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Releasing Ironic Projects
Since the responsibility for releases will move between people, we document
that process here.
A full list of projects that ironic manages is available in the `governance
.. _`governance site`:
Who is responsible for releases?
The current PTL is ultimately responsible for making sure code gets released.
They may choose to delegate this responsibility to a liaison, which is
documented in the `cross-project liaison wiki`_.
Anyone may submit a release request per the process below, but the PTL or
liaison must +1 the request for it to be processed.
.. _`cross-project liaison wiki`:
Release process
Releases are managed by the OpenStack release team. The release process is
documented in the `Project Team Guide`_.
.. _`Project Team Guide`:
What do we have to release?
The ironic project has a number of deliverables under its governance. The
ultimate source of truth for this is `projects.yaml
in the governance repository. These deliverables have varying release models,
and these are defined in the `deliverables YAML files
<>`__ in
the releases repository.
In general, ironic deliverables follow the `cycle-with-intermediary
release model.
Non-client libraries
The following deliverables are non-client libraries:
* ironic-lib
* metalsmith
* sushy
Client libraries
The following deliverables are client libraries:
* python-ironicclient
* python-ironic-inspector-client
* sushy-cli
Normal release
The following deliverables are Neutron plugins:
* networking-baremetal
* networking-generic-switch
The following deliverables are Horizon plugins:
* ironic-ui
The following deliverables are Tempest plugins:
* ironic-tempest-plugin
The following deliverables are services, or treated as such:
* bifrost
* ironic
* ironic-inspector
* ironic-prometheus-exporter
* ironic-python-agent
The following deliverables are released `independently
* ironic-python-agent-builder
* molteniron
* sushy-tools
* tenks
* virtualbmc
Not released
The following deliverables do not need to be released:
* ironic-inspector-specs
* ironic-specs
Things to do before releasing
* Review the unreleased release notes, if the project uses them. Make sure
they follow our :ref:`standards <faq_release_note>`, are coherent, and have
proper grammar.
Combine release notes if necessary (for example, a release note for a
feature and another release note to add to that feature may be combined).
* For ironic releases only, not ironic-inspector releases: if any new API
microversions have been added since the last release, update the REST API
version history (``doc/source/contributor/webapi-version-history.rst``) to
indicate that they were part of the new release.
* To support rolling upgrades, add this new release version (and release name
if it is a named release) into ``ironic/common/``:
* in ``RELEASE_MAPPING`` make a copy of the ``master`` entry, and rename the
first ``master`` entry to the new semver release version.
* If this is a named release, add a ``RELEASE_MAPPING`` entry for the named
release. Its value should be the same as that of the latest semver one
(that you just added above).
It is important to do this before a stable/<release> branch is made (or if
`the grenade switch is made <>`_
to use the latest release from stable as the 'old' release).
Otherwise, once it is made, CI (the grenade job that tests new-release ->
master) will fail.
* Check for any open patches that are close to be merged or release critical.
This usually includes important bug fixes and/or features that we'd like to
release, including the related documentation.
How to propose a release
The steps that lead to a release proposal are mainly manual, while proposing
the release itself is almost a 100% automated process, accomplished by
following the next steps:
* Clone the `openstack/releases <>`_
repository. This is where deliverables are tracked and all the automation
* Under the ``deliverables`` directory you can see yaml files for each
deliverable (i.e. subproject) grouped by release cycles.
* The ``_independent`` directory contains yaml files for deliverables that
are not bound to (official) cycles (e.g. ironic-python-agent-builder).
* To check the changes we're about to release we can use the tox environment
``list-unreleased-changes``, with this syntax:
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e venv -- list-unreleased-changes <series> <deliverable>
The ``series`` argument is a release series (i.e. master or train,
not stable/ussuri or stable/train).
For example, assuming we're in the main directory of the releases repository,
to check the changes in the ussuri series for ironic-python-agent
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e venv -- list-unreleased-changes ussuri openstack/ironic-python-agent
* To update the deliverable file for the new release, we use a scripted process
in the form of a tox environment called ``new-release``.
To get familiar with it and see all the options, type:
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e venv -- new-release -h
Now, based on the list of changes we found in the precedent step, and the
release notes, we need to decide on whether the next version will be major,
minor (feature) or patch (bugfix).
Note that in this case ``series`` is a code name (train, ussuri), not a
branch. That is also valid for the current development branch (master) that
takes the code name of the future stable release, for example if the future
stable release code name is wallaby, we need to use wallaby as ``series``.
The ``--stable-branch argument`` is used only for branching in the end of a
cycle, independent projects are not branched this way though.
The ``--intermediate-branch`` option is used to create an intermediate
bugfix branch following the
`new release model for ironic projects <>`_.
To propose the release, use the script to update the deliverable file, then
commit the change, and propose it for review.
For example, to propose a minor release for ironic in the master branch
(current development branch), considering that the code name of the future
stable release is wallaby, use:
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e venv -- new-release -v wallaby ironic feature
Remember to use a meaningful topic, usually using the name of the
deliverable, the new version and the branch, if applicable.
A good commit message title should also include the same, for example
"Release ironic 1.2.3 for ussuri"
* As an optional step, we can use ``tox -e list-changes`` to double-check the
changes before submitting them for review.
Also ``tox -e validate`` (it might take a while to run based on the number of
changes) does some some sanity-checks, but since everything is scripted,
there shouldn't be any issue.
All the scripts are designed and maintained by the release team; in case of
questions or doubts or if any errors should arise, you can reach to them in
the IRC channel ``#openstack-release``; all release liaisons should be
present there.
* After the change is up for review, the PTL or a release liaison will have to approve
it before it can get approved by the release team. Then, it will be processed
automatically by zuul.
Things to do after releasing
When a release is done that results in a stable branch
When a release is done that results in a stable branch for the project,
several changes need to be made.
The release automation will push a number of changes that need to be approved.
This includes:
* In the new stable branch:
* a change to point ``.gitreview`` at the branch
* a change to update the upper constraints file used by ``tox``
* In the master branch:
* updating the release notes RST to include the new branch.
The generated RST does not include the version range in the title, so we
typically submit a follow-up patch to do that. An example of this patch is
`here <>`__.
* update the `templates` in `.zuul.yaml` or `zuul.d/project.yaml`.
The update is necessary to use the job for the next release
`openstack-python3-<next_release>-jobs`. An example of this patch is
`here <>`__.
We need to submit patches for changes in the stable branch to:
* update the ironic devstack plugin to point at the branched tarball for IPA.
An example of this patch is
`here <>`_.
* update links in the documentation (``ironic/doc/source/``) to point to the
branched versions of any openstack projects' (that branch) documents.
As of Pike release, the only outlier is
`diskimage-builder <>`_.
* set appropriate defaults for ``TEMPEST_BAREMETAL_MIN_MICROVERSION`` and
``TEMPEST_BAREMETAL_MAX_MICROVERSION`` in ``devstack/lib/ironic`` to make sure
that unsupported API tempest tests are skipped on stable branches. E.g.
`patch 495319 <>`_.
We need to submit patches for changes on master to:
* create an empty commit with a ``Sem-Ver`` tag to bump the generated minor
version. See `example
and `pbr documentation
<>`_ for details.
* to support rolling upgrades, since the release was a named release, we
need to make these changes. Note that we need to wait until *after* the
switch in grenade is made to test the latest release (N) with master
(e.g. `for stable/queens <>`_).
Doing these changes sooner -- after the ironic release and before the switch
when grenade is testing the prior release (N-1) with master, will cause
the tests to fail. (You may want to ask/remind infra/qa team, as to
when they will do this switch.)
* In ``ironic/common/``, delete any entries from
``RELEASE_MAPPING`` associated with the oldest named release. Since we
support upgrades between adjacent named releases, the master branch will
only support upgrades from the most recent named release to master.
* remove any DB migration scripts from ``ironic.cmd.dbsync.ONLINE_MIGRATIONS``
and remove the corresponding code from ironic. (These migration scripts
are used to migrate from an old release to this latest release; they
shouldn't be needed after that.)
* remove any model class names from ``ironic.cmd.dbsync.NEW_MODELS``.
Ironic Tempest plugin
As **ironic-tempest-plugin** is branchless, we need to submit a patch adding
stable jobs to its master branch. `Example for Queens
Bifrost needs to be updated to install dependencies using the stable branch.
`Example for Victoria <>`_. The upper
constraints file referenced in ``scripts/`` needs to be updated
to the new release.
For all releases
For all releases, whether or not it results in a stable branch:
* update the specs repo to mark any specs completed in the release as
* remove any -2s on patches that were blocked until after the release.