including which events should be announced in the
gerritbot.config file:
@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ OpenStack documentation coordinators can approve changes, see
:ref:`acl`). Run the following command to reparent the project if it
is an API project::
ssh -p 29418 gerrit.openstack.org gerrit set-project-parent --parent API-Projects openstack/PROJECT
ssh -p 29418 review.openstack.org gerrit set-project-parent --parent API-Projects openstack/PROJECT
Add yourself to the "Project Bootstrappers" group in Gerrit which will
give you permissions to push to the repo bypassing code review.
@ -662,37 +662,78 @@ Do the initial push of the project with::
Remove yourself from the "Project Bootstrappers" group, and then set
the access controls as specified in :ref:`acl`.
Have Jenkins Monitor a Gerrit Project
Have Zuul Monitor a Gerrit Project
In jenkins, under source code management:
Define the required jenkins jobs for this project using the Jenkins Job
Builder. Edit openstack/openstack-ci-puppet:modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_jobs/config/projects.yaml
and add the desired jobs. Most projects will use the python jobs template.
* select git
A minimum config::
- project:
github-org: openstack
node: precise
tarball-publisher-site: nova.openstack.org
doc-publisher-site: docs.openstack.org
* url: ssh://jenkins@review.openstack.org:29418/openstack/project.git
* click "advanced"
- python-jobs
* refspec: $GERRIT_REFSPEC
* branches: origin/$GERRIT_BRANCH
* click "advanced"
Full example config for nova::
- project:
name: nova
github-org: openstack
node: precise
tarball-publisher-site: nova.openstack.org
doc-publisher-site: docs.openstack.org
* choosing stragety: gerrit trigger
- python-jobs
- python-diablo-bitrot-jobs
- python-essex-bitrot-jobs
- openstack-publish-jobs
- gate-{name}-pylint
* select gerrit event under build triggers:
Edit openstack/openstack-ci-puppet:modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml
and add the required jenkins jobs to this project. At a minimum you will
probably need the gate-PROJECT-merge test in the check and gate queues.
* Trigger on Comment Added
A minimum config::
* Approval Category: APRV
* Approval Value: 1
- name: openstack/PROJECT
- gate-PROJECT-merge:
- gate-PROJECT-merge:
* plain openstack/project
* path **
Full example config for nova::
* Select "Add build step" under "Build"
* select "Use builders from another project"
* Template Project: "Gerrit Git Prep"
* make sure this build step is the first in the sequence
- name: openstack/nova
- gate-nova-merge:
- gate-nova-docs
- gate-nova-pep8
- gate-nova-python26
- gate-nova-python27
- gate-tempest-devstack-vm
- gate-tempest-devstack-vm-cinder
- gate-nova-pylint
- gate-nova-merge:
- gate-nova-docs
- gate-nova-pep8
- gate-nova-python26
- gate-nova-python27
- gate-tempest-devstack-vm
- gate-tempest-devstack-vm-cinder
- nova-tarball
- nova-coverage
- nova-docs
- nova-tarball
- nova-docs
Create a Project in GitHub
@ -708,10 +749,16 @@ Pull requests can not be disabled for a project in Github, so instead
we have a script that runs from cron to close any open pull requests
with instructions to use Gerrit.
* Edit openstack/openstack-ci-puppet:manifests/site.pp
* Edit openstack/openstack-ci-puppet:modules/openstack_project/files/review.projects.yaml
and add the project to the list of github projects in the gerrit class
for the gerrit.openstack.org node.
and add the project to the list of projects in the yaml file with the
'close-pull' option.
For example::
- project: openstack/PROJECT
- close-pull
Adding Local Git Replica
@ -721,8 +768,8 @@ serve the anonymous http requests out directly.
On the gerrit host::
sudo git --bare init --shared=group /var/lib/git/openstack/PROJECT.git
sudo chgrp -R gerrit2 /var/lib/git/openstack/PROJECT.git
sudo git --bare init /var/lib/git/openstack/PROJECT.git
sudo chown -R gerrit2:gerrit2 /var/lib/git/openstack/PROJECT.git
Migrating a Project from bzr
@ -945,9 +992,7 @@ Adding A New Project On The Command Line
All of the steps involved in adding a new project to Gerrit can be
accomplished via the commandline, with the exception of creating a new repo
on github and adding the jenkins jobs. Creating the local project
replication repo on the gerrit host can be done on the command line too,
but the process is the same as above.
on github.
First of all, add the .gitreview file to the repo that will be added. Then,
assuming an ssh config alias of `review` for the gerrit instance, as a person
@ -1004,3 +1049,6 @@ Finally, commit the changes and push the config back up to Gerrit::
git commit -m "Initial project config"
git push gerrit HEAD:refs/meta/config
At this point you can follow the steps above for creating the project's github
replica, the local git replica, and zuul monitoring/jenkins jobs.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user