This will now require a separate section "Use Cases". This was originally within "Problem description", but use cases seems to be missed when it was filled out. This will hopefully improve spec submission. Change-Id: I3615ca5ff5c46851e682739a8343242e2f1b0a8d
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Backup Notification
This blueprint proposes to add the notification support to the backup service in Cinder, so that cinder can report the usage status to Ceilometer in backup create, delete and restore.
Problem description
Cinder is supposed to send the notifications to ceilometer to report the resource usage status. This notification support has been implemented for the volume and the volume snapshot, but not the backup.
Use Cases
Proposed change
Create backup notification:
- Send a notification to inform the Ceilometer the backup create begins.
- Send a notification to inform the Ceilometer the backup create ends.
Delete backup notification:
- Send a notification to inform the Ceilometer the backup delete begins.
- Send a notification to inform the Ceilometer the backup delete ends.
Restore backup notification:
- Send a notification to inform the Ceilometer the backup restore begins.
- Send a notification to inform the Ceilometer the backup restore ends.
Progress notification:
- It is possible that some drivers can send a create.progress notifications periodically. We make it configurable if the backup driver supports to send periodic notifications.
The backup information sent to Ceilometer includes backup id, project id, user id, available zone, host, display name, creation time, status, volume id, size, service metadata, service and fail reason.
For the progress notification, an additional data indicating the percentage of the backup progress will be sent as well.
Data model impact
REST API impact
Security impact
Notifications impact
This blueprint will add the notification support for the backup service.
Other end user impact
Performance Impact
Other deployer impact
- The configuration option backup_object_number_per_notification has been added to indicate how many chunks or objects have been sent to the Ceilometer. It applies to the object or chunk based backup service, e.g. Swift, Ceph.
Developer impact
- Primary assignee:
Vincent Hou
- Other contributors:
Work Items
- Add the notification for the backup usage when creating a backup
- Add the notification for the backup usage when deleting a backup
- Add the notification for the backup usage when restoring a backup
- Add the progress notification for the backup usage when talking an object store as the backup service.
- Unit tests will be added for the backup notification calls.
Documentation Impact
- The configuration option to configure the progress notifications needs to be added for the backup driver, which supports to send this type of notification.
- Backup notification blueprint and bug replication design session https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/backup-notification https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1326431