The README.rst has a lot of information that has been duplicated in the Sphinx maintained documentation (3600330). Remove dupes from README.rst Point to http://docs.openstack.org/developer/diskimage-builder/ Change summary: =====================+====================================== README.md | Sphinx document section | =====================+====================================== Installation | installation.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Invocation | invocation.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Requirements | installation.rst Speedups ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Caches/offline | caches.rst + changes from 849e9cb2 | fix some markup ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Install Types | install_types.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Writing an element | developing_elements.rst + fe7823a2 | `Testing element` from b9b6640f | `3rd party elements' from f1e7bf3a ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Existing elements | elements.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- What tools are there | components.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Design | design.rst ---------------------+-------------------------------------- Change-Id: I578daa8e3a8d876b3ee3c9a748d7c8aa2bf7a0b7
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Image building tools for OpenStack
These tools are the components of TripleO (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TripleO) that are responsible for building disk images.
This repository has the core functionality for building disk images, file system images and ramdisk images for use with OpenStack (both virtual and bare metal). The core functionality includes the various operating system specific modules for disk/filesystem images, and deployment and hardware inventory ramdisks.
The TripleO project also develops elements that can be used to deploy OpenStack itself. These live in the TripleO elements repository (https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-image-elements).
Online documentation:
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