README had the wrong directory for closing out PTL and TC elections. Also close out TC & PTL election for Yoga Change-Id: I243e74e51ec23709e33c3ad4ece2ca80cbadf20a
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This repository contains OpenStack Elections reference documents
and tooling to run elections.
Election Process
PTL Elections
Selecting Election Dates
Things to keep in mind when selecting election dates:
* Election Dates must be as per the `TC charter <https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/charter.html>`_
which is "The election is held no later than 3 weeks prior to each
cycle final release date(on or before ‘R-3’ week)"
* At least 48 hours in between email deadline and poll start
* Consider extra-atcs approval deadlines
* Allow at least a week for nomination period
``setup-election-config`` can be used to pick some obvous dates that need to be
checked by the election officials and TC
As early as possible but at least a month before election starts:
* Edit elections details (timeline, cycle timeframe):
* ``edit configuration.yaml``
* Prepare new election, e.g.:
* ``tox -evenv -- create-directories``
* Commit to update website
* Update Release Schedule
A couple of weeks before election starts:
* Send *PTL Election Season* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails election_season``
PTL Candidacy Round
When PTL Candidacy start:
* Send *PTL Nominations Kickoff* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails nominations_kickoff``
During the PTL Candidacy round:
* Validate candidacy, e.g.:
* ``tox -evenv -- check-all-candidacies``, or
* ``tox -evenv -- ci-check-all-candidate-files candidates/release/project/candidates``, or
* ``tox -evenv -- check-candidacy change_id``
* To +2 a candidate:
* check commit link is indeed valid
* check filename is email address
* cursory check the candidacy statement
* To +Workflow, checks the previous +2 details, find another commits using
``--limit 5`` (optional)
* Check candidate list and fix badly generated names through changes to the
``exception.txt`` file or requesting the candidate to update thier OSF member
Once the email deadline is reached:
* Ask the TC chair to tag the governance repository
* Generate the electorate rolls. This generates the rolls for all project
teams even if they aren't going to hold an election.
* ``tox -evenv -- generate-rolls``
A couple of days before the candidacy submission ends:
* Render statistics and send *Motivation call for PTL candidacy round*, e.g.:
* ``tox -evenv -- render-statistics``
* Send *PTL Nominations Last Days* email:
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails nominations_last_days``
When PTL Candidacy submission ends:
* Send *PTL Nominations End* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails end_nominations``
* When the tag is available, generate ATC rolls, e.g.:
* ``tox -evenv -- generate-rolls``
* Compare ATC rolls with at least one other election official
PTL Election Round
When PTL Election begins:
* Send email to eligible electorates to opt in to CIVS voting system using
their Gerrit email address in https://civs1.civs.us/cgi-bin/opt_in.pl
* `Create CIVS page
* Upload rolls
* CIVS has a maximum number of electorate emails you can upload at a time
without crashing, limit to 500 at a time
* Send *PTL Voting Kickoff* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails voting_kickoff``
A couple of days before the PTL Election ends:
* Send *PTL Voting Last Days* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails voting_last_days``
When PTL Election ends:
* Close the election and update the results:
* ``tox -evenv -- close-election --round ptl``
* ``edit doc/sources/results/release/ptl.yaml`` and set election winners to ``true``
* NOTE: We no longer need document TC-APPOINTMENT or LEADERLESS as the
``update-governance`` step will communicate that to the TC and the process
in that repo will set the project leader.
* Commit the change and review the results
* Send *PTL Results* email
* This is ``doc/source/results/release/announce_ptl.rst`` generated by
building the docs with ``tox -e docs`` after
``doc/source/results/release/ptl.yaml`` has been created and updated
* Update governance repo:
* ``tox -e venv update-governance -- --governance-repo ../governance/``
TC Elections
Selecting Election Dates
Things to keep in mind when selecting election dates:
* Election Dates must be as per the `TC charter <https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/charter.html>`_
which is "The election is held no earlier than 6 weeks and no later
than 4 weeks prior to each cycle final release date (between ‘R-6’
and ‘R-4’ week)"
* Allow for at least 48 hours between email deadline and polling beginning
* Allow at least a week for nomination and campaign periods
``setup-election-config`` can be used to pick some obvous dates that need to be
checked by the election officials and TC
As early as possible but at least a month before election starts:
* Edit elections details (timeline, cycle timeframe):
* ``edit configuration.yaml``
* Commit to update website
* Update Release Schedule
A couple of weeks before election starts:
* Send *TC Election Season* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails election_season``
TC Candidacy Round
When TC Candidacy starts:
* Send *TC Nominations Kickoff* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails nominations_kickoff``
During the TC Candidacy round:
* To +2 a candidate:
* check candidate profile using https://www.openstack.org/community/members/
* check filename is email address
* cursory check the candidacy statement
* To +Workflow, check the previous +2 details
A couple of days before the candidacy submission ends:
* Send *TC Nominations Last Days* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails nominations_last_days``
When TC Candidacy submission ends:
* Send *TC End Nominations* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails end_nominations``
Once the email deadline is reached:
* Ask the TC chair to tag the governance repository
* Generate the electorate rolls.
* ``tox -evenv -- generate-rolls``
TC Campaigning
The TC election includes a period after the candidates are defined but before
the election, for candidates to answer questions from the community. Open this
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails campaigning_kickoff``
TC Election Round
Before TC Election begins:
* Send email to eligible electorates to opt in to CIVS voting system using
their Gerrit email address in https://civs1.civs.us/cgi-bin/opt_in.pl
* Create CIVS page
* Title the poll: $RELEASE Technical Committee Election Poll
* Enable detailed ballot reporting
* Send to other officials to verify
* Check number of seats
* Check closing date
When TC Election begins:
* Upload rolls
* CIVS has a maximum number of electorate emails you can upload at a time
without crashing, limit to 500 at a time* Send *TC Voting Kickoff* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails voting_kickoff``
A couple of days before the TC Election ends:
* Send *TC Voting Last Days* email
* ``tox -e venv -- template-emails voting_last_days``
When TC Election ends:
* Close the election
* Run: ``tox -e venv -- close-election --round tc``
* ``edit doc/source/results/release/tc.yaml`` setting the winners to ``true``
* Commit change and push review
* Send *TC Results* email
* This is ``doc/source/results/release/announce_tc.rst`` generated by
building the docs with ``tox -e docs`` after
``doc/source/results/release/tc.yaml`` has been created and updated
* Update ``reference/members`` in governance repository
* Add new members
* Remove ``chair`` and ``vice-chair`` from file
* Commit change and push review
* Update ``tc-election-summary.py`` with election statistics
* Optionally send *TC Election Statistics* email