Kaifeng Wang 7c7744dfb3 Expose conductors: api
This patch implements API part to the feature of exposing conductors

A new API object Conductor is added to provide endpoints below:

* GET /v1/conductors for listing conductor resources
* GET /v1/conductors/{hostname} for showing a conductor

V1 endpoint discovery and default policy are updated.

A conductor field is added to Node API object, which returns in
/v1/nodes* related endpoints.

Considering patch size and microversion conflicting with other api
patches, api-ref would go in another patch if no strong opinions.

Story: 1724474
Task: 28064

Change-Id: Iec6aaabc46442a60e2d27e02c21e67234b84d77b
2018-12-04 09:13:24 +08:00

433 lines
12 KiB

REST API Version History
1.49 (Stein, master)
Added new endpoints for retrieving conductors information, and added a
``conductor`` field to node object.
1.48 (Stein, master)
Added ``protected`` field to the node object to allow protecting deployed nodes
from undeploying, rebuilding or deletion. Also added ``protected_reason``
to specify the reason of making the node protected.
1.47 (Stein, master)
Added ``automated_clean`` field to the node object, enabling cleaning per node.
1.46 (Rocky, 11.1.0)
Added ``conductor_group`` field to the node and the node response,
as well as support to the API to return results by matching
the parameter.
1.45 (Rocky, 11.1.0)
Added ``reset_interfaces`` parameter to node's PATCH request, to specify
whether to reset hardware interfaces to their defaults on driver's update.
1.44 (Rocky, 11.1.0)
Added ``deploy_step`` to the node object, to indicate the current deploy
step (if any) being performed on the node.
1.43 (Rocky, 11.0.0)
Added ``?detail=`` boolean query to the API list endpoints to provide a more
RESTful alternative to the existing ``/nodes/detail`` and similar endpoints.
1.42 (Rocky, 11.0.0)
Added ``fault`` to the node object, to indicate currently detected fault on
the node.
1.41 (Rocky, 11.0.0)
Added support to abort inspection of a node in the ``inspect wait`` state.
1.40 (Rocky, 11.0.0)
Added BIOS properties as sub resources of nodes:
* GET /v1/nodes/<node_ident>/bios
* GET /v1/nodes/<node_ident>/bios/<setting_name>
Added ``bios_interface`` field to the node object to allow getting and
setting the interface.
1.39 (Rocky, 11.0.0)
Added ``inspect wait`` to available provision states. A node is shown as
``inspect wait`` instead of ``inspecting`` during asynchronous inspection.
1.38 (Queens, 10.1.0)
Added provision_state verbs ``rescue`` and ``unrescue`` along with
the following states: ``rescue``, ``rescue failed``, ``rescue wait``,
``rescuing``, ``unrescue failed``, and ``unrescuing``. After rescuing
a node, it will be left in the ``rescue`` state running a rescue
ramdisk, configured with the ``rescue_password``, and listening with
ssh on the specified network interfaces. Unrescuing a node will return
it to ``active``.
Added ``rescue_interface`` to the node object, to
allow setting the rescue interface for a dynamic driver.
1.37 (Queens, 10.1.0)
Adds support for node traits, with the following new endpoints.
* GET /v1/nodes/<node identifier>/traits lists the traits for a node.
* PUT /v1/nodes/<node identifier>/traits sets all traits for a node.
* PUT /v1/nodes/<node identifier>/traits/<trait> adds a trait to a node.
* DELETE /v1/nodes/<node identifier>/traits removes all traits from a node.
* DELETE /v1/nodes/<node identifier>/traits/<trait> removes a trait from a
A node's traits are also included the following node query and list responses:
* GET /v1/nodes/<node identifier>
* GET /v1/nodes/detail
* GET /v1/nodes?fields=traits
Traits cannot be specified on node creation, nor can they be updated via a
PATCH request on the node.
1.36 (Queens, 10.0.0)
Added ``agent_version`` parameter to deploy heartbeat request for version
negotiation with Ironic Python Agent features.
1.35 (Queens, 9.2.0)
Added ability to provide ``configdrive`` when node is updated
to ``rebuild`` provision state.
1.34 (Pike, 9.0.0)
Adds a ``physical_network`` field to the port object. All ports in a
portgroup must have the same value in their ``physical_network`` field.
1.33 (Pike, 9.0.0)
Added ``storage_interface`` field to the node object to allow getting and
setting the interface.
Added ``default_storage_interface`` and ``enabled_storage_interfaces``
fields to the driver object to show the information.
1.32 (Pike, 9.0.0)
Added new endpoints for remote volume configuration:
* GET /v1/volume as a root for volume resources
* GET /v1/volume/connectors for listing volume connectors
* POST /v1/volume/connectors for creating a volume connector
* GET /v1/volume/connectors/<UUID> for showing a volume connector
* PATCH /v1/volume/connectors/<UUID> for updating a volume connector
* DELETE /v1/volume/connectors/<UUID> for deleting a volume connector
* GET /v1/volume/targets for listing volume targets
* POST /v1/volume/targets for creating a volume target
* GET /v1/volume/targets/<UUID> for showing a volume target
* PATCH /v1/volume/targets/<UUID> for updating a volume target
* DELETE /v1/volume/targets/<UUID> for deleting a volume target
Volume resources also can be listed as sub resources of nodes:
* GET /v1/nodes/<node identifier>/volume
* GET /v1/nodes/<node identifier>/volume/connectors
* GET /v1/nodes/<node identifier>/volume/targets
1.31 (Ocata, 7.0.0)
Added the following fields to the node object, to allow getting and
setting interfaces for a dynamic driver:
* boot_interface
* console_interface
* deploy_interface
* inspect_interface
* management_interface
* power_interface
* raid_interface
* vendor_interface
1.30 (Ocata, 7.0.0)
Added dynamic driver APIs:
* GET /v1/drivers now accepts a ``type`` parameter (optional, one of
``classic`` or ``dynamic``), to limit the result to only classic drivers
or dynamic drivers (hardware types). Without this parameter, both
classic and dynamic drivers are returned.
* GET /v1/drivers now accepts a ``detail`` parameter (optional, one of
``True`` or ``False``), to show all fields for a driver. Defaults to
* GET /v1/drivers now returns an additional ``type`` field to show if the
driver is classic or dynamic.
* GET /v1/drivers/<name> now returns an additional ``type`` field to show
if the driver is classic or dynamic.
* GET /v1/drivers/<name> now returns additional fields that are null for
classic drivers, and set as following for dynamic drivers:
* The value of the default_<interface-type>_interface is the entrypoint
name of the calculated default interface for that type:
* default_boot_interface
* default_console_interface
* default_deploy_interface
* default_inspect_interface
* default_management_interface
* default_network_interface
* default_power_interface
* default_raid_interface
* default_vendor_interface
* The value of the enabled_<interface-type>_interfaces is a list of
entrypoint names of the enabled interfaces for that type:
* enabled_boot_interfaces
* enabled_console_interfaces
* enabled_deploy_interfaces
* enabled_inspect_interfaces
* enabled_management_interfaces
* enabled_network_interfaces
* enabled_power_interfaces
* enabled_raid_interfaces
* enabled_vendor_interfaces
1.29 (Ocata, 7.0.0)
Add a new management API to support inject NMI,
'PUT /v1/nodes/(node_ident)/management/inject_nmi'.
1.28 (Ocata, 7.0.0)
Add '/v1/nodes/<node identifier>/vifs' endpoint for attach, detach and list of VIFs.
1.27 (Ocata, 7.0.0)
Add ``soft rebooting`` and ``soft power off`` as possible values
for the ``target`` field of the power state change payload, and
also add ``timeout`` field to it.
1.26 (Ocata, 7.0.0)
Add portgroup ``mode`` and ``properties`` fields.
1.25 (Ocata, 7.0.0)
Add possibility to unset chassis_uuid from a node.
1.24 (Ocata, 7.0.0)
Added new endpoints '/v1/nodes/<node>/portgroups' and '/v1/portgroups/<portgroup>/ports'.
Added new field ``port.portgroup_uuid``.
1.23 (Ocata, 7.0.0)
Added '/v1/portgroups/ endpoint.
1.22 (Newton, 6.1.0)
Added endpoints for deployment ramdisks.
1.21 (Newton, 6.1.0)
Add node ``resource_class`` field.
1.20 (Newton, 6.1.0)
Add node ``network_interface`` field.
1.19 (Newton, 6.1.0)
Add ``local_link_connection`` and ``pxe_enabled`` fields to the port object.
1.18 (Newton, 6.1.0)
Add ``internal_info`` readonly field to the port object, that will be used
by ironic to store internal port-related information.
1.17 (Newton, 6.0.0)
Addition of provision_state verb ``adopt`` which allows an operator
to move a node from ``manageable`` state to ``active`` state without
performing a deployment operation on the node. This is intended for
nodes that have already been deployed by external means.
1.16 (Mitaka, 5.0.0)
Add ability to filter nodes by driver.
1.15 (Mitaka, 5.0.0)
Add ability to do manual cleaning when a node is in the manageable
provision state via PUT v1/nodes/<identifier>/states/provision,
target:clean, clean_steps:[...].
1.14 (Liberty, 4.2.0)
Make the following endpoints discoverable via Ironic API:
* '/v1/nodes/<UUID or logical name>/states'
* '/v1/drivers/<driver name>/properties'
1.13 (Liberty, 4.2.0)
Add a new verb ``abort`` to the API used to abort nodes in
``CLEANWAIT`` state.
1.12 (Liberty, 4.2.0)
This API version adds the following abilities:
* Get/set ``node.target_raid_config`` and to get
* Retrieve the logical disk properties for the driver.
1.11 (Liberty, 4.0.0, breaking change)
Newly registered nodes begin in the ``enroll`` provision state by default,
instead of ``available``. To get them to the ``available`` state,
the ``manage`` action must first be run to verify basic hardware control.
On success the node moves to ``manageable`` provision state. Then the
``provide`` action must be run. Automated cleaning of the node is done and
the node is made ``available``.
1.10 (Liberty, 4.0.0)
Logical node names support all RFC 3986 unreserved characters.
Previously only valid fully qualified domain names could be used.
1.9 (Liberty, 4.0.0)
Add ability to filter nodes by provision state.
1.8 (Liberty, 4.0.0)
Add ability to return a subset of resource fields.
1.7 (Liberty, 4.0.0)
Add node ``clean_step`` field.
1.6 (Kilo)
Add :ref:`inspection` process: introduce ``inspecting`` and ``inspectfail``
provision states, and ``inspect`` action that can be used when a node is in
``manageable`` provision state.
1.5 (Kilo)
Add logical node names that can be used to address a node in addition to
the node UUID. Name is expected to be a valid `fully qualified domain
name`_ in this version of API.
1.4 (Kilo)
Add ``manageable`` state and ``manage`` transition, which can be used to
move a node to ``manageable`` state from ``available``.
The node cannot be deployed in ``manageable`` state.
This change is mostly a preparation for future inspection work
and introduction of ``enroll`` provision state.
1.3 (Kilo)
Add node ``driver_internal_info`` field.
1.2 (Kilo, breaking change)
Renamed NOSTATE (``None`` in Python, ``null`` in JSON) node state to
``available``. This is needed to reduce confusion around ``None`` state,
especially when future additions to the state machine land.
1.1 (Kilo)
This was the initial version when API versioning was introduced.
Includes the following changes from Kilo release cycle:
* Add node ``maintenance_reason`` field and an API endpoint to
set/unset the node maintenance mode.
* Add sync and async support for vendor passthru methods.
* Vendor passthru endpoints support different HTTP methods, not only
* Make vendor methods discoverable via the Ironic API.
* Add logic to store the config drive passed by Nova.
This has been the minimum supported version since versioning was
1.0 (Juno)
This version denotes Juno API and was never explicitly supported, as API
versioning was not implemented in Juno, and 1.1 became the minimum
supported version in Kilo.
.. _fully qualified domain name: