This will now require a separate section "Use Cases". This was originally within "Problem description", but use cases seems to be missed when it was filled out. This will hopefully improve spec submission. Change-Id: I3615ca5ff5c46851e682739a8343242e2f1b0a8d
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EMC VNX Direct Driver Update
Include the URL of your launchpad blueprint:
Add more functionalities into EMC VNX Direct Driver.
Problem description
The following new functionalities will be added in this update:
- FC Support
- FC Auto Zoning Support
- Read-only Volume Support
- External Volume Management Suppport
- Advance LUN Features
- Compression Support
- Deduplication Support
- FAST VP Support
- FAST Cache Support
- Initiator Auto Registration
- Storage Group Auto Deletion
- iSCSI Target Portal Selection
- Multiple Authentication Type Support
- Security File Support
- Storage-Assisted Retype
- Storage-Assisted Volume Migration
- SP Toggle for HA
Use Cases
Proposed change
- FC Support
Add a new driver class.
- FC Auto Zoning Support
Add logic in intialize_connection() and terminate_connection() according to blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/cinder-fc-zone-manager and the fix for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder/+bug/1308318.
- Read-only Volume Support
Add logic in intialize_connection() according to blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/read-only-volumes.
- External Volume Management Suppport
Implement driver API according to blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/add-export-import-volumes.
- Advance LUN Features
Add logic to support more extra spec key-value pairs
- Initiator Auto Registration
Do logic in intialize_connection() to do EMC-specific initiator registration.
- Storage Group Auto Deletion
Add resource recycling logic in intialize_connection()
- iSCSI Target Portal Selection
Add logic in intialize_connection() to select target portal that is pingable from the initiator.
- Multiple Authentication Type Support
Add new option in configuration file so that the driver can use different authentication types that have been supported by VNX arrays.
- Security File Support
Add a new option in configuration file so that encrypted credentials can be used instead of credentials in plain text.
- Storage-Assisted Retype
Implement driver API according to blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/volume-retype.
- Storage-Assisted Volume Migration
Implement migrate_volume() so that VNX native LUN Migration is leveraged.
- SP Toggle for HA
Original implementation only send management requests to one SP. Since VNX arrays have dual SPs, the driver is enhanced to send requests to the other SP is one is down.
Data model impact
REST API impact
Security impact
Notifications impact
Other end user impact
Performance Impact
Other deployer impact
Developer impact
- Primary assignee:
- Other contributors:
Work Items
- Implement driver changes
- NaviSecCLI (a.k.a. Navisphere CLI)
- For Ubuntu x64, DEB is available in
- EMC OpenStack Github: https://github.com/emc-openstack/naviseccli
- For all other variants of Linux, Navisphere CLI is available at
- Downloads for VNX2 Series: https://support.emc.com/downloads/36656_VNX2-Series or
- Downloads for VNX1 Series: https://support.emc.com/downloads/12781_VNX1-Series.
Tempest test will used to qualify the driver update.
Documentation Impact
Need to update EMC VNX Direct Driver section of OpenStack Configuration Reference.