First, "Enabling Drivers" is a really confusing title, since this page links to complete driver documentation. It also links to IPA docs and the PXE driver interface. Next, our documentation is full of remarks about e.g. "pxe_* family of drivers", which are misleading in the presence of hardware types and the pxe_agent_cimc driver. We also have mentions of "iscsi deploy method" without detailed explanation of how this method relates to hardware types and classic drivers. This change consolidates drivers and interfaces documentation under the more clearly named root page. A new page is created with sections for both deploy interfaces to use for linking from wherever a link to a particular deploy interface is required. Change-Id: Ifb8328ccaaac443fac276873e2c375ebcf983f03
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Administrator's Guide
If you are a system administrator running Ironic, this section contains information that may help you understand how to operate and upgrade the services.
Drivers, Hardware Types and Hardware Interfaces <drivers> Ironic Python Agent <drivers/ipa> Node Hardware Inspection <inspection> Node Cleaning <cleaning> Node Adoption <adoption> RAID Configuration <raid> Configuring to boot from volume <boot-from-volume> Multi-tenant Networking <multitenancy> Port Groups <portgroups> Configuring Web or Serial Console <console> Enabling Notifications <notifications> Ceph Object Gateway <radosgw> Emitting Software Metrics <metrics> Auditing API Traffic <api-audit-support> Service State Reporting <gmr> Upgrade Guide <upgrade-guide> Security <security> Troubleshooting FAQ <troubleshooting>
Dashboard Integration
A plugin for the OpenStack Dashboard (horizon) service is under development. Documentation for that can be found within the ironic-ui project.
Dashboard (horizon) plugin <https://docs.openstack.org/ironic-ui/latest>