This patch creates the documentation for the survey service. Co-Authored-By: Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> Change-Id: Ie602a952b58c5f5200518cb31218097bddd5b747 Story: 2000691
2.4 KiB
- title
Survey runs an instance of the LimeSurvey software, an open source survey tool written in php.
At a Glance
- Hosts
- Puppet
- Projects
- Bugs
Apache is used with a Trove backend.
After initially provisioning the server, enable the Authwebserver plugin via mysqlclient:
insert into plugins (name, active) values ('Authwebserver', 1);
insert into plugin_settings (plugin_id, plugin_settings.key, plugin_settings.value) values (1, 'strip_domain', '""');
insert into plugin_settings (plugin_id, plugin_settings.key, plugin_settings.value) values (1, 'serverkey', '"REMOTE_USER"');
insert into plugin_settings (plugin_id, plugin_settings.key, plugin_settings.value) values (1, 'is_default', '"1"');
Log in as admin to auto-create your account: Admin sign-in: https://survey.openstack.org/admin
Elevate your account to Superadmin via mysqlclient:
insert into permissions (entity, entity_id, uid, permission, read_p) values ("global", 0, 2, "superadmin", 1);
(where the 2 in this example should be replaced with whatever the uid index value is in the users table for your OpenID-autocreated account)
Refresh your browser. When logged in via the web-ui you should now have superadmin priviledges allowing you to set the following values:
Configuration > Global Settings > Email Settings
Default site admin email: infra-root@openstack.org
Administrator name: admin
Configuration > Global Settings > Bounce Settings
Default site admin email: infra-root@openstack.org
Save and Close check admin name and email information on front page: survey.openstack.org to confirm change
Admin Survey User
Log in via https://survey.openstack.org/admin using OpenStackID.
Navigate to your 'My Account' settings at: https://survey.openstack.org/index.php/admin/user/sa/personalsettings
Change your Email from 'autouser@test.test' to the email you would like to use for the use of surveys.
Change your Full Name from 'autouser' to your Full Name that survey participants can recognize.
Save and Close using the button in the top right hand corner.