Adds a new "package" type to source-repositories. When the package type is specified in an origin-repository-* file the package name and type "package" need to be specified like so: nova package The existing map-packages mechanism can be used to map the specified package name to the actual distribution package names. The pre-configured package repositories on the image will be used to install the packages during the install.d phase of the image build. If the repo type is package, an environment.d hook script is updated with an environment variable which is sourced by dib-run-parts. This is so that other hooks, particularly in install.d, will know what repo type was used and can make the correct decision about doing a source install or not. Change-Id: Ief4e524664cd32d2087aeb3b1766f05e017de91e
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With this element other elements can register their installation source by placing their details in the file source-repository-*. An example of an element "custom-element" that wants to retrieve the ironic source from git and pbr from a tarball would be
File : elements/custom-element/source-repository-ironic
#<name> <type> <destination> <location> [<ref>]
# <ref> defaults to master if not specified
ironic git /usr/local/ironic git://git.openstack.org/openstack/ironic.git
File : elements/custom-element/source-repository-pbr
pbr tar /usr/local/pbr http://tarballs.openstack.org/pbr/pbr-master.tar.gz
diskimage-builder will then retrieve the sources specified and place them at the directory <destination>
A number of environment variables can be set by the process calling diskimage-builder which can change the details registered by the element, these are
DIB_REPOTYPE_<name> : change the registered type
DIB_REPOLOCATION_<name> : change the registered location
DIB_REPOREF_<name> : change the registered reference
for example if you would like diskimage-builder to get ironic from a local mirror you could set DIB_REPOLOCATION_ironic=git://localgitserver/ironic.git
Alternatively if you would like to use the keystone element and build an image with keystone from a stable branch then you would set DIB_REPOREF_keystone=stable/grizzly
If you wish to build an image using code from a gerrit review, you can set DIB_REPOLOCATION_ and DIB_REPOREF_ to the values given by gerrit in the fetch/pull section of a review. For example:
Git sources will be cloned to <destination>
Tarballs will be extracted to <destination>. Tarballs should contain a single topleval directory, regardless of the name of this top level directory it will be renamed to <destination>
The package type indicates the element should install from packages onto the root filesystem of the image build during the install.d phase.
If multiple elements register a source location with the same then source-repositories will exit with an error. Care should therefore be taken to only use elements together that download source to different locations.
The repository paths built into the image are stored in etc/dib-source-repositories, one repository per line. This permits later review of the repositories (by users or by other elements).
The repository names and types are written to an environment.d hook script at 01-source-repositories-environment. This allows later hook scripts during the install.d phase to know which install type to use for the element.