While reading some of the documentation in the Interop Github repo I found a few typos in the docs and thought I'd fix them upstream. Change-Id: If7ff117e6634c1ceac19591d2b78844bd398681d
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Interop Working Group Commandments
- Step 1: Read the OpenStack Style Commandments
- Step 2: Read the following Interop Working Group process
documents in the following recommended order:
- `Core Definition <doc/source/process/CoreDefinition.rst>`_
- `OpenStack Interop WG Process 2016A <doc/source/process/2016A.rst>`_
- Step 3: Read on
Interop Working Group Specific Commandments
- [D300] When adding tests to "flagged" lists, generally only the most
current Board-approved .json file and the .next.json file should be
modified. There is no need to modify older Guidelines unless the most
current Board-approved Guideline doesn't cover the OpenStack release
you are concerned with.
- [D301] The "tests" lists in the .json capabilities lists are immutable
once approved by the Board. Therefore if you desire to flag a test,
in an approved capability list, add a "flagged" block to the test. Do
_not_ remove it from the "tests" section.
- [D302] If a Capability is found to not meet the `Core Criteria
<doc/source/process/CoreCriteria.rst>`_ after the Board has approved
a Guideline, the corresponding tests should have a "flagged" block added
to the relevant tests in the "tests" section of the relevant
Board-approved Guidelines.
- See [D307] and [D309] for details about format requirements.
- See [D308] for conditions on also adding to the .next.json.
- [D303] Tests that are found to inadequately test the underlying
Capability due to bugs or design flaws, should have a "flagged"
block added to the section for the test in the "tests" section of
the most recent Board-approved Guideline.
- [D304] Before the Board approves the capabilities listed in the
.next.json file, a committee member will submit a patch that copies
the .next.json file to an appropriately named new file, updates the
"status", "replaces", and "id" fields, and updates the "required-since"
field within newly required capabilities. The patch should include the
matching generated RST version of the JSON file. This patch should be
marked as -1 workflow until after approval.
- [D305] Interop Guidelines generally cover the most recent three
releases of OpenStack, though the Interop Working Group has the
power to determine otherwise. The "releases" section of the .next.json file
should generally be updated shortly after the Board approves a release
so that contributors can see what releases the proposed Guideline
- [D306] When modifying "comment" and "guidance" sections, refer to
definitions and processes found in the "process" directory of the
repository rather than duplicating or restating them. This helps us
avoid the appearance of having multiple sources of truth.
- [D307] When adding a "flagged" section to a json file, all fields
listed in the relevant schema document for the "flagged" section are
- [D308] If the reason for adding a "flagged" block is not expected
to be resolved before the next Guideline is submitted to tbe Board
for approval, then matching entries should also be made in the
.next.json Guideline.
- [D309] The "reason" field of the "flagged" section must begin with the
flag type. For example:
``"reason" : "[D400] The Foo test doesn't meet Core Criteria because ..."``
- [D310] If you believe a test needs to be flagged but the reason for doing
so doesn't appear in the list below, you must do the following:
#. Submit the test for flagging using [D404] as the flag type. Please also
provide the reason you believe this test needs to be flagged; see [D309]
above for details. [D404] indicates that you are uncertain about which
flag to use or believe that a new reason for considering flags needs to be
discussed. *[D404] is only a placeholder to facilitate this discussion.*
#. In that same proposed change, also submit a patch against the HACKING
file adding your proposed new flag to the list below.
#. If at all possible, please include a link to code and/or test runs which
demonstrate the reason a new flag type is needed.
#. The Interop Working Group will discuss and consider the flagging
proposal as well as the proposed new reason. They may accept or decline
either proposal.
- [D311] Once a test has been flagged, it will remain flagged for that Guideline.
- [D312] When a new Guideline is proposed for Board approval, no flagged tests
will be included in the Guideline. Flags will be added in subsequent patches.
Interop Working Group Test Flagging Guidelines
The Interoper Working Group may "flag" tests to mark them as not
required for a given Guideline. There are different flag types; each flag
type indicates a fairly narrow category of reasons for flagging a given test.
Valid reasons for flagging a test are limited to the following:
- [D400] The test is for a Capability that fails to meet the Criteria
as set out in the
`Core Criteria document <doc/source/process/CoreCriteria.rst>`_.
- [D401] The test fails or is skipped due to a bug in the test and the bug is
accepted by the OpenStack project which maintains the test.
- [D402] The test fails or is skipped due to a bug in the code that provides
the Capability and the bug is accepted by the OpenStack project which
maintains the Capability.
- [D403] The test fails because other non-required Capabilities are also
- [D404] Flag Not Found - Use this flag if none of the others fit.
- [D405] The test reflects an implementation choice that is not widely
deployed even if the Capability is widely deployed.
- [D406] Test removed permanently from test suite.
To file a flag request for a test, follow these steps:
#. Make sure you have a development environment set up accoring to the
`Developer's Guide
#. Clone the defcore repo by running:
.. code-block:: console
$ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/interop.git
#. Open the relevant Guideline or Guidelines in your favorite text
editor and locate the tests you want to flag.
#. Add a flag block to the test using the rationale above. For
example, if I want to flag this test:
.. code-block:: json
"tempest.api.compute.servers.test_list_server_filters.ListServerFiltersTestJSON.test_list_servers_filtered_by_ip": {
"idempotent_id": "id-43a1242e-7b31-48d1-88f2-3f72aa9f2077"
I might modify the section to read:
.. code-block:: json
"tempest.api.compute.servers.test_list_server_filters.ListServerFiltersTestJSON.test_list_servers_filtered_by_ip": {
"idempotent_id": "id-43a1242e-7b31-48d1-88f2-3f72aa9f2077",
"flagged": {
"date": "2016-06-13",
"reason": "[D401] This test is skipped by Tempest due to bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1600349.",
"action": "Remove flag when Tempest fix is in place."
#. Once you've saved your changes, commit the change locally:
.. code-block:: console
$ git commit -a
Be sure to write a useful commit message explaining your change.
#. Push the change to gerrit, where your request can be reviewed:
.. code-block:: console
$ git review
Please note that if you're having trouble setting up a development
environment, you can also talk to the OpenStack Foundation's
Interoperability Engineer <interop@openstack.org> or contact the
Interop Working Group (formerly DefCore Committee) via email
<defcore-committee@lists.openstack.org>. We'll be happy to try to
assist you or help file a request on your behalf.