A short overview of groups portal related translation tools and process. Change-Id: I4ea83b684ef070b539302b6afc57735b60489fec
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Groups portal translation howto
The Groups portal is based on Drupal Commons, which is based on Drupal distribution, extended with community features and functionality. If you want to translate the user interface to your local language basically you need to follow the same rules that are used for a standard Drupal deployment. As Drupal is based on modules, you need to consider the concept that you are translating the strings defined in those modules. Upstream modules are usually translated by the Drupal community, so in our case you need to focus on your custom modules only, that are located under modules/groups directory.
Directory structure
templates/ - translation template files (.pot)
<langcode>/ - directory with langauge specific .po files
groups_<name>-<version>.po - translated module resources
Translation process
Localization files can be found under translations/ directory.
If you are using a deployed portal, full path is
profiles/groups/translations/. If your language is not present
there, you need to create the skeleton, see the how to add a new language
After you have successfully modified the .po files, either manually or using a tool like PoEdit, simply follow the steps of the Contribution Guide and send your patch for a review.
If you want to test the changes locally, follow the steps of
Import updated .po files into Drupal
Add a new language
$> bash scripts/pot-lang.sh <langcode>
the language codes are based on ISO 639 standard.
Update translation template files (.pot)
When either a new feature is added to your custom module, or some interface elements are changed in module files, it is important to regenerate the translation template files.
$> bash scripts/pot-extract.sh
Carefully check the output of this script. If you experience any lines marked with error, try to solve the issue in Drupal module, and upload a patch with a resolution to groups repository.
Import updated .po files into Drupal
$> drush l10n-update-refresh
$> drush l10n-update
This two commands will refetch the .po files and import the translation strings into Drupal database.
What to do when an interface element is missing from po files?
Elements rendered by Drupal portal can be originated from multiple places: a content or a translatable string in Drupal module. If you found the element in a module, but it is not covered by the t() function the solution is easy: cover the string with t(), regenerate the .pot files and synchronize the .po file content. (PoEdit and GetText utils are supporting the merge process, so you need to translate the updated resources only, and old translations won't lost)
-- function groups_homepage_views_pre_build(&$view) {
-- ...
-- $view->display_handler->set_option('title', 'Upcoming Events');
+++ function groups_homepage_views_pre_build(&$view) {
+++ ...
+++ $view->display_handler->set_option('title', t('Upcoming Events'));
[1] OpenStack Developer's Guide http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html
[2] OpenStack Groups Portal Contribution Guide https://groups.openstack.org/content/openstack-groups-portal-contribution-guide
[3] Drupal Localization https://localize.drupal.org
[4] ISO 639 Language codes http://people.w3.org/rishida/names/languages.html