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Third Party Testing
Gerrit has an event stream which can be subscribed to, using this it is possible to test commits against testing systems beyond those supplied by OpenStack's Jenkins setup. It is also possible for these systems to feed information back into Gerrit and they can also leave non-gating votes on Gerrit review requests.
There are several examples of systems that read the Gerrit event stream and run their own tests on the commits on this page. For each patch set the third party system tests, the system adds a comment in Gerrit with a summary of the test result and links to the test artifacts.
Until a third party testing system operates in a stable fashion, third party tests can comment on patches but not vote on them.
- A system can also be set up to only do '+1' reviews and leave all the '-1's to be manually confirmed.
A third-party system may only leave one comment per patch set (unless it is retriggered).
The maintainers are responsible for re-triggering tests when their third party testing system breaks.
Support recheck to request re-running a test.
- Support the following syntaxes:
. - Recheck means recheck everything. A single recheck comment should re-trigger all testing systems.
- Support the following syntaxes:
Publish contact information for the maintainers.
- All accounts must have a wikipage entry. Follow the instructions on
the ThirdPartySystems
wiki page to add your system. When complete, there should be a page
dedicated to your system with a URL like:
. - All comments from your CI system must contain a link to the wiki page for your CI system.
- Maintainers are encouraged to be in IRC regularly to make it faster to contact them.
- All accounts must have a wikipage entry. Follow the instructions on
the ThirdPartySystems
wiki page to add your system. When complete, there should be a page
dedicated to your system with a URL like:
Include a public link to all test artifacts to make debugging failed tests easier (using a dns name over a hardcoded ip is recommended). This should include:
- Environment details
- This must include a utc timestamp of the test run
- Test configuration
- Skipped tests
- logs should include a trace of the commands used
- OpenStack logs
- Tempest logs (including
)- logs must be browsable; logs requiring download, installation or login to access are not acceptable
All test artifacts must be retained for one month.
- Environment details
Reading the Event Stream
It is possible to use ssh to connect to
on port 29418 with your ssh key if you
have a normal reviewer account in Gerrit.
This will give you a real-time JSON stream of events happening inside Gerrit. For example:
$ ssh -p 29418 USERNAME@review.openstack.org gerrit stream-events
Will give a stream with an output like this (line breaks and indentation added in this document for readability, the real JSON will be all one line per event):
{"project":"openstack/keystone","branch":"stable/essex","topic":"bug/969088","id":"I18ae38af62b4c2b2423e20e436611fc30f844ae1","number":"7385","subject":"Make import_nova_auth only create roles which don\u0027t already exist","owner":
{"name":"Chuck Short","email":"chuck.short@canonical.com","username":"zulcss"},"url":"https://review.openstack.org/7385"},
{"name":"Chuck Short","email":"chuck.short@canonical.com","username":"zulcss"},
"name":"Mark McLoughlin","email":"markmc@redhat.com","username":"markmc"},
"type":"CRVW","description":"Code Review","value":"2"},{"type":"APRV","description":"Approved","value":"0"}],
[{"comment":"Hmm, I actually thought this was in Essex already.\n\nIt\u0027s a pretty annoying little issue for folks migrating for nova auth. Fix is small and pretty safe. Good choice for backporting"}
For most purposes you will want to trigger on
for when a new patchset has been
Further documentation on how to use the events stream can be found in Gerrit's stream event documentation page.
Posting Result To Gerrit
External testing systems can give non-gating votes to Gerrit by means of a -1/+1 verify vote. OpenStack Jenkins has extra permissions to give a +2/-2 verify vote which is gating. Comments should also be provided to explain what kind of test failed. We do also ask that the comments contain public links to the failure so that the developer can see what caused the failure.
An example of how to post this is as follows:
$ ssh -p 29418 USERNAME@review.openstack.org gerrit review -m '"Test failed on MegaTestSystem <http://megatestsystem.org/tests/1234>"' --verified=-1 c0ff33
In this example c0ff33
is the commit ID for the review.
You can set the verified to either -1 or
+1 depending on whether or not it passed
the tests.
Further documentation on the review command in Gerrit can be found in the Gerrit review documentation page.
We do suggest cautious testing of these systems and have a development Gerrit setup to test on if required. In SmokeStack's case all failures are manually reviewed before getting pushed to OpenStack, while this may not scale it is advisable during the initial testing of the setup.
There are several triggers that gerrit will match to alter the formatting of comments. The raw regular expressions can be seen in gerrit.pp. For example, to have your test results formatted in the same manner as the upstream Jenkins results, use a template for each result matching:
* test-name-no-spaces http://link.to/result : [SUCCESS|FAILURE] some comment about the test
Creating a Service Account
In order to post comments as a Third Party CI System and eventually verify your build status on Gerrit patches, you will need a dedicated Gerrit CI account. You will need to create this account in our OpenID provider Launchpad. You may already have an existing personal account in Launchpad, but you should create a new and entirely separate account for this purpose.
Once you have created this account with the OpenID provider you can log into Gerrit with that new account as you would with your normal user account. Once logged in you will need to do several things:
1. Set an SSH username at https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/ if it isn't already set. This is the username your CI system will use to SSH to Gerrit in order to read the event stream.
2. Set the account's fullname at https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/contact This name should follow a few rules in order to make it clear in Gerrit comments what this CI system exists to test. The name should have three pieces
CI designator
. The organization value should be your company name or other organization affiliation. Product/technology should describe the product or technology you are testing in conjunction with OpenStack. This should be the name of a component which cannot be tested in the official OpenStack infrastructure (requires particular physical hardware, proprietary software, some hypervisor feature not available in public clouds, et cetera). Note this should not be the name of an OpenStack project but rather the thing you are testing with OpenStack projects. And finally the CI designator is used to denote this is a CI system so that automatic Gerrit comment parsers can filter these comments out. This value should beCI
for most CI systems but can beBot
if you are not performing continuous integration. An example of a proper name would be something likeIBM DB2 CI
.3. Add the SSH public key you will be using to the Gerrit account at https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/ssh-keys You can generate an ssh key using
. You want to give Gerrit the contents of the generated id_rsa.pub file.
Note you should also subscribe to the third-party-announce list to keep on top of announcements there which can include account disablement notices.
Once you have done this you will have everything you need to comment on Gerrit changes from our CI system but you will not be able to vote +/-1 Verified on changes. To get voting rights you will need to get the release group of the project you are testing to add you to their project specific <project>-ci group. Please contact the project in question when you are ready to start voting and they can add you to this group.
The Jenkins Gerrit Trigger Plugin Way
There is a Gerrit Trigger plugin for Jenkins which automates all of
the processes described in this document. So if your testing system is
Jenkins based you can use it to simplify things. You will still need an
account to do this as described in the request-account-label
section above.
The Gerrit Trigger plugin for Jenkins can be found on the Jenkins repository. You can install it using the Advanced tab in the Jenkins Plugin Manager.
Once installed Jenkins will have a new Gerrit Trigger option in the Manage Jenkins menu. This should be given the following options:
Hostname: review.openstack.org
Frontend URL: https://review.openstack.org/
SSH Port: 29418
Username: (the Gerrit user)
SSH Key File: (path to the user SSH key)
Started: 0
Successful: 1
Failed: -1
Unstable: 0
Code Review
Started: 0
Successful: 0
Failed: 0
Unstable: 0
(under Advanced Button):
Stated: (blank)
Successful: gerrit approve <CHANGE>,<PATCHSET> --message 'Build Successful <BUILDS_STATS>' --verified <VERIFIED> --code-review <CODE_REVIEW>
Failed: gerrit approve <CHANGE>,<PATCHSET> --message 'Build Failed <BUILDS_STATS>' --verified <VERIFIED> --code-review <CODE_REVIEW>
Unstable: gerrit approve <CHANGE>,<PATCHSET> --message 'Build Unstable <BUILDS_STATS>' --verified <VERIFIED> --code-review <CODE_REVIEW>
Note that it is useful to include something in the messages about what testing system is supplying these messages.
When creating jobs in Jenkins you will have the option to add triggers. You should configure as follows:
Trigger on Patchset Uploaded: ticked
(the rest unticked)
Type: Plain
Pattern: openstack/project-name (where project-name is the name of the project)
Type: Path
Pattern: **
This job will now automatically trigger when a new patchset is uploaded and will report the results to Gerrit automatically.
Testing your CI setup
You can use the openstack-dev/ci-sandbox
project to test
your external CI infrastructure with OpenStack's Gerrit. By using the
sandbox project you can test your CI system without affecting regular
OpenStack reviews.
Once you confirm your CI system works as you expect, change your configuration of the gerrit trigger plugin or zuul to subscribe to gerrit events from your target project.
Permissions on your Third Party System
When you create your CI account it will have no special permissions.
This means it can comment on changes but generally not vote +/-1
Verified on any changes. The exception to this is on the
project. Any account is able to
vote +/-1 Verified on that account and it provides a way to test your
CI's voting abilities before you vote on other projects.
The OpenStack Infrastructure team disables mis-behaving third-party ci accounts at its discretion. This documentation endeavours to outline specific circumstances that may lead to an account being disabled. There have been times when third-party ci systems behave in ways we didn't envision and therefore were unable to document prior to the event. If your third-party ci system has been disabled, check the archives of the third-party-announce mailing list to which you hopefully are subscribed. The email that notifies this list that your account has been disabled will include instructions for getting your system re-enabled. You are also welcome to join us in the #openstack-infra irc channel on freenode to discuss your situation.
In order to get your Third Pary CI account to have voting permissions
on repos in gerrit in addition to openstack-dev/ci-sandbox
you have a greater chance of success if you follow these steps:
- Set up your system and test it according to "Testing your CI setup" outlined above (this will create a history of activity associated with your account which will be evaluated when you apply for voting permissions).
- Post comments, that adhere to the "Requirements" listed above, that demonstrate the format for your system communication to the repos you want your system to test.
- Once your Third Party Account has a history on gerrit so that others
can evaluate your format for comments, and the stability of your voting
pattern (in the sandbox repo):
send an email to the openstack-dev mailing list nominating your system for voting permissions
- openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
- use tags [Infra][Nova] for the Nova program, please replace [Nova] with [Program], where [Program] is the name of the program your CI account will test
present your account history
address any questions and concerns with your system
- If the members of the program you want voting permissions from agree your system should be able to vote, the release group for that program or project can add you to the <project>-ci group specific to that program/project.
Third Party - FAQ
- Q: How do you serve the content of compressed logs so they are rendered within
the browser, rather than presenting a download prompt to the user?
A: Add the following lines to your web server conf file:
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP:Accept-Encoding} gzip RewriteCond %{LA-U:REQUEST_FILENAME}.gz -f RewriteRule ^(.+)$ $1.gz [L] <FilesMatch ".*\.gz$"> ForceType text/html AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 AddEncoding x-gzip gz </FilesMatch>