Doug Hellmann 793fcae45b Document the rules for units
Incorporate the rules for specifying sample units based on

Change-Id: I8ce2275b0c844393b8f03dd6909f29a96c6f1b80
Signed-off-by: Doug Hellmann <>
2013-02-21 06:49:29 -05:00

9.9 KiB


Three type of meters are defined in ceilometer:

double: meter; cumulative double: meter; gauge double: meter; delta

Type Definition
Cumulative Increasing over time (instance hours)
Gauge Discrete items (floating IPs, image uploads) and fluctuating values (disk I/O)
Delta Changing over time (bandwidth)


  1. Whenever a volume is to be measured, SI approved units and their approved symbols or abbreviations should be used. Information units should be expressed in bits ('b') or bytes ('B').
  2. For a given meter, the units should NEVER, EVER be changed.
  3. When the measurement does not represent a volume, the unit description should always described WHAT is measured (ie: apples, disk, routers, floating IPs, etc.).
  4. When creating a new meter, if another meter exists measuring something similar, the same units and precision should be used.
  5. Samples (aka "meters" or "counters") should always document their units in Ceilometer (API and Documentation) and new sampling code should not be merged without the appropriate documentation.
Dimension Unit Abbreviations Note

None Volume Time

N/A byte seconds

B s

Dimension-less variable

Here are the meter types by components that are currently implemented:

Compute (Nova)

Name Type Unit Resource Note

instance instance:<type>

Gauge Gauge

inst ID inst ID

Duration of instance Duration of instance <type> (openstack types)

memory Gauge


inst ID Volume of RAM in MB
cpu Cumulative


inst ID CPU time used
vcpus Gauge


inst ID Number of VCPUs
disk.root.size Gauge


inst ID Size of root disk in GB
disk.ephemeral.size Gauge


inst ID Size of ephemeral disk in GB Cumulative requests inst ID Number of disk io requests Cumulative


inst ID Volume of disk io in bytes
network.incoming.bytes Cumulative


iface ID number of incoming bytes on the network
network.outgoing.bytes Cumulative


iface ID number of outgoing bytes on the network
network.incoming.packets Cumulative


iface ID number of incoming packets
network.outgoing.packets Cumulative


iface ID number of outgoing packets

Network (Quantum)

Name Type Unit Resource Note
network Gauge network netw ID Duration of network
network.create Delta network netw ID Creation requests for this network
network.update Delta network netw ID Update requests for this network
subnet Gauge subnet subnt ID Duration of subnet
subnet.create Delta subnet subnt ID Creation requests for this subnet
subnet.update Delta subnet subnt ID Update requests for this subnet
port Gauge port port ID Duration of port
port.create Delta port port ID Creation requests for this port
port.update Delta port port ID Update requests for this port
router Gauge router rtr ID Duration of router
router.create Delta router rtr ID Creation requests for this router
router.update Delta router rtr ID Update requests for this router
ip.floating Gauge ip ip ID Duration of floating ip
ip.floating.create Delta ip ip ID Creation requests for this floating ip
ip.floating.update Delta ip ip ID Update requests for this floating ip

Image (Glance)

Name Type Unit Resource Note
image Gauge


image ID Image polling -> it (still) exists
image.size Gauge


image ID Uploaded image size
image.update Delta


image ID Number of update on the image
image.upload Delta


image ID Number of upload of the image
image.delete Delta


image ID Number of delete on the image Delta


image ID Image is downloaded
image.serve Delta


image ID Image is served out

Volume (Cinder)

Name Type Unit Resource Note
volume Gauge


vol ID Duration of volune
volume.size Gauge


vol ID Size of volume

Object Storage (Swift)

Name Type Volume Resource Note
storage.objects Gauge


store ID Number of objects
storage.objects.size Gauge


store ID Total size of stored objects
storage.objects.containers Gauge containers store ID Number of containers
storage.objects.incoming.bytes Delta


store ID Number of incoming bytes
storage.objects.outgoing.bytes Delta


store ID Number of outgoing bytes

Energy (Kwapi)

Name Type Volume Resource Note
energy Cumulative


probe ID Amount of energy
power Gauge


probe ID Power consumption

Dynamically retrieving the Meters via ceilometer client

To retrieve the available meters that can be queried given the actual resource instances available, use the meter-list command:

$ ceilometer meter-list -s openstack
| Name       | Type  | Resource ID                          | User ID | Project ID                       |
| image      | gauge | 09e84d97-8712-4dd2-bcce-45970b2430f7 |         | 57cf6d93688e4d39bf2fe3d3c03eb326 |

Naming convention

If you plan on adding meters, please follow the convention bellow:

  1. Always use '.' as separator and go from least to most discriminent word. For example, do not use ephemeral_disk_size but disk.ephemeral.size
  2. When a part of the name is a variable, it should always be at the end and start with a ':'. For example do not use <type>.image but image:<type>, where type is your variable name.
  3. If you have any hesitation, come and ask in #openstack-metering