Jean-Philippe Evrard d27e329a5a [Docs] Move Ceph example to user guides
Moving the ceph example into the user guide.
This structure also allows more text content, with for example
a guide for integrating with a ceph cluster deployed outside
OSA, and other ceph integrations (Rados GW for example)

Change-Id: Ib3eb33e23cfc50966b41842a02feeaf21f836450
2018-02-22 09:49:24 +00:00

4 lines
34 KiB

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stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(339.4882 105.551184)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="17.623832" y="8" textLength="28.453125">Rsyslog</tspan></text></g><path d="M 22.173226 155.90552 L 91.2126 155.90552 C 95.63088 155.90552 99.2126 159.48724 99.2126 163.90552 L 99.2126 176.25197 C 99.2126 180.67025 95.63088 184.25197 91.2126 184.25197 L 22.173226 184.25197 C 17.754948 184.25197 14.173226 180.67025 14.173226 176.25197 L 14.173226 163.90552 C 14.173226 159.48724 17.754948 155.90552 22.173226 155.90552 Z" fill="red"/><path d="M 22.173226 155.90552 L 91.2126 155.90552 C 95.63088 155.90552 99.2126 159.48724 99.2126 163.90552 L 99.2126 176.25197 C 99.2126 180.67025 95.63088 184.25197 91.2126 184.25197 L 22.173226 184.25197 C 17.754948 184.25197 14.173226 180.67025 14.173226 176.25197 L 14.173226 163.90552 C 14.173226 159.48724 17.754948 155.90552 22.173226 155.90552 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(19.173226 156.078745)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="24.172031" y="11" textLength="30.029297">Load </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="13.839024" y="25" textLength="47.361328">Balancer</tspan></text><text transform="translate(47.51575 392.18899)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x=".3178711" y="10" textLength="93.36426">Infrastructure service</tspan></text><text transform="translate(188.08268 392.18899)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x=".037109375" y="10" textLength="83.92578">OpenStack service</tspan></text><text transform="translate(329.81497 392.18899)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="10" font-weight="500" x=".47802734" y="10" textLength="70.043945">Logging service</tspan></text><circle cx="28.346457" cy="396.8504" r="8.5039505" fill="#740000"/><path d="M 22.173226 198.4252 L 91.2126 198.4252 C 95.63088 198.4252 99.2126 202.00692 99.2126 206.4252 L 99.2126 218.77166 C 99.2126 223.18994 95.63088 226.77166 91.2126 226.77166 L 22.173226 226.77166 C 17.754948 226.77166 14.173226 223.18994 14.173226 218.77166 L 14.173226 206.4252 C 14.173226 202.00692 17.754948 198.4252 22.173226 198.4252 Z" fill="red"/><path d="M 22.173226 198.4252 L 91.2126 198.4252 C 95.63088 198.4252 99.2126 202.00692 99.2126 206.4252 L 99.2126 218.77166 C 99.2126 223.18994 95.63088 226.77166 91.2126 226.77166 L 22.173226 226.77166 C 17.754948 226.77166 14.173226 223.18994 14.173226 218.77166 L 14.173226 206.4252 C 14.173226 202.00692 17.754948 198.4252 22.173226 198.4252 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(19.173226 198.59843)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="24.172031" y="11" 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stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(430.19686 47.519686)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="13.173983" y="11" textLength="52.02539">Compute </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="25.182772" y="25" textLength="24.673828">Host</tspan></text><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 438.86615 76.535435 L 496.56694 76.535435 C 500.98522 76.535435 504.56694 80.117157 504.56694 84.535435 L 504.56694 96.88189 C 504.56694 101.30017 500.98522 104.88189 496.56694 104.88189 L 438.86615 104.88189 C 434.44787 104.88189 430.86615 101.30017 430.86615 96.88189 L 430.86615 84.535435 C 430.86615 80.117157 434.44787 76.535435 438.86615 76.535435 Z" fill="#94c6f0"/><path d="M 438.86615 76.535435 L 496.56694 76.535435 C 500.98522 76.535435 504.56694 80.117157 504.56694 84.535435 L 504.56694 96.88189 C 504.56694 101.30017 500.98522 104.88189 496.56694 104.88189 L 438.86615 104.88189 C 434.44787 104.88189 430.86615 101.30017 430.86615 96.88189 L 430.86615 84.535435 C 430.86615 80.117157 434.44787 76.535435 438.86615 76.535435 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(435.86615 80.708664)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="15.619927" y="8" textLength="32.460938">Compute</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="12.735161" y="18" textLength="38.230469">Hypervisor</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 438.86615 110.551184 L 496.56694 110.551184 C 500.98522 110.551184 504.56694 114.132906 504.56694 118.551184 L 504.56694 130.89764 C 504.56694 135.31592 500.98522 138.89764 496.56694 138.89764 L 438.86615 138.89764 C 434.44788 138.89764 430.86615 135.31592 430.86615 130.89764 L 430.86615 118.551184 C 430.86615 114.132906 434.44788 110.551184 438.86615 110.551184 Z" fill="#94c6f0"/><path d="M 438.86615 110.551184 L 496.56694 110.551184 C 500.98522 110.551184 504.56694 114.132906 504.56694 118.551184 L 504.56694 130.89764 C 504.56694 135.31592 500.98522 138.89764 496.56694 138.89764 L 438.86615 138.89764 C 434.44788 138.89764 430.86615 135.31592 430.86615 130.89764 L 430.86615 118.551184 C 430.86615 114.132906 434.44788 110.551184 438.86615 110.551184 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(435.86615 114.72441)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="11.842582" y="8" textLength="40.015625">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="14.055473" y="18" textLength="11.121094">L2 </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="24.739067" y="18" textLength="24.90625">Agents</tspan></text></g><circle cx="170.07875" cy="396.8504" r="8.5039505" fill="#94c6f0"/><circle cx="311.81103" cy="396.8504" r="8.5039505" fill="#ccc"/><text transform="translate(80.12599 12.015743)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="16" font-weight="500" x="31.401548" y="15" textLength="401.99219">Host and Service Layout - Production Ceph Environment</tspan></text><path d="M 22.173226 42.519686 L 91.2126 42.519686 C 95.63088 42.519686 99.2126 46.101408 99.2126 50.519686 L 99.2126 136.56693 C 99.2126 140.985205 95.63088 144.56693 91.2126 144.56693 L 22.173226 144.56693 C 17.754948 144.56693 14.173226 140.985205 14.173226 136.56693 L 14.173226 50.519686 C 14.173226 46.101408 17.754948 42.519686 22.173226 42.519686 Z" fill="white"/><path d="M 22.173226 42.519686 L 91.2126 42.519686 C 95.63088 42.519686 99.2126 46.101408 99.2126 50.519686 L 99.2126 136.56693 C 99.2126 140.985205 95.63088 144.56693 91.2126 144.56693 L 22.173226 144.56693 C 17.754948 144.56693 14.173226 140.985205 14.173226 136.56693 L 14.173226 50.519686 C 14.173226 46.101408 17.754948 42.519686 22.173226 42.519686 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(19.173226 47.519686)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="5.5040627" y="11" textLength="67.365234">Deployment </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="25.182774" y="25" textLength="24.673828">Host</tspan></text><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 28.84252 110.551184 L 84.54331 110.551184 C 89.51387 110.551184 93.54331 114.58062 93.54331 119.551184 L 93.54331 129.89764 C 93.54331 134.868204 89.51387 138.89764 84.54331 138.89764 L 28.84252 138.89764 C 23.871957 138.89764 19.84252 134.868204 19.84252 129.89764 L 19.84252 119.551184 C 19.84252 114.58062 23.871957 110.551184 28.84252 110.551184 Z" fill="#666"/><path d="M 28.84252 110.551184 L 84.54331 110.551184 C 89.51387 110.551184 93.54331 114.58062 93.54331 119.551184 L 93.54331 129.89764 C 93.54331 134.868204 89.51387 138.89764 84.54331 138.89764 L 28.84252 138.89764 C 23.871957 138.89764 19.84252 134.868204 19.84252 129.89764 L 19.84252 119.551184 C 19.84252 114.58062 23.871957 110.551184 28.84252 110.551184 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(24.84252 109.72441)" fill="white"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="10.729301" y="8" textLength="42.242188">OpenStack-</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="18.731254" y="18" textLength="26.238281">Ansible</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="12.731254" y="28" textLength="38.238281">Repository</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 28.84252 76.535435 L 84.54331 76.535435 C 89.51387 76.535435 93.54331 80.564872 93.54331 85.535435 L 93.54331 95.88189 C 93.54331 100.852455 89.51387 104.88189 84.54331 104.88189 L 28.84252 104.88189 C 23.871957 104.88189 19.84252 100.852455 19.84252 95.88189 L 19.84252 85.535435 C 19.84252 80.564872 23.871957 76.535435 28.84252 76.535435 Z" fill="#666"/><path d="M 28.84252 76.535435 L 84.54331 76.535435 C 89.51387 76.535435 93.54331 80.564872 93.54331 85.535435 L 93.54331 95.88189 C 93.54331 100.852455 89.51387 104.88189 84.54331 104.88189 L 28.84252 104.88189 C 23.871957 104.88189 19.84252 100.852455 19.84252 95.88189 L 19.84252 85.535435 C 19.84252 80.564872 23.871957 76.535435 28.84252 76.535435 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(24.84252 85.708664)" fill="white"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="18.731254" y="8" textLength="26.238281">Ansible</tspan></text></g><path d="M 122.59843 42.519686 L 275.59843 42.519686 C 280.569 42.519686 284.59843 46.549123 284.59843 51.519686 L 284.59843 319.87449 C 284.59843 324.84505 280.569 328.87449 275.59843 328.87449 L 122.59843 328.87449 C 117.62787 328.87449 113.59843 324.84505 113.59843 319.87449 L 113.59843 51.519686 C 113.59843 46.549123 117.62787 42.519686 122.59843 42.519686 Z" fill="white"/><path d="M 122.59843 42.519686 L 275.59843 42.519686 C 280.569 42.519686 284.59843 46.549123 284.59843 51.519686 L 284.59843 319.87449 C 284.59843 324.84505 280.569 328.87449 275.59843 328.87449 L 122.59843 328.87449 C 117.62787 328.87449 113.59843 324.84505 113.59843 319.87449 L 113.59843 51.519686 C 113.59843 46.549123 117.62787 42.519686 122.59843 42.519686 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(118.59843 47.519686)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="45.15332" y="11" textLength="70.69336">Infrastructure</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="30.141602" y="25" textLength="100.716797">Control Plane Host</tspan></text><path d="M 136.77167 58.082447 L 293.59843 58.082447 C 298.569 58.082447 302.59843 62.111884 302.59843 67.082447 L 302.59843 335.43725 C 302.59843 340.40781 298.569 344.43725 293.59843 344.43725 L 136.77167 344.43725 C 131.80111 344.43725 127.77167 340.40781 127.77167 335.43725 L 127.77167 67.082447 C 127.77167 62.111884 131.80111 58.082447 136.77167 58.082447 Z" fill="white"/><path d="M 136.77167 58.082447 L 293.59843 58.082447 C 298.569 58.082447 302.59843 62.111884 302.59843 67.082447 L 302.59843 335.43725 C 302.59843 340.40781 298.569 344.43725 293.59843 344.43725 L 136.77167 344.43725 C 131.80111 344.43725 127.77167 340.40781 127.77167 335.43725 L 127.77167 67.082447 C 127.77167 62.111884 131.80111 58.082447 136.77167 58.082447 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(132.77167 63.082447)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="47.0667" y="11" textLength="70.69336">Infrastructure</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="32.054981" y="25" textLength="100.716797">Control Plane Host</tspan></text><path d="M 149.59843 72.166745 L 302.59843 72.166745 C 307.569 72.166745 311.59843 76.196182 311.59843 81.166745 L 311.59843 351 C 311.59843 355.97057 307.569 360 302.59843 360 L 149.59843 360 C 144.62787 360 140.59843 355.97057 140.59843 351 L 140.59843 81.166745 C 140.59843 76.196182 144.62787 72.166745 149.59843 72.166745 Z" fill="white"/><path d="M 149.59843 72.166745 L 302.59843 72.166745 C 307.569 72.166745 311.59843 76.196182 311.59843 81.166745 L 311.59843 351 C 311.59843 355.97057 307.569 360 302.59843 360 L 149.59843 360 C 144.62787 360 140.59843 355.97057 140.59843 351 L 140.59843 81.166745 C 140.59843 76.196182 144.62787 72.166745 149.59843 72.166745 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(145.59843 77.166745)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="45.15332" y="11" textLength="74.027344">Infrastructure </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="30.141602" y="25" textLength="100.716797">Control Plane Host</tspan></text><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 234.98427 147.40158 L 292.68506 147.40158 C 297.10334 147.40158 300.68506 150.9833 300.68506 155.40158 L 300.68506 167.74804 C 300.68506 172.16631 297.10334 175.74804 292.68506 175.74804 L 234.98427 175.74804 C 230.566 175.74804 226.98427 172.16631 226.98427 167.74804 L 226.98427 155.40158 C 226.98427 150.9833 230.566 147.40158 234.98427 147.40158 Z" fill="#94c6f0"/><path d="M 234.98427 147.40158 L 292.68506 147.40158 C 297.10334 147.40158 300.68506 150.9833 300.68506 155.40158 L 300.68506 167.74804 C 300.68506 172.16631 297.10334 175.74804 292.68506 175.74804 L 234.98427 175.74804 C 230.566 175.74804 226.98427 172.16631 226.98427 167.74804 L 226.98427 155.40158 C 226.98427 150.9833 230.566 147.40158 234.98427 147.40158 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(231.98427 156.57481)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="18.95391" y="8" textLength="25.792969">Identity</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 155.61419 113.38583 L 213.31498 113.38583 C 217.73326 113.38583 221.31498 116.96755 221.31498 121.38583 L 221.31498 133.73229 C 221.31498 138.150565 217.73326 141.73229 213.31498 141.73229 L 155.61419 141.73229 C 151.19591 141.73229 147.61419 138.150565 147.61419 133.73229 L 147.61419 121.38583 C 147.61419 116.96755 151.19591 113.38583 155.61419 113.38583 Z" fill="#740000"/><path d="M 155.61419 113.38583 L 213.31498 113.38583 C 217.73326 113.38583 221.31498 116.96755 221.31498 121.38583 L 221.31498 133.73229 C 221.31498 138.150565 217.73326 141.73229 213.31498 141.73229 L 155.61419 141.73229 C 151.19591 141.73229 147.61419 138.150565 147.61419 133.73229 L 147.61419 121.38583 C 147.61419 116.96755 151.19591 113.38583 155.61419 113.38583 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(152.61419 117.55906)" fill="white"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="12.844535" y="8" textLength="40.234375">MariaDB + </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="19.844535" y="18" textLength="24.011719">Galera</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 234.98427 113.38583 L 292.68506 113.38583 C 297.10334 113.38583 300.68506 116.96755 300.68506 121.38583 L 300.68506 133.73229 C 300.68506 138.150564 297.10334 141.73229 292.68506 141.73229 L 234.98427 141.73229 C 230.566 141.73229 226.98427 138.150564 226.98427 133.73229 L 226.98427 121.38583 C 226.98427 116.96755 230.566 113.38583 234.98427 113.38583 Z" fill="#740000"/><path d="M 234.98427 113.38583 L 292.68506 113.38583 C 297.10334 113.38583 300.68506 116.96755 300.68506 121.38583 L 300.68506 133.73229 C 300.68506 138.150564 297.10334 141.73229 292.68506 141.73229 L 234.98427 141.73229 C 230.566 141.73229 226.98427 138.150564 226.98427 133.73229 L 226.98427 121.38583 C 226.98427 116.96755 230.566 113.38583 234.98427 113.38583 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(231.98427 122.55906)" fill="white"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="13.844535" y="8" textLength="36.011719">RabbitMQ</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 155.61419 181.41733 L 213.31498 181.41733 C 217.73326 181.41733 221.31498 184.99905 221.31498 189.41733 L 221.31498 201.76379 C 221.31498 206.18206 217.73326 209.76379 213.31498 209.76379 L 155.61419 209.76379 C 151.19591 209.76379 147.61419 206.18206 147.61419 201.76379 L 147.61419 189.41733 C 147.61419 184.99905 151.19591 181.41733 155.61419 181.41733 Z" fill="#94c6f0"/><path d="M 155.61419 181.41733 L 213.31498 181.41733 C 217.73326 181.41733 221.31498 184.99905 221.31498 189.41733 L 221.31498 201.76379 C 221.31498 206.18206 217.73326 209.76379 213.31498 209.76379 L 155.61419 209.76379 C 151.19591 209.76379 147.61419 206.18206 147.61419 201.76379 L 147.61419 189.41733 C 147.61419 184.99905 151.19591 181.41733 155.61419 181.41733 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(152.61419 190.59056)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="6.2839885" y="8" textLength="51.132812">Image Service</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 234.98427 181.41733 L 292.68506 181.41733 C 297.10334 181.41733 300.68506 184.99905 300.68506 189.41733 L 300.68506 201.76379 C 300.68506 206.18206 297.10334 209.76379 292.68506 209.76379 L 234.98427 209.76379 C 230.566 209.76379 226.98427 206.18206 226.98427 201.76379 L 226.98427 189.41733 C 226.98427 184.99905 230.566 181.41733 234.98427 181.41733 Z" fill="#94c6f0"/><path d="M 234.98427 181.41733 L 292.68506 181.41733 C 297.10334 181.41733 300.68506 184.99905 300.68506 189.41733 L 300.68506 201.76379 C 300.68506 206.18206 297.10334 209.76379 292.68506 209.76379 L 234.98427 209.76379 C 230.566 209.76379 226.98427 206.18206 226.98427 201.76379 L 226.98427 189.41733 C 226.98427 184.99905 230.566 181.41733 234.98427 181.41733 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(231.98427 185.59056)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="15.619926" y="8" textLength="32.460938">Compute</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="8.5027385" y="18" textLength="46.695312">Management</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 155.61419 215.43308 L 213.31498 215.43308 C 217.73326 215.43308 221.31498 219.0148 221.31498 223.43308 L 221.31498 235.77953 C 221.31498 240.19781 217.73326 243.77953 213.31498 243.77953 L 155.61419 243.77953 C 151.19591 243.77953 147.61419 240.19781 147.61419 235.77953 L 147.61419 223.43308 C 147.61419 219.0148 151.19591 215.43308 155.61419 215.43308 Z" fill="#91c8ec"/><path d="M 155.61419 215.43308 L 213.31498 215.43308 C 217.73326 215.43308 221.31498 219.0148 221.31498 223.43308 L 221.31498 235.77953 C 221.31498 240.19781 217.73326 243.77953 213.31498 243.77953 L 155.61419 243.77953 C 151.19591 243.77953 147.61419 240.19781 147.61419 235.77953 L 147.61419 223.43308 C 147.61419 219.0148 151.19591 215.43308 155.61419 215.43308 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(152.61419 219.6063)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="11.842582" y="8" textLength="40.015625">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="8.5027385" y="18" textLength="46.695312">Management</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 234.98427 249.44883 L 292.68506 249.44883 C 297.10334 249.44883 300.68506 253.03055 300.68506 257.44883 L 300.68506 269.79528 C 300.68506 274.21356 297.10334 277.79528 292.68506 277.79528 L 234.98427 277.79528 C 230.566 277.79528 226.98427 274.21356 226.98427 269.79528 L 226.98427 257.44883 C 226.98427 253.03055 230.566 249.44883 234.98427 249.44883 Z" fill="#94c6f0"/><path d="M 234.98427 249.44883 L 292.68506 249.44883 C 297.10334 249.44883 300.68506 253.03055 300.68506 257.44883 L 300.68506 269.79528 C 300.68506 274.21356 297.10334 277.79528 292.68506 277.79528 L 234.98427 277.79528 C 230.566 277.79528 226.98427 274.21356 226.98427 269.79528 L 226.98427 257.44883 C 226.98427 253.03055 230.566 249.44883 234.98427 249.44883 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(231.98427 258.62205)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="12.282035" y="8" textLength="39.136719">Dashboard</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 155.61419 283.46457 L 213.31498 283.46457 C 217.73326 283.46457 221.31498 287.0463 221.31498 291.46457 L 221.31498 303.81103 C 221.31498 308.22931 217.73326 311.81103 213.31498 311.81103 L 155.61419 311.81103 C 151.19591 311.81103 147.61419 308.22931 147.61419 303.81103 L 147.61419 291.46457 C 147.61419 287.0463 151.19591 283.46457 155.61419 283.46457 Z" fill="#94c6f0"/><path d="M 155.61419 283.46457 L 213.31498 283.46457 C 217.73326 283.46457 221.31498 287.0463 221.31498 291.46457 L 221.31498 303.81103 C 221.31498 308.22931 217.73326 311.81103 213.31498 311.81103 L 155.61419 311.81103 C 151.19591 311.81103 147.61419 308.22931 147.61419 303.81103 L 147.61419 291.46457 C 147.61419 287.0463 151.19591 283.46457 155.61419 283.46457 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(152.61419 287.6378)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="6.948051" y="8" textLength="49.804688">Block Storage</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="8.5027385" y="18" textLength="46.695312">Management</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 155.61419 249.44883 L 213.31498 249.44883 C 217.73326 249.44883 221.31498 253.03055 221.31498 257.44883 L 221.31498 269.79528 C 221.31498 274.21356 217.73326 277.79528 213.31498 277.79528 L 155.61419 277.79528 C 151.19591 277.79528 147.61419 274.21356 147.61419 269.79528 L 147.61419 257.44883 C 147.61419 253.03055 151.19591 249.44883 155.61419 249.44883 Z" fill="#94c6f0"/><path d="M 155.61419 249.44883 L 213.31498 249.44883 C 217.73326 249.44883 221.31498 253.03055 221.31498 257.44883 L 221.31498 269.79528 C 221.31498 274.21356 217.73326 277.79528 213.31498 277.79528 L 155.61419 277.79528 C 151.19591 277.79528 147.61419 274.21356 147.61419 269.79528 L 147.61419 257.44883 C 147.61419 253.03055 151.19591 249.44883 155.61419 249.44883 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(152.61419 258.62206)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="7.840629" y="8" textLength="48.01953">Orchestration</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 155.61419 147.40158 L 213.31498 147.40158 C 217.73326 147.40158 221.31498 150.9833 221.31498 155.40158 L 221.31498 167.74804 C 221.31498 172.16631 217.73326 175.74804 213.31498 175.74804 L 155.61419 175.74804 C 151.19591 175.74804 147.61419 172.16631 147.61419 167.74804 L 147.61419 155.40158 C 147.61419 150.9833 151.19591 147.40158 155.61419 147.40158 Z" fill="#740000"/><path d="M 155.61419 147.40158 L 213.31498 147.40158 C 217.73326 147.40158 221.31498 150.9833 221.31498 155.40158 L 221.31498 167.74804 C 221.31498 172.16631 217.73326 175.74804 213.31498 175.74804 L 155.61419 175.74804 C 151.19591 175.74804 147.61419 172.16631 147.61419 167.74804 L 147.61419 155.40158 C 147.61419 150.9833 151.19591 147.40158 155.61419 147.40158 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(152.61419 156.57481)" fill="white"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="10.0632854" y="8" textLength="43.57422">Memcached</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 234.98427 215.43308 L 292.68506 215.43308 C 297.10334 215.43308 300.68506 219.0148 300.68506 223.43308 L 300.68506 235.77953 C 300.68506 240.19781 297.10334 243.77953 292.68506 243.77953 L 234.98427 243.77953 C 230.566 243.77953 226.98427 240.19781 226.98427 235.77953 L 226.98427 223.43308 C 226.98427 219.0148 230.566 215.43308 234.98427 215.43308 Z" fill="#91c8ec"/><path d="M 234.98427 215.43308 L 292.68506 215.43308 C 297.10334 215.43308 300.68506 219.0148 300.68506 223.43308 L 300.68506 235.77953 C 300.68506 240.19781 297.10334 243.77953 292.68506 243.77953 L 234.98427 243.77953 C 230.566 243.77953 226.98427 240.19781 226.98427 235.77953 L 226.98427 223.43308 C 226.98427 219.0148 230.566 215.43308 234.98427 215.43308 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(231.98427 219.6063)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="11.842582" y="8" textLength="40.015625">Networking</tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="7.383598" y="18" textLength="24.464844"> L2/L3 </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" x="31.410942" y="18" textLength="24.90625">Agents</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 234.77166 283.46457 L 292.47245 283.46457 C 296.89073 283.46457 300.47245 287.0463 300.47245 291.46457 L 300.47245 303.81103 C 300.47245 308.22931 296.89073 311.81103 292.47245 311.81103 L 234.77166 311.81103 C 230.35338 311.81103 226.77166 308.22931 226.77166 303.81103 L 226.77166 291.46457 C 226.77166 287.0463 230.35338 283.46457 234.77166 283.46457 Z" fill="#740001"/><path d="M 234.77166 283.46457 L 292.47245 283.46457 C 296.89073 283.46457 300.47245 287.0463 300.47245 291.46457 L 300.47245 303.81103 C 300.47245 308.22931 296.89073 311.81103 292.47245 311.81103 L 234.77166 311.81103 C 230.35338 311.81103 226.77166 308.22931 226.77166 303.81103 L 226.77166 291.46457 C 226.77166 287.0463 230.35338 283.46457 234.77166 283.46457 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(231.77166 287.6378)" fill="white"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="7.838676" y="8" textLength="50.246094">Ceph Monitor </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="14.731254" y="18" textLength="34.238281">Daemons</tspan></text></g><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 155.40158 317.48032 L 213.10237 317.48032 C 217.52065 317.48032 221.10237 321.06205 221.10237 325.48032 L 221.10237 337.82678 C 221.10237 342.24506 217.52065 345.82678 213.10237 345.82678 L 155.40158 345.82678 C 150.9833 345.82678 147.40158 342.24506 147.40158 337.82678 L 147.40158 325.48032 C 147.40158 321.06205 150.9833 317.48032 155.40158 317.48032 Z" fill="#740001"/><path d="M 155.40158 317.48032 L 213.10237 317.48032 C 217.52065 317.48032 221.10237 321.06205 221.10237 325.48032 L 221.10237 337.82678 C 221.10237 342.24506 217.52065 345.82678 213.10237 345.82678 L 155.40158 345.82678 C 150.9833 345.82678 147.40158 342.24506 147.40158 337.82678 L 147.40158 325.48032 C 147.40158 321.06205 150.9833 317.48032 155.40158 317.48032 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(152.40158 321.65355)" fill="white"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="5.3894572" y="8" textLength="55.14453">Ceph Manager </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="14.731254" y="18" textLength="34.238281">Daemons</tspan></text></g><path d="M 529.57482 42.519686 L 598.6142 42.519686 C 603.03247 42.519686 606.6142 46.101408 606.6142 50.519686 L 606.6142 111.05512 C 606.6142 115.4734 603.03247 119.05512 598.6142 119.05512 L 529.57482 119.05512 C 525.15654 119.05512 521.57482 115.4734 521.57482 111.05512 L 521.57482 50.519686 C 521.57482 46.101408 525.15654 42.519686 529.57482 42.519686 Z" fill="white"/><path d="M 529.57482 42.519686 L 598.6142 42.519686 C 603.03247 42.519686 606.6142 46.101408 606.6142 50.519686 L 606.6142 111.05512 C 606.6142 115.4734 603.03247 119.05512 598.6142 119.05512 L 529.57482 119.05512 C 525.15654 119.05512 521.57482 115.4734 521.57482 111.05512 L 521.57482 50.519686 C 521.57482 46.101408 525.15654 42.519686 529.57482 42.519686 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(526.57482 47.519686)" fill="black"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="8.506991" y="11" textLength="61.359375">Ceph OSD </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="12" font-weight="500" x="25.182772" y="25" textLength="24.673828">Host</tspan></text><g filter="url(#Shadow)"><path d="M 535.2441 79.37008 L 592.9449 79.37008 C 597.36318 79.37008 600.9449 82.951804 600.9449 87.37008 L 600.9449 99.71654 C 600.9449 104.134816 597.36318 107.71654 592.9449 107.71654 L 535.2441 107.71654 C 530.82583 107.71654 527.2441 104.134816 527.2441 99.71654 L 527.2441 87.37008 C 527.2441 82.951804 530.82583 79.37008 535.2441 79.37008 Z" fill="#740002"/><path d="M 535.2441 79.37008 L 592.9449 79.37008 C 597.36318 79.37008 600.9449 82.951804 600.9449 87.37008 L 600.9449 99.71654 C 600.9449 104.134816 597.36318 107.71654 592.9449 107.71654 L 535.2441 107.71654 C 530.82583 107.71654 527.2441 104.134816 527.2441 99.71654 L 527.2441 87.37008 C 527.2441 82.951804 530.82583 79.37008 535.2441 79.37008 Z" stroke="black" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="1"/><text transform="translate(532.2441 83.54331)" fill="white"><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="12.508598" y="8" textLength="40.90625">Ceph OSD </tspan><tspan font-family="Helvetica" font-size="8" font-weight="500" fill="white" x="14.731254" y="18" textLength="34.238281">Daemons</tspan></text></g></g></g></svg>