We are now using the mariadb jdbc connector in production and no longer need to include the mysql legacy connector in our images. We also don't need support for h2 or mysql as testing and prod are all using the mariadb connector and local database. Note this is a separate change to ensure everything is happy with the mariadb connector before we remove the fallback mysql connector from our images. Change-Id: I982d3c3c026a5351bff567ce7fbb32798718ec1b
20 lines
827 B
20 lines
827 B
- name: Create backup streaming config dir
path: /etc/borg-streams
state: directory
# NOTE(ianw) 2021-06-09 : we don't also keep an on-disk backup as we
# did for the old mysql instance above because it's easy to restore
# from borg now (in the past with bup it was a real pain to extract
# data so it was worth managing on-disk copies to possibly avoid that).
# # borg-mount <backup-server>
# the dump file will be under
# /opt/backups/review02-mariadb-<date>T<time>/mariadb
- name: Create mariadb streaming file to setup mariadb backup jobs
content: >-
/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /etc/gerrit-compose/docker-compose.yaml exec -T mariadb
bash -c '/usr/bin/mysqldump --all-databases --single-transaction -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD"'
dest: /etc/borg-streams/mariadb