NOTE: This patch starts the process of creating a new draft process for Board approval in Section C6. As discussed in the board meeting, this change specifically identifies that only the latest two guidelines are available for vendor validation. Older guidelines are still approved and must remain available because vendors have validated against them (thus superseded not deprecated). Change-Id: Id2c2a23c9a8e204480dcebde6fe436292120ba8a
4.6 KiB
4.6 KiB
JSON Schema v1.3
Changes from v1.2
- added
- added
- added
- added
tests now have block including idempotent_id and (optional) flagged information
- change
guidelines to point to required-since
- change
tests from array to hash
- change
add hash after test-name keys
- change
flagged points to new location tests/test-name/flagged
- change
new version 1.3
{ "id": "2015.03", # Spec name (date based)
"schema": "1.3", # Schema version
"reference": "http://github.com/openstack/defcore/schema.1.3.rst", # Schema description
"source": "http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/defcore/", # git repo for files
"status": "approved", # can be draft, review, approved or superseded [see 2015B C6.3]
"replaces": "2014.07", # previous spec
"releases": ["icehouse"], # array of releases, lower case (generally three releases)
"platform": { # platform components
"required": [ # required array
"compute", "object"
"advisory": [], # incoming array
"deprecated": [], # outgoing array
"removed": [] # removed array
"components": { # components detail
"compute": { # component name
"required": [ # required array
"advisory": [ # incoming array
"deprecated": [], # outgoing array
"removed": [ # removed array
"test-repositories": { # tracks difference possible test sources
"tempest": { # source of tests
"git-sha": "c77e46d8e3", # reference for automated checkout
"url": "https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tempest/" # git location from OpenStack
"criteria" : { # explains achievements
"core01" : {
"Description" : "blah blah blah",
"name" : "readable core01", # allows more readable name than key
"weight": 8 # total of all weights must be 100
"capabilities": { # capabilities listed in components
"example-cap" : { # capability key (cross reference to components required)
"achievements" : ["core01"], # array of criteria met. must be one of items from "criteria" section
"admin" : false, # boolean designating whether an admin API is required
"status" : "required", # One of: required, advisory, deprecated, or removed
"guidelines" : ["deprecated"] # deprecated DO NOT USE
"required-since" : "2015.05" # guideline where capability became required, "" if not required
"description" : "Helpful Description",
"flagged" : [], # deprecated DO NOT USE, moved under test
"name" : "Friendly Short Name",
"tests" : { # hash of tests (use unique names)
"tempest.api.project.file.class.test_name" : { # test ID
"idempotent_id" : "id-123-456", # internal test identifier to track changes if test is moved
"flagged" : { # This section is required only if the test is flagged
"reason" : "why this test was flagged", # required to support flag request
"action" : "proposed action to resolve", # required path to resolve flag
"date" : "yyyy-mm-dd" # date flag was proposed (not approved)
"designated-sections" : { # designated sections
"required" : { # sections that are required for this Guideline
"nova" : { # project name
"guidance": "short description", # general information providing actionable detail
"comment": "optional rationale", # additional clairification
"sections": { # hash of sections, project specific
"section": { # key / name of a section
"description": "useful detail", # expand on key in useful way
"designated": false, # boolean. true if designated. must align with guidance
"comment": "none provided" # optional details
"advisory" : { # not required in this Guideline but may be required in a future guideline },
"deprecated" : { # no longer required in this Guideline and will be removed in futur Guidelines },
"removed" : { # no longer required and have been removed since the last Guideline }