Initial draft of 2015.03 guideline as passed by the board. We are condensing two steps into one here > format & content. After we accept this, we will create a new prelim guideline for the next review cycle (target at 2015.04!). I've also moved from files out of the root directory for cleanup. The RST and JSON files should match in content. Change-Id: I40623b38e80a7d4a65a66d7210f6dfad5835c371
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Understanding the DefCore Guidelines
This repository contains DefCore committee managed files that provide guidance for the OpenStack community.
NOTE: Changes to file requires approval of the DefCore committee chair(s).
DefCore Process Flow
JSON Schema
The JSON files have a specific schema to support
{ "id": "2015.03", # Spec name (date based)
"schema": "1.1", # Schema version
"status": "approved", # can be draft, review or approved
"replaces": "2014.07", # previous spec
"releases": ["icehouse"], # array of releases, lower case
"platform": { # platform components
"required": ["compute", "object"], # array
"advisory": [], # incoming array
"depricated": [], # outgoing array
"removed": [] # removed array
"components": { # components detail
"compute": { # component name
"required": [ # required array
"advisory": [ # incoming array
"deprecated": [], # outgoing array
"removed": [ # removed array
"criteria" : { # explains achievements
"atomic" : { "Description" : "blah blah blah",
"name" : "Atomic",
"weight": 8
"capabilities": { # capabilities listed in components
"example-cap" : # capability
{ "achievements" : # array of criteria met
[ "deployed",
"admin" : false, # is admin API
"status" : "required", # de-normalized from components
"description" : "Helpful Description",
"flagged" : [ ], # flagged tests array
"name" : "Friendly Short Name",
"tests" : # list of tests (please use UUIDs)
[ "tempest.api.project.file.class.test_name" ]