Alexandra 71554ca7cf DOCS: Configuration section - cleanup
As per discussion in the OSA docs summit session, clean up
of installation guide. This fixes typos, minor RST mark up
changes, and passive voice.

This patch also merges a some of the sections into the larger
chapter. This is in an effort to remove multiple smaller

This patch is the first of many to avoid major conflicts.

Change-Id: I38daa515ba47fde7719cd0bd3e0e40c2cd0f39f1
2016-05-12 13:13:44 +00:00

51 lines
1.9 KiB

`Home <index.html>`__ OpenStack-Ansible Installation Guide
Configuring Identity service (keystone) federation (optional)
.. toctree::
In keystone federation, the identity provider (IdP) and service
provider (SP) exchange information securely to enable a user on the IdP cloud
to access resources of the SP cloud.
.. note::
For the Kilo release of OpenStack, federation is only partially supported.
It is possible to perform a federated login using command line clients and
scripting, but Dashboard (horizon) does not support this functionality.
The following procedure describes how to set up federation.
#. `Configure Identity Service (keystone) service providers. <configure-federation-sp.html>`_
#. Configure the identity provider:
* `Configure Identity Service (keystone) as an identity provider. <configure-federation-idp.html>`_
* `Configure Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) 3.0 as an identity provider. <configure-federation-idp-adfs.html>`_
#. Configure the service provider:
* `Configure Identity Service (keystone) as a federated service provider. <configure-federation-sp.html>`_
* `Configure Identity Service (keystone) Domain-Project-Group-Role mappings. <configure-federation-mapping.html>`_
#. `Run the authentication wrapper to use Identity Service to Identity Service federation. <configure-federation-wrapper.html>`_
For examples of how to set up keystone to keystone federation,
see the `Identity Service to Identity Service
federation example use-case. <configure-federation-use-case.html>`_
.. include:: navigation.txt