Pin paho-mqtt to 1.2.3 on the puppetmaster

The new paho-mqtt 1.3.0 release brings which
prevents its use on Ubuntu Trusty's default Python interpreter.
Until we upgrade to a newer Python there, stay on paho-mqtt 1.2.3 so
that the MQTT callback plugin for Ansible will remain functional.

Change-Id: I2d8d5f74a3a8244da226d18365650780d3350d1f
This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Stanley 2017-07-19 16:43:12 +00:00
parent 8b9920237d
commit bc247565f4

View File

@ -351,9 +351,11 @@ class openstack_project::puppetmaster (
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/puppetmaster/',
notify => Exec['expand_groups'],
# Temporarily pin paho-mqtt to 1.2.3 since 1.3.0 won't support TLS on
# Trusty's Python 2.7.
if $enable_mqtt {
package {'paho-mqtt':
ensure => latest,
ensure => '1.2.3',
provider => openstack_pip,
require => Class['pip'],