* Capitalise all usages of "Ansible", "Kolla", and "OpenStack" * Add note to let users know ssh key setup is not necessary for the aio demo. * Add note to remind users to update the koalla_directory variable. Change-Id: Icb5c1237aa5de049445cb417e565da550dc87daf
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Koalla - Kolla with Ansible!
Koalla extends the Kolla project past TripleO into its own bonified deployment system using Ansible and docker-compose.
Getting Started
To run the Ansible playbooks, you must specify an inventory file which tracks all of the available nodes in your environment. With this inventory file Ansible will log into each node via ssh (configurable) and run tasks. Ansible does not require password less logins via ssh, however it is highly recommended to setup ssh-keys.
Two sample inventory files are provided, all-in-one, and multinode. The "all-in-one" inventory defaults to use the Ansible "local" connection type, which removes the need to setup ssh keys in order to get started quickly.
More information on the Ansible inventory file can be found here.
You can adjust variables for your environment in the file: "./kolla/ansible/group_vars/all.yml" Ensure that the koalla_directory variable matches where you have Kolla cloned on the target machine(s).
For All-In-One deploys, you can run the following commands. These will setup all of the containers on your localhost.
cd ./kolla/ansible
ansible-playbook -i inventory/all-in-one site.yml
To run the playbooks for only a particular service, you can use Ansible tags. Multiple tags may be specified, and order is still determined by the playbooks.
cd ./kolla/ansible
ansible-playbook -i inventory/all-in-one site.yml --tags message-broker
ansible-playbook -i inventory/all-in-one site.yml --tags message-broker,database
Further Reading
Ansible playbook documentation can be found here.