Sharpz7 823a7c93bd Added Localdev Docs on changing microversion
Added some documentaition that details how to change the ironic localdev microversion for testing purposes.

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Exercising Ironic Services Locally
It can sometimes be helpful to run Ironic services locally, without needing a
full devstack environment or a server in a remote datacenter.
If you would like to exercise the Ironic services in isolation within your local
environment, you can do this without starting any other OpenStack services. For
example, this is useful for rapidly prototyping and debugging interactions between
client and API, exploring the Ironic API for the first time, and basic testing.
This guide assumes you have already installed all required Ironic prerequisites,
as documented in the prerequisites section of :ref:`unit`.
Using tox
Ironic provides a tox environment suitable for running a single-process Ironic
against sqlite. This utilizes the config in ``tools/ironic.conf.localdev`` to
setup a simple, all-in-one Ironic service useful for testing.
By default, this configuration uses sqlite with a backing file
``ironic/ironic.sqlite``. Deleting this file and restarting ironic will reset
you to a blank state.
#. If you haven't already downloaded the source code, do that first::
cd ~
git clone
cd ironic
#. Run the ironic all-in-one process::
tox -elocal-ironic-dev
#. In another window, utilize the client inside the tox venv::
. .tox/local-ironic-dev/bin/activate
export OS_AUTH_TYPE=none
baremetal driver list
#. Press CTRL+C in the window running ``tox -elocal-ironic-dev`` when you
are done.
You may wish to do this manually in order to give you more granular control
over library versions and configurations, to enable usage of a database
server backend, or to spin up a non-all-in-one Ironic.
Step 1: Create a Python virtualenv
#. If you haven't already downloaded the source code, do that first::
cd ~
git clone
cd ironic
#. Create the Python virtualenv::
tox -elocal-ironic-dev --notest --develop -r
#. Activate the virtual environment::
. .tox/local-ironic-dev/bin/activate
.. note:: This installs ``python-openstackclient`` and
``python-ironicclient`` from pypi. You can instead install them
from source by cloning the git repository, activating the venv,
and running `pip install -e .` while in the root of the git
#. Export some ENV vars so the client will connect to the local services
that you'll start in the next section::
export OS_AUTH_TYPE=none
export OS_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:6385/
Step 2: Install System Dependencies Locally
This step will install MySQL on your local system. This may not be desirable
in some situations (eg, you're developing from a laptop and do not want to run
a MySQL server on it all the time).
#. Install mysql-server:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo dnf install mariadb mariadb-server
sudo systemctl start mariadb.service
sudo zypper install mariadb
sudo systemctl start mysql.service
If using MySQL, you need to create the initial database::
mysql -u root -pMYSQL_ROOT_PWD -e "create schema ironic"
#. Use the localdev config as a template, and modify it::
# copy sample config and modify it as necessary
cp tools/ironic.conf.localdev etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local
# Add mysql database connection information to config
echo -e "\n[database]" >> etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local
echo -e "connection = mysql+pymysql://root:MYSQL_ROOT_PWD@localhost/ironic" >> etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local
# disable single-process mode and enable json-rpc
sed -i "s/rpc_transport = none/rpc_transport = json-rpc/" etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local
Step 3: Start the Services
From within the python virtualenv, run the following command to prepare the
database before you start the ironic services::
# initialize the database for ironic
ironic-dbsync --config-file etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local create_schema
Next, open two new terminals for this section, and run each of the examples
here in a separate terminal. In this way, the services will *not* be run as
daemons; you can observe their output and stop them with Ctrl-C at any time.
#. Start the API service in debug mode and watch its output::
cd ~/ironic
. .tox/local-ironic-dev/bin/activate
ironic-api -d --config-file etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local
#. Start the Conductor service in debug mode and watch its output::
cd ~/ironic
. .tox/local-ironic-dev/bin/activate
ironic-conductor -d --config-file etc/ironic/ironic.conf.local
Step 4: Interact with the running services
You should now be able to interact with ironic via the python client, which is
present in the python virtualenv, and observe both services' debug outputs in
the other two windows. This is a good way to test new features or play with the
functionality without necessarily starting DevStack.
To get started, export the following variables to point the client at the
local instance of ironic::
export OS_AUTH_TYPE=none
Then list the available commands and resources::
# get a list of available commands
baremetal help
# get the list of drivers currently supported by the available conductor(s)
baremetal driver list
# get a list of nodes (should be empty at this point)
baremetal node list
Here is an example walkthrough of creating a node::
# enroll the node with the fake hardware type and IPMI-based power and
# management interfaces. Note that driver info may be added at node
# creation time with "--driver-info"
NODE=$(baremetal node create --driver fake-hardware -f value -c uuid)
# node info may also be added or updated later on
baremetal node set $NODE --driver-info fake_driver_info=fake
baremetal node set $NODE --extra extradata=isfun
# view the information for the node
baremetal node show $NODE
# request that the node's driver validate the supplied information
baremetal node validate $NODE
# you have now enrolled a node sufficiently to be able to control
# its power state from ironic!
baremetal node power on $NODE
If you make some code changes and want to test their effects, simply stop the
services with Ctrl-C and restart them.
Step 5: Fixing your test environment
If you are testing changes that add or remove python entrypoints, or making
significant changes to ironic's python modules, or simply keep the virtualenv
around for a long time, your development environment may reach an inconsistent
state. It may help to delete cached ".pyc" files, update dependencies,
reinstall ironic, or even recreate the virtualenv. The following commands may
help with that, but are not an exhaustive troubleshooting guide::
# clear cached pyc files
cd ~/ironic/ironic
find ./ -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm
# reinstall ironic modules
cd ~/ironic
. .tox/local-ironic-dev/bin/activate
pip uninstall ironic
pip install -e .
# install and upgrade ironic and all python dependencies
cd ~/ironic
. .tox/local-ironic-dev/bin/activate
pip install -U -e .
Changing the Ironic Localdev Microversion
Localdev supports testing against a specific microversion, which is useful
for testing backwards compatibility or evaluating external tools with
different versions of the API.
Steps to Change the Microversion
To change the microversion, modify the ``ironic.conf.localdev`` file.
Instead of directly modifying the microversion, you should set the release
version corresponding to the microversion you intend to test. The mappings
between release versions and microversions (for the REST API) are maintained
in ``ironic/common/``.
For example, to set the microversion to **16.2**, you would adjust
the ``pin_release_version`` parameter:
.. code-block:: ini
# Set the release version corresponding to microversion 16.2
pin_release_version = 16.2
You can review the full configuration and release version mappings
in the `sample configuration documentation <>`_.
Resetting Localdev Setup
After changing the microversion, you need to reset the local development environment.
1. Delete the existing database file:
.. code-block:: bash
rm -f ironic/ironic.sqlite
2. Reinstall Ironic in the virtual environment:
.. code-block:: bash
. .tox/local-ironic-dev/bin/activate
pip uninstall ironic
pip install -e .
This change ensures that the APIs from the selected Ironic version
will be applied, based on the release-to-microversion mapping in
the Ironic codebase.