Simon Dodsley 591d155bda Resolve Sphinx Issues
With the release of Sphinx 4.4.0 this highlighed issues with duplicate
labels across multiple specs.

This patch fixes all the duplicate labels.

Change-Id: I9baf7c51e2fe9c397feae05a975ddecae7dceba8
2022-01-25 11:25:13 -05:00

5.5 KiB

Show resource's total count info in list APIs

This blueprint proposes adding total count info in Cinder's list APIs.

Problem description

Show how many resources a user or tenant has is usually required in the web portal's summary section, but since we introduced the pagination mechanism, we only could get the {resource}_link which tells us you have more resources. In order to show this kind of total number to the end user, many clouds have to collect all of the resources while they only have to display the first page of the resource.

Use Cases

The main use case is to have the administrators or users to know how many resources they have in total without retrieving and accumulating them all.

Proposed change

Having the total count information in list API response is not only a requirement for Cinder or OpenStack, it's a common requirement for the REST APIs, so find out what are others are doing may help us to have a better API model for this case.

  1. Facebook API support the total_count attribute in their list APIs1. And this is their API response:

      "data": [],
      "paging": {},
      "summary": {
        "total_count": 100
  2. JSON API org adds an example to demonstrate the usage of total-pages or count in their recommended examples2:

        "meta": {
            "total-pages": 10,
            "count": 100
        "data": [],
        "links": {
            "self": "",
            "prev": "",
            "next": ""
  3. StackExchange API also adds the total attribute in their Common Wrapper Object3. And this is how their response looks like:

       "items": [],
       "page": 12,
       "page_size": 100,
       "total": 1200,

Since we have already added the {resources}_links attribute into our list API response. It makes more reasonable to have the amount info added into the response (take volume for example):

  "volumes_links": [],
  "volumes": [],
  "count": 100

So, this bp proposes to add new attribute count in our list APIs ( including index and detail).

Based on our current pagination system4, if we add the count attribute into our response body in default, the db's query statement would be executed twice for only one query which obviously has a performance impact, considering not every request requires this kind of info, the additional query parameter is required to turn this on when listing resource:


Also, this is recommended by OpenStack API-WG5.

For the first step we only plan to add the summary support for our main resources: volumes, snapshots and backups.


There are few alternative solutions for this requirement, let's list and compare them all here.

  1. Add amount information in response header:

    X-resource-count: 200

The disadvantage of this is it will add some burden to the API customers, we don't have any history for adding useful content in response headers. Also it makes more difficult for documentation.

  1. Add explicit API for each resources:

    POST: /v3/{tenant_id}/{resources}/action {os-count}

This change involves a lot of modifications and creates several new APIs. Adding this amount of APIs for such a simple API change is overdesign.

  1. Create a new API for different resources:

    POST: /V3/{tenant_id}/action {os-count}
            "resource": "volume",
            "user": "user_1",
            "other_filter": "other_value"

For this change, one more API request is required if the end user wants to know how many resources in total when listing resources.

Data model impact


REST API impact

Microversion bump is required for this change.

Cinder-client impact

All of the list commands will be upgraded to support this.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance Impact

Since we will add additional COUNT() statement if the list APIs are requested with the summary option, there would be negative performance impact on those APIs, especially when there are a lot of data in database.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:


Work Items

  • Add summary option support in list APIs
  • Add related unit testcases
  • Update cinder-client and OSC.




  • Add unit tests to cover this change.

Documentation Impact

Update API documentation.





