To avoid a reboot when running the kayobe scripts, we disable selinux before running the scripts. We do this using the provision reload plugin that allows us to do a vagrant reload while provisioning the VM.
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This section describes how to set up an OpenStack controller in a virtual machine using Vagrant and Kayobe.
First, ensure that Vagrant is installed and correctly configured to use virtual box. Also install the following vagrant plugins:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
Note: if using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, you may be unable to install any plugins. To work around this install the upstream version from www.virtualbox.org.
Next, clone kayobe:
git clone https://github.com/stackhpc/kayobe
Change the current directory to the kayobe repository:
cd kayobe
Inspect kayobe's Vagrantfile
, noting the provisioning
less Vagrantfile
Bring up a virtual machine:
vagrant up
Wait for the VM to boot.
SSH into the controller VM:
vagrant ssh
Source the kayobe virtualenv activation script:
source kayobe-venv/bin/activate
Change the current directory to the Vagrant shared directory:
cd /vagrant
Source the kayobe environment file:
source kayobe-env
Bootstrap the kayobe control host:
kayobe control host bootstrap
Configure the controller host:
kayobe overcloud host configure
During execution of this command, SELinux will be disabled and the VM will be rebooted, causing you to be logged out. Wait for the VM to finish rebooting and log in, performing the same environment setup steps as before:
vagrant ssh
source kayobe-venv/bin/activate
cd /vagrant
source kayobe-env
Run the host configuration command again to completion:
kayobe overcloud host configure
At this point, container images must be acquired. They can either be built locally or pulled from an image repository if appropriate images are available.
Either build container images:
kayobe overcloud container image build
Or pull container images:
kayobe overcloud container image pull
Deploy the control plane services:
kayobe overcloud service deploy
Source the OpenStack environment file:
source ${KOLLA_CONFIG_PATH:-/etc/kolla}/admin-openrc.sh
Perform post-deployment configuration:
kayobe overcloud post configure
Next Steps
The OpenStack control plane should now be active. Try out the following:
- register a user
- create an image
- upload an SSH keypair
- access the horizon dashboard
The cloud is your oyster!
To Do
Create virtual baremetal nodes to be managed by the OpenStack control plane.