We need a simple "how to reach out to us" page that is not mixed with code contribution guide. This change adds it by moving information around and polishing it a bit. Change-Id: I0a458c3baddaaa2226cd2105d6325025a0c81f05
4.7 KiB
Developer's Guide
Getting Started
If you are new to ironic, this section contains information that should help you get started as a developer working on the project or contributing to the project.
Bare Metal Community <community> Developer Contribution Guide <contributing> Bugs Reporting and Triaging Guide <bugs> Setting Up Your Development Environment <dev-quickstart> Priorities <https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/ironic-specs/#priorities> Specifications <https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/ironic-specs/> Frequently Asked Questions <faq> Contributor Vision <vision> OpenStack Vision <vision-reflection>
The following pages describe the architecture of the Bare Metal service and may be helpful to anyone working on or with the service, but are written primarily for developers.
Ironic System Architecture <architecture> Developing New Notifications <notifications> OSProfiler Tracing <osprofiler-support> Rolling Upgrades <rolling-upgrades> Role Based Access Control Testing <rbac-testing>
These pages contain information for PTLs, cross-project liaisons, and core reviewers.
Releasing Ironic Projects <releasing> Ironic Governance Structure <governance>
Writing Drivers
Ironic's community includes many hardware vendors who contribute drivers that enable more advanced functionality when Ironic is used in conjunction with that hardware. To do this, the Ironic developer community is committed to standardizing on a Python Driver API that meets the common needs of all hardware vendors, and evolving this API without breaking backwards compatibility. However, it is sometimes necessary for driver authors to implement functionality - and expose it through the REST API - that can not be done through any existing API.
To facilitate that, we also provide the means for API calls to be "passed through" ironic and directly to the driver. Some guidelines on how to implement this are provided below. Driver authors are strongly encouraged to talk with the developer community about any implementation using this functionality.
Driver Overview <drivers> Writing "vendor_passthru" methods <vendor-passthru> Creating new BIOS interfaces <bios_develop> Third party continuous integration testing <third-party-ci> Writing Deploy or Clean Steps <deploy-steps>
Testing Network Integration
In order to test the integration between the Bare Metal and Networking services, support has been added to devstack to mimic an external physical switch. Here we include a recommended configuration for devstack to bring up this environment.
Configuring Devstack for multitenant network testing <ironic-multitenant-networking>
Testing Boot-from-Volume
Starting with the Pike release, it is also possible to use DevStack for testing booting from Cinder volumes with VMs.
Configuring Devstack for boot-from-volume testing <ironic-boot-from-volume>
Full Ironic Server Python API Reference
Understanding the Ironic's CI
It's important to understand the role of each job in the CI, how to add new jobs and how to debug failures that may arise. To facilitate that, we have created the documentation below.
Job roles in the CI <jobs-description> How to add a new job? <adding-new-job> How to debug failures in CI jobs <debug-ci-failures>
Our policy for stable branches
Stable branches that are on Extended
Maintenance and haven't received backports in a while, can be tagged
as Unmaintained
, after discussions within the ironic
community. If such a decision is taken, an email will be sent to the
OpenStack mailing list.
What does Unmaintained
mean? The branch still exists,
but the ironic upstream community will not actively backport patches
from maintained branches. Fixes can still be merged, though, if pushed
into review by operators or other downstream developers. It also means
that branchless projects (e.g.: ironic-tempest-plugin), may not have
configurations that are compatible with those branches.
As of 09 March 2020, the list of Unmaintained
- Ocata (Last commit - Jun 28, 2019)
- Pike (Last commit - Oct 2, 2019)