This change improves candidate list rendering using gerrit to retrieve fullname. The list rendering now uses the openstack_election libraries and some part have been refactored accordingly. Change-Id: Iccba3e4c529740758323b51548a2144fc7c77879
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.. TODO: Update below definition for new elections
.. |Timeframe| replace:: Mitaka-Newton timeframe (September 5, 2015 00:00 UTC to September 4, 2016 23:59 UTC)
.. |PreferredEmailDeadLine| replace:: September 18, 2016
.. |Projects.yaml| replace:: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/tree/reference/projects.yaml?id=sept-2016-elections
.. |TCSeats| replace:: 6
OpenStack Election
.. include:: ../../candidates/events.rst
See `Election system`_, `PTL details`_ and `TC details`_.
Below is the official list of candidates for the current round.
.. TODO: Change from ptl.rst to tc.rst when TC rounds starts
.. include:: ../../candidates/ptl.rst
.. TODO: Adds TC Results and a link to `TC Candidates list`_ when TC candidacies are over
.. TODO: Adds PTL Results and a link to `PTL Candidates list`_ when PTL candidacies are over
Election Officials
* Tony Breeds (tonyb), tony at bakeyournoodle dot com
* Tristan Cacqueray (tristanC), tdecacqu at redhat dot com
* Nate Johnston (njohnston), openstacknate at gmail dot com
For any questions, please contact officials by mail or over irc at
#openstack-election Freenode channel.
.. _Election system:
Election System
Elections will be held using CIVS and a Condorcet algorithm
(Schulze/Beatpath/CSSD variant). Any tie will be broken using
The electorate for this election are the Foundation individual members that
are also committers for one of the `official project teams`_ repositories over
the |Timeframe|.
The electorate is requested to confirm their email address in gerrit,
review.openstack.org > Settings > Contact Information > Preferred Email,
prior to |PreferredEmailDeadLine| so that the emailed ballots are mailed
to the correct email address.
The electorate is expected to abide by the following general resolution:
Any member of an election electorate can propose their candidacy for the same
election. Nominees propose their candidacy by submitting a text file to the
openstack/election repository. See documentation below.
.. _How to submit a candidacy:
How to submit your candidacy
If you are not already familiar with OpenStack development workflow, see this
more detailed documentation:
Candidacies now need to be submitted as a text file to the openstack/election
repository. Here are the required steps:
* Clone the election repository:
git clone git://git.openstack.org/openstack/election ; cd election
* Create a new file candidates/newton/<project_name>/<irc_name>.txt
containing your candidate statement.
* Commit your candidacy: git add candidates/newton/*/*.txt;
git commit -m "Adding <your_name> candidacy for <project_name>"
* Submit your candidacy: git review
For example if John Doe (jdoe on IRC) wants to become the Newton Nova PTL,
he needs to write his candidacy to "candidates/newton/Nova/jdoe.txt"
After it's submitted to gerrit, verification and approval is being done by
elections officials. Then the approved candidate list above is updated.
.. _PTL details:
Project Team Leads' election
Elected Positions
Every `official project teams`_ must elect a PTL. PTLs are elected for 6 months.
Reference: |Projects.yaml|.
Except otherwise-noted in the project team description, the electorate for a
given PTL election are the Foundation individual members that are also
committers for one of the team's repositories over the |Timeframe|.
.. _TC details:
Technical Committee's election
Elected Positions
Under the rules of the `TC charter`_, we need to renew |TCSeats| TC seats for
this election. Seats are valid for one-year terms.
* Technical Committee member - |TCSeats| positions.
The electorate for this election are the Foundation individual members that
are also committers for one of the `official project teams`_ repositories over
the |Timeframe|.
Any individual member of the foundation can propose their candidacy
(except the last TC members who were elected at the previous election).
Nominees proposes their candidacy by submitting a text file to the
openstack/election repository. The file must be placed in
The candidacy is then confirmed by elections officials through gerrit vote.
See above `How to submit a candidacy`_ documentation.
.. TODO: add PTL Candidates list when PTL elections are over
.. TODO: add TC Candidates list when TC elections are over
.. seealso::
See the `Election Officiating Guidelines`_ page in the wiki for details on the
election process.
.. _Election Officiating Guidelines: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Election_Officiating_Guidelines
.. _Governance_TieBreaking: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/TieBreaking
.. _TC charter: https://governance.openstack.org/reference/charter.html
.. _official project teams: https://governance.openstack.org/reference/projects/index.html