Yathiraj Udupi 679f65be93 Fixing some simple documentation typos
Change-Id: If32dead1f42e21db9c556ba1199a24fc6f18da0b
Closes-Bug: 1277224
2014-02-06 12:38:47 -08:00

24 KiB

Configuration Options

Ceilometer specific

The following table lists the ceilometer specific options in the global configuration file. Please note that ceilometer uses openstack-common extensively, which requires that the other parameters are set appropriately. For information we are listing the configuration elements that we use after the ceilometer specific elements.

If you use sql alchemy, its specific parameters will need to be set.

Parameter Default Note
nova_control_exchange nova Exchange name for Nova notifications
glance_control_exchange glance Exchange name for Glance notifications
cinder_control_exchange cinder Exchange name for Cinder notifications
neutron_control_exchange neutron Exchange name for Neutron notifications
metering_secret change this or be hacked Secret value for signing metering messages
metering_topic metering the topic ceilometer uses for metering messages
sample_source openstack The source name of emitted samples
control_exchange ceilometer AMQP exchange to connect to if using RabbitMQ or Qpid
database_connection mongodb://localhost:27017/ceilometer Database connection string
metering_api_port 8777 The port for the ceilometer API server
reseller_prefix AUTH_ Prefix used by swift for reseller token

Service polling authentication

The following options must be placed under a [service_credentials] section and will be used by Ceilometer to retrieve information from OpenStack components.

Parameter Default Note
os_username ceilometer Username to use for openstack service access

os_password os_tenant_id


Password to use for openstack service access Tenant ID to use for openstack service access

os_tenant_name admin Tenant name to use for openstack service access
os_auth_url http://localhost:5000/v2.0 Auth URL to use for openstack service access
os_endpoint_type publicURL Endpoint type in the catalog to use to access services

Keystone Middleware Authentication

The following table lists the Keystone middleware authentication options which are used to get admin token. Please note that these options need to be under [keystone_authtoken] section.

Parameter Default Note


The host providing the Keystone service API endpoint for validating and requesting tokens

auth_port 35357 The port used to validate tokens
auth_protocol https The protocol used to validate tokens

auth_uri admin_token

admin_user admin_password admin_tenant_name signing_dir certfile keyfile


The full URI used to validate tokens Either this or the following three options are required. If set, this is a single shared secret with the Keystone configuration used to validate tokens. User name for retrieving admin token Password for retrieving admin token Tenant name for retrieving admin token The cache directory for signing certificate Required if Keystone server requires client cert Required if Keystone server requires client cert. This can be the same as certfile if the certfile includes the private key.

SQL Alchemy

Parameter Default Note
sql_connection_debug 0 Verbosity of SQL debugging information. 0=None, 100=Everything
sql_connection_trace False Add python stack traces to SQL as comment strings
sql_idle_timeout 3600 timeout before idle sql connections are reaped



maximum db connection retries during startup. (setting -1 implies an infinite retry count)

sql_retry_interval 10 interval between retries of opening a sql connection
mysql_engine InnoDB MySQL engine to use
sqlite_synchronous True If passed, use synchronous mode for sqlite


To configure HBase as your database backend:

1. To install an HBase server, for pure development purpose, you can just download the HBase image from Cloudera and get it up and running. Then the quickest way to check it is to run the HBase shell and try a list command which would return the list of the tables in your HBase server:

$ ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase shell

hbase> list


This driver has been tested against HBase 0.92.1/CDH 4.1.1, HBase 0.94.2/CDH 4.2.0, HBase 0.94.4/HDP 1.2 and HBase 0.94.5/Apache. Versions earlier than 0.92.1 are not supported due to feature incompatibility.

2. A few HBase tables are expected by Ceilometer. To create them, run the following:

$ ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase shell

hbase> create 'project', {NAME=>'f'}
hbase> create 'user', {NAME=>'f'}
hbase> create 'resource', {NAME=>'f'}
hbase> create 'meter', {NAME=>'f'}

3. This driver is implemented to use HBase Thrift interface so it's necessary to have the HBase Thrift server installed and started. When you have HBase installed, normally, HBase thrift server is turned on by default. If it's not, turn it on by running command hbase thrift start. The implementation uses HappyBase which is a wrapper library used to interact with HBase via Thrift protocol, you can verify the thrift connection by running a quick test from a client:

import happybase

conn = happybase.Connection(host=$hbase-thrift-server, port=9090, table_prefix=None)
print conn.tables() # this returns a list of HBase tables in your HBase server

4. The parameter "database_connection" needs to be configured to point to the Hbase Thrift server.

Parameter Value Note
database_connection hbase://$hbase-thrift-server:9090 Database connection string


If you are changing the configuration on the fly, you will need to restart the Ceilometer services that use the database to allow the changes to take affect, i.e. the collector and API services.

Event Conversion

The following options in the [event] configuration section affect the extraction of Event data from notifications.

Parameter Default Note



If set to True, then notifications with no matching event definition will be dropped. (Notifications will only be dropped if this is True)

definitions_cfg_file event_definitions.yaml Name of event definitions config file (yaml format)

General options

The following is the list of openstack-common options that we use:

Parameter Default Note
default_notification_level INFO Default notification level for outgoing notifications
default_publisher_id $host Default publisher_id for outgoing notifications
bind_host IP address to listen on
bind_port 9292 Port numver to listen on
port 5672 Rabbit MQ port to liste on
fake_rabbit False If passed, use a fake RabbitMQ provider
publish_errors False publish error events
use_stderr True Log output to standard error

logfile_mode log_dir log_file


Default file mode used when creating log files Log output to a per-service log file in named directory Log output to a named file

log_format date-time level name msg Log format

log_date_format log_config

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

Log date format Logging configuration file used. The options specified in that config file will override any other logging options specified in Ceilometer config file.

default_log_levels ['amqplib=WARN',sqlalchemy=WARN,...] Default log level per components
notification_topics ['notifications', ] AMQP topic used for openstack notifications
enabled_apis ['ec2', 'osapi_compute'] List of APIs to enable by default
verbose False Print more verbose output
debug False Print debugging output
state_path currentdir Top-level directory for maintaining nova state
sqlite_db nova.sqlite file name for sqlite
sql_connection sqlite:///$state_path/$sqlite_db connection string for sql database
matchmaker_ringfile /etc/nova/matchmaker_ring.json Matchmaker ring file (JSON)
rpc_zmq_bind_address '*' ZeroMQ bind address


ceilometer.openstack.common.rpc. matchmaker.MatchMakerLocalhost

MatchMaker drivers

rpc_zmq_port 9501 ZeroMQ receiver listening port
rpc_zmq_port_pub 9502 ZeroMQ fanout publisher port
rpc_zmq_contexts 1 Number of ZeroMQ contexts
rpc_zmq_ipc_dir /var/run/openstack Directory for holding IPC sockets
rabbit_port 5672 The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used
rabbit_host localhost The RabbitMQ broker address where a single node is used
rabbit_hosts ['$rabbit_host:$rabbit_port'] The list of rabbit hosts to listen to
rabbit_userid guest the RabbitMQ userid
rabbit_password guest the RabbitMQ password
rabbit_virtual_host / the RabbitMQ virtual host
rabbit_retry_interval 1 how frequently to retry connecting with RabbitMQ
rabbit_retry_backoff 2 how long to backoff for between retries when connecting



maximum retries with trying to connect to RabbitMQ (the default of 0 implies an infinite retry count)

rabbit_durable_queues False use durable queues in RabbitMQ
rabbit_use_ssl False connect over SSL for RabbitMQ
rabbit_durable_queues False use durable queues in RabbitMQ

rabbit_ha_queues kombu_ssl_version kombu_ssl_keyfile kombu_ssl_certfile kombu_ssl_ca_certs


use H/A queues in RabbitMQ (x-ha-policy: all). SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled) SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled) SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled) SSL certification authority file

qpid_hostname localhost Qpid broker hostname

qpid_port qpid_username qpid_password qpid_sasl_mechanisms


Qpid broker port Username for qpid connection Password for qpid connection Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth

qpid_reconnect_timeout 0 Reconnection timeout in seconds
qpid_reconnect_limit 0 Max reconnections before giving up
qpid_reconnect_interval_min 0 Minimum seconds between reconnection attempts
qpid_reconnect_interval_max 0 Maximum seconds between reconnection attempts
qpid_reconnect_interval 0 Equivalent to setting max and min to the same value
qpid_heartbeat 60 Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats
qpid_protocol tcp Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'
qpid_reconnect True Automatically reconnect
qpid_tcp_nodelay True Disable Nagle algorithm
rpc_backend kombu The messaging module to use, defaults to kombu.
rpc_thread_pool_size 64 Size of RPC thread pool
rpc_conn_pool_size 30 Size of RPC connection pool
rpc_response_timeout 60 Seconds to wait for a response from call or multicall



Seconds to wait before a cast expires (TTL). Only supported by impl_zmq.

dispatchers database The list of dispatchers to process metering data.

A sample configuration file can be found in ceilometer.conf.sample.


Pipelines describe chains of handlers, which can be transformers and/or publishers.

The chain can start with a transformer, which is responsible for converting the data, coming from the pollsters or notification handlers (for further information see the polling section), to the required format, which can mean dropping some parts of the sample, doing aggregation, changing field or deriving samples for secondary meters, like in case of cpu_util, see the example below, in the configuration details. The pipeline can contain multiple transformers or none at all.

The chains end with one or more publishers. This component makes it possible to persist the data into storage through the message bus or to send it to one or more external consumers. One chain can contain multiple publishers, see the multi-publisher section.

Pipeline configuration

Pipeline configuration by default, is stored in a separate configuration file, called pipeline.yaml, next to the ceilometer.conf file. The pipeline configuration file can be set in the pipeline_cfg_file parameter in ceilometer.conf. Multiple chains can be defined in one configuration file.

The chain definition looks like the following:

name: 'name of the pipeline'
interval: 'how often should the samples be injected into the pipeline'
    - 'meter filter'
transformers: 'definition of transformers'
    - 'list of publishers'

The interval should be defined in seconds.

There are several ways to define the list of meters for a pipeline. The list of valid meters can be found in the measurements section. There is a possibility to define all the meters, or just included or excluded meters, with which a pipeline should operate:

  • To include all meters, use the '*' wildcard symbol.
  • To define the list of meters, use either of the following:
    • To define the list of included meters, use the 'meter_name' syntax
    • To define the list of excluded meters, use the '!meter_name' syntax
    • For meters, which identify a complex Sample field, use the wildcard symbol to select all, e.g. for "instance:m1.tiny", use "instance:*"

The above definition methods can be used in the following combinations:

  • Only the wildcard symbol
  • The list of included meters
  • The list of excluded meters
  • Wildcard symbol with the list of excluded meters


At least one of the above variations should be included in the meters section. Included and excluded meters cannot co-exist in the same pipeline. Wildcard and included meters cannot co-exist in the same pipeline definition section.

The transformers section provides the possibility to add a list of transformer definitions. The names of the transformers should be the same as the names of the related extensions in setup.cfg.

The definition of transformers can contain the following fields:

    - name: 'name of the transformer'

The parameters section can contain transformer specific fields, like source and target fields with different subfields in case of the rate_of_change, which depends on the implementation of the transformer. In case of the transformer, which creates the cpu_util meter, the definition looks like the following:

    - name: "rate_of_change"
              name: "cpu_util"
              unit: "%"
              type: "gauge"
              scale: "100.0 / (10**9 * (resource_metadata.cpu_number or 1))"

The rate_of_change transformer generates the cpu_util meter from the sample values of the cpu counter, which represents cumulative CPU time in nanoseconds. The transformer definition above defines a scale factor (for nanoseconds, multiple CPUs, etc.), which is applied before the transformation derives a sequence of gauge samples with unit '%', from the original values of the cpu meter.

The definition for the disk I/O rate, which is also generated by the rate_of_change transformer:

    - name: "rate_of_change"
                  name: "disk\\.(read|write)\\.(bytes|requests)"
                  unit: "(B|request)"
                  name: "disk.\\1.\\2.rate"
                  unit: "\\1/s"
              type: "gauge"

The publishers section contains the list of publishers, where the samples data should be sent after the possible transformations. The names of the publishers should be the same as the related names of the plugins in setup.cfg.

The default configuration can be found in pipeline.yaml.