The README.rst has a lot of information that has been duplicated in the Sphinx maintained documentation (3600330). Remove dupes from README.rst Point to http://docs.openstack.org/developer/diskimage-builder/ Change summary: =====================+====================================== README.md | Sphinx document section | =====================+====================================== Installation | installation.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Invocation | invocation.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Requirements | installation.rst Speedups ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Caches/offline | caches.rst + changes from 849e9cb2 | fix some markup ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Install Types | install_types.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Writing an element | developing_elements.rst + fe7823a2 | `Testing element` from b9b6640f | `3rd party elements' from f1e7bf3a ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Existing elements | elements.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- What tools are there | components.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Design | design.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Change-Id: I578daa8e3a8d876b3ee3c9a748d7c8aa2bf7a0b7
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disk-image-create [-a i386|amd64|armhf] -o filename {element} [{element} ...]
Create an image of element {element}, optionally mixing in other elements. Element dependencies are automatically included. Support for other architectures depends on your environment being able to run binaries of that platform. For instance, to enable armhf on Ubuntu install the qemu-user-static package. The default output format from disk-image-create is qcow2. To instead output a tarball pass in "-t tar". This tarball could then be used as an image for a linux container(see docs/docker.md).
ramdisk-image-create -o filename {element} [{element} ...]
Create a kernel+ ramdisk pair for running maintenance on bare metal machines (deployment, inventory, burnin etc).
To generate kernel+ramdisk pair for use with nova-baremetal, use:
ramdisk-image-create -o deploy.ramdisk deploy-baremetal
To generate kernel+ramdisk pair for use with ironic, use:
ramdisk-image-create -o deploy.ramdisk deploy-ironic
Extract information about elements.
This runs a set of functional tests for diskimage-builder.
elements can be found in the top level elements directory.