jacky06 8aa5234812 Fix the reno usage
Change-Id: I29818ce2d2ee97858b7dc1e6713c72f7e5b366df
2018-07-05 13:23:40 -04:00

366 lines
13 KiB

.. _tests:
Adding tests to a new role
Each of the role tests is in its tests/ folder.
This folder contains at least the following files:
* ``test.yml`` ("super" playbook acting as test router to sub-playbooks)
* ``<role name>-overrides.yml``. This var file is automatically loaded
by our shell script in our `tests repository`_.
* ``inventory``. A static inventory for role testing.
It's possible some roles have multiple inventories. See for example the
neutron role with its ``lxb_inventory``, ``calico_inventory``.
* ``group_vars`` and ``host_vars``. These folders will hold override the
necessary files for testing. For example, this is where you override
the IP addresses, IP ranges, and ansible connection details.
* ``ansible-role-requirements.yml``. This should be fairly straightforward:
this file contains all the roles to clone before running your role.
The roles' relative playbooks will have to be listed in the ``test.yml``
file. However, keep in mind to NOT re-invent the wheel. For example,
if your role needs keystone, you don't need to create your own keystone
install playbook, because we have a generic keystone install playbook
in the `tests repository`.
* Only add a ``zuul.d`` folder when your role is imported into the
openstack-ansible namespace.
.. _tests repository: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstack-ansible-tests
Extending tests of an existing role
#. Modify the tox.ini to add your new scenario. If required, you can
override the inventory, and/or the variable files.
#. Add a new non-voting job in ``zuul.d/jobs.yaml``, and wire it in
the project tests file ``zuul.d/project.yaml``.
.. _tempest-testing:
Improve testing with tempest
Once the initial convergence is working and the services are running,
the role development should focus on implementing some level of
functional testing.
Ideally, the functional tests for an OpenStack role
should make use of Tempest to execute the functional tests. The ideal
tests to execute are scenario tests as they test the functions that
the service is expected to do in a production deployment. In the absence
of any scenario tests for the service a fallback option is to implement
the smoke tests instead.
If no tempest is provided, some other functional testing should be done.
For APIs, you can probably check the HTTP response codes, with
specially crafted requests.
.. _devel_and_testing:
Running tests locally
Python coding conventions are tested using `PEP8`_, with the following
convention exceptions:
* F403 - 'from ansible.module_utils.basic import \*'
Testing may be done locally by executing:
.. code-block:: bash
./run_tests.sh pep8
Bash coding conventions are tested using `Bashate`_, with the following
convention exceptions:
* E003: Indent not multiple of 4. We prefer to use multiples of 2 instead.
* E006: Line longer than 79 columns. As many scripts are deployed as templates
and use jinja templating, this is very difficult to achieve. It is
still considered a preference and should be a goal to improve
readability, within reason.
* E040: Syntax error determined using `bash -n`. As many scripts are deployed
as templates and use jinja templating, this will often fail. This
test is reasonably safely ignored as the syntax error will be
identified when executing the resulting script.
Testing may be done locally by executing:
.. code-block:: bash
./run_tests.sh bashate
Ansible is lint tested using `ansible-lint`_.
Testing may be done locally by executing:
.. code-block:: bash
./run_tests.sh ansible-lint
Ansible playbook syntax is tested using ansible-playbook.
Testing may be done locally by executing:
.. code-block:: bash
./run_tests.sh ansible-syntax
A consolidated set of all lint tests may be done locally by executing:
.. code-block:: bash
./run_tests.sh linters
.. _PEP8: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
.. _Bashate: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/bashate
.. _ansible-lint: https://github.com/willthames/ansible-lint
Documentation building
Documentation is developed in reStructuredText_ (RST) and compiled into
HTML using Sphinx.
Documentation may be built locally by executing:
.. code-block:: bash
./run_tests.sh docs
.. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html
The OpenStack-Ansible integrated repo also has an extra documentation
building process, to build the deployment guide.
This guide may be built locally by executing:
.. code-block:: bash
./run_tests.sh deploy-guide
Release notes building
Release notes are generated using the `the reno tool`_ and compiled into
HTML using Sphinx.
Release notes may be built locally by executing:
.. code-block:: bash
./run_tests.sh releasenotes
.. _the reno tool: https://docs.openstack.org/reno/latest/
.. note::
The ``releasenotes`` build argument only tests committed changes.
Ensure your local changes are committed before running the
``releasenotes`` build.
Roles functional or scenario testing
To run a functional test of the role, execute:
.. code-block:: bash
./run_tests.sh functional
Some roles have extra tests, like neutron, defined in ``tox.ini``.
To run a functional test named "calico", execute:
.. code-block:: bash
./run_tests.sh calico
.. _integrate-new-role-with-aio:
Testing a new role with an AIO
#. Include your role on the deploy host.
See also :ref:`extend_osa_roles`.
#. Perform any other host preparation (such as the tasks performed by the
``bootstrap-aio.yml`` playbook). This includes any preparation tasks that
are particular to your service.
#. Generate files to include your service in the Ansible inventory
using ``env.d`` and ``conf.d`` files for use on your deploy host.
.. HINT:: You can follow examples from other roles, making the appropriate
modifications being sure that group labels in ``env.d`` and ``conf.d``
files are consistent.
.. HINT:: A description of how these work can be
found in :ref:`inventory-confd` and :ref:`inventory-envd`.
#. Generate secrets, if any, as described in the :deploy_guide:`Configure
Service Credentials <configure.html#configuring-service-credentials>`.
You can append your keys to an existing ``user_secrets.yml`` file or add a
new file to the ``openstack_deploy`` directory to contain them. Provide
overrides for any other variables you will need at this time as well, either
in ``user_variables.yml`` or another file.
See also our :ref:`user-overrides` page.
Any secrets required for the role to work must be noted in the
``etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml`` file for reuse by other users.
#. If your service is installed from source or relies on python packages which
need to be installed from source, specify a repository for the source
code of each requirement by adding a file to your deploy host under
``playbooks/defaults/repo_packages`` in the OpenStack-Ansible source
repository and following the pattern of files currently in that directory.
You could also simply add an entry to an existing file there. Be sure to
run the ``repo-build.yml`` play later so that wheels for your packages will
be included in the repository infrastructure.
#. Make any required adjustments to the load balancer configuration
(e.g. modify ``inventory/group_vars/all/haproxy.yml`` in the
OpenStack-Ansible source repository on your deploy host) so that your
service can be reached through a load balancer, if appropriate, and be sure
to run the ``haproxy-install.yml`` play later so your changes will be
applied. Please note, you can also use ``haproxy_extra_services`` variable
if you don't want to provide your service as default for everyone.
#. Put together a service install playbook file for your role. This can also
be modeled from any existing service playbook that has similar
dependencies to your service (database, messaging, storage drivers,
container mount points, etc.). A common place to keep playbook files in a
Galaxy role is in an ``examples`` directory off the root of the role.
If the playbook is meant for installing an OpenStack service, name it
``os-<service>-install.yml`` and target it at the appropriate
group defined in the service ``env.d`` file.
It is crucial that the implementation of the service is optional and
that the deployer must opt-in to the deployment through the population
of a host in the applicable host group. If the host group has no
hosts, Ansible skips the playbook's tasks automatically.
#. Any variables needed by other roles to connect to the new role, or by the
new role to connect to other roles, should be implemented in
``inventory/group_vars``. The group vars are essentially the
glue which playbooks use to ensure that all roles are given the
appropriate information. When group vars are implemented it should be a
minimum set to achieve the goal of integrating the new role into the
integrated build.
#. Documentation must be added in the role to describe how to implement
the new service in an integrated environement. This content must
adhere to the :ref:`documentation`. Until the
role has integrated functional testing implemented (see also the
Role development maturity paragraph), the documentation
must make it clear that the service inclusion in OpenStack-Ansible is
experimental and is not fully tested by OpenStack-Ansible in an
integrated build. Alternatively, an user story can be created.
#. A feature release note must be added to announce the new service
availability and to refer to the role documentation for further
details. This content must adhere to the
#. It must be possible to execute a functional, integrated test which
executes a deployment in the same way as a production environment. The
test must execute a set of functional tests using Tempest. This is the
required last step before a service can remove the experimental warning
from the documentation.
.. HINT:: If you adhere to the pattern of isolating your role's extra
deployment requirements (secrets and var files, HAProxy yml fragments,
repo_package files, etc.) in their own files it makes it easy for you to
automate these additional steps when testing your role.
Integrated repo functional or scenario testing
To test the integrated repo, follow the
:deploy_guide:`Deployment Guide <index.html>`
Alternatively, you can check the :ref:`aio guide<quickstart-aio>`,
or even run the gate wrapper script,
named ``scripts/gate-check-commit.sh``, described below.
The OpenStack Infrastructure automated tests
There should be no difference between running tests in the openstack
infrastructure, versus running locally.
The tests in the openstack infrastructure are triggered by jobs
defined in each repo ``zuul.d`` folder.
See also the `zuul user guide`_.
However, for reliability purposes, a few variables are defined
to point to the OpenStack infra pypi and packages mirrors.
.. _zuul user guide: https://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/user/index.html
The integrated repo functional test is using the
``scripts/gate-check-commit.sh`` script, which receives arguments
from the zuul run playbook definition.
While this script is primarily developed and maintained for use in
OpenStack-CI, it can be used in other environments.
.. _role-maturity:
Role development maturity
A role may be fully mature, even if it is not integrated in the
``openstack-ansible`` repository. The maturity depends on its
testing levels.
A role can be in one of the four maturity levels:
* ``Complete``
* ``Incubated``
* ``Unmaintained``
* ``Retired``
Here are a series of rules that define maturity levels:
* A role can be retired at any time if it is not relevant anymore.
* A role can be ``Incubated`` for maximum 2 cycles.
* An ``Incubated`` role that passes functional testing will be upgraded
to the ``Complete`` status, and cannot return in ``Incubated`` status.
* An ``Incubated`` role that didn't implement functional testing in
the six month timeframe will become ``Unmaintained``.
* A role in ``Complete`` status can be downgraded to ``Unmaintained``.
status, according to the maturity downgrade procedure.
Maturity downgrade procedure
If a role has failed periodics or gate test for two weeks, a bug
should be filed, and a message to the mailing list will be sent,
referencing the bug.
The next community meeting should discuss about role deprecation,
and if no contributor comes forward to fix the role, periodic
testing will be turned off, and the role will move to an
``unmaintained`` state.
.. _role-maturity-matrix:
Maturity Matrix
All of the OpenStack-Ansible roles do not have the same level of maturity and
Here is a dashboard of the current status of the roles:
.. raw:: html
:file: role-maturity-matrix.html