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- title
Jenkins Job Builder
Jenkins Job Builder
Jenkins Job Builder is a system for configuring Jenkins jobs using simple YAML files stored in Git.
At a Glance
- Hosts
- Puppet
- Configuration
- Projects
- Bugs
- Resources
In order to make the process of managing thousands of Jenkins jobs easier, Jenkins Job Builder was designed to take YAML based configurations and convert those into jobs that are injected into Jenkins.
The documentation below describes how the OpenStack Infrastructure team uses the Jenkins Job Builder in our environment.
Configuring Projects
The YAML scripts to make this work are stored in the jenkins/jobs/
directory of
the project-config repository. In this directory you can have four
different types of yaml config files:
- Jenkins Jobs Defaults in
. - Jenkins Jobs Macros to give larger config sections meaningful names
. - Project specific configurations in
. - Job template configurations. Need a
file to specify how the templates should be filled out and templates go intemplate_name.yaml
YAML Format
Example defaults config:
- defaults:
name: global
project-type: freestyle
concurrent: true
- timeout:
timeout: 30
fail: true
- timestamps
daysToKeep: 1
numToKeep: -1
artifactDaysToKeep: -1
artifactNumToKeep: -1
This config starts with the - defaults::
line. This
specifies that this section contains default values rather than job
specifications. In this section we specify a useful set of defaults
including a default description indicating Puppet manages these jobs,
jobs are allowed to run concurrently, and a thirty minute job
Macros exist to give meaningful names to blocks of configuration that can be used in job configs in place of the blocks they name. For example:
- builder:
name: git-prep
- shell: "/slave_scripts/git-prep.sh"
- builder:
name: docs
- shell: "/slave_scripts/run-docs.sh"
- publisher:
name: console-log
- scp:
site: 'scp-server'
- target: 'logs/$JOB_NAME/$BUILD_NUMBER'
copy-console: true
copy-after-failure: true
In this block of code we define two builder macros and one publisher macro. Each macro has a name and using that name in a job config is equivalent to having the yaml below the name in place of the name in the job config. The next section shows how you can use these macros.
Job Config
Example job config:
- job:
name: example-docs
node: node-label
- zuul
- git-prep
- docs
- scp:
site: 'scp-server'
- target: 'dir/ectory'
source: 'build/html/foo'
keep-hierarchy: true
- console-log
Each job specification begins with -job:
. Under this
section you can specify the job details like name, node, etc. Any detail
defined in the defaults section that is not defined under this job will
be included as well. In addition to attribute details you can also
specify how jenkins should perform this job. What trigger methods should
be used, the build steps, jenkins publishing steps and so on. The macros
defined earlier make this easy and simple.
Job Templates
Job templates allow you to specify a job config once with arguments
that are replaced with the values specified in
. This allows you to reuse job configs across
many projects. First you need a templated job config:
- job-template:
name: '{name}-docs'
- zuul
- git-prep
- docs
- scp:
site: 'scp-server'
- target: 'dir/ectory'
source: 'build/html/foo'
keep-hierarchy: true
- console-log
node: '{node}'
- job-group:
name: python-jobs
- '{name}-docs'
This takes the previous example-docs
job and templatizes
it. This will allow us to easily create example1-docs
jobs. Each job template begins with
- job-template:
and the job specification is identical to
the previous one, but we have introduced variable arguments. In this
case {name}
is a variable value that will be replaced. The
values for name will be defined in the projects.yaml
The - job-group:
section is not strictly necessary but
allows you to group many job templates with the same variable arguments
under one name.
The projects.yaml
pulls all of the magic together. It
specifies the arguments to and instantiates the job templates as real
jobs. For example:
- project:
name: example1
node: bare-trusty
- python-jobs
- project:
name: example2
node: bare-centos6
- {name}-docs
Each project using templated jobs should have its own
- project:
section. Under this sections there should be a
section with a list of job templates or job groups to
be used by this project. Other values under the - project:
section define the arguments to the templates lised under
. In this case we are giving the docs template
and node
Notice that example1 makes use of the job group and example2 makes use of the job template.
Job Caching
The Jenkins Jobs builder maintains a special cache that contains an MD5 of every generated XML that it builds. If it finds the XML is different then it will proceed to send this to Jenkins, otherwise it is skipped. If a job is accidentally deleted then this file should be modified or removed.
Sending a Job to Jenkins
The Jenkins Jobs builder talks to Jenkins using the Jenkins API. This means that it can create and modify jobs directly without the need to restart or reload the Jenkins server. It also means that Jenkins will verify the XML and cause the Jenkins Jobs builder to fail if there is a problem.
For this to work a configuration file is needed. There is an erb
template for this configuration file at modules/jenkins/templates/jenkins_jobs.ini.erb
. The
contents of this template are:
user=<%= username %>
password=<%= password %>
url=<%= url %>
The values for user and url are hardcoded in the Puppet repo in modules/openstack_project/manifests/jenkins.pp
, but
the password is stored in hiera. Make sure you have it defined as
in the hiera DB.
The password can be obtained by logging into the Jenkins user, clicking on your username in the top-right, clicking on Configure and then Show API Token. This API Token is your password for the API.