This PS updates the output from the troubleshooting guide to reflect the expected output and commands for ceph luminious. Change-Id: I8351d782d3b1ddbf2fc121b7096548e1ba38f7bd
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Persistent Storage
This guide is to help users debug any general storage issues when
deploying charts in this repository.
Ceph Deployment Status
First, we want to validate that Ceph is working correctly. This
can be done with the following Ceph command:
admin@kubenode01:~$ MON_POD=$(kubectl get --no-headers pods -n=ceph -l="application=ceph,component=mon" | awk '{ print $1; exit }')
admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl exec -n ceph ${MON_POD} -- ceph -s
id: 06a191c7-81bd-43f3-b5dd-3d6c6666af71
health: HEALTH_OK
mon: 1 daemons, quorum att.port.direct
mgr: att.port.direct(active)
mds: cephfs-1/1/1 up {0=mds-ceph-mds-68c9c76d59-zqc55=up:active}
osd: 1 osds: 1 up, 1 in
rgw: 1 daemon active
pools: 11 pools, 208 pgs
objects: 352 objects, 464 MB
usage: 62467 MB used, 112 GB / 173 GB avail
pgs: 208 active+clean
client: 253 B/s rd, 39502 B/s wr, 1 op/s rd, 8 op/s wr
Use one of your Ceph Monitors to check the status of the cluster. A
couple of things to note above; our health is `HEALTH\_OK`, we have 3
mons, we've established a quorum, and we can see that all of our OSDs
are up and in the OSD map.
PVC Preliminary Validation
Before proceeding, it is important to ensure that you have deployed a
client key in the namespace you wish to fulfill ``PersistentVolumeClaims``.
To verify that your deployment namespace has a client key:
admin@kubenode01: $ kubectl get secret -n openstack pvc-ceph-client-key
pvc-ceph-client-key kubernetes.io/rbd 1 8h
Without this, your RBD-backed PVCs will never reach the ``Bound`` state. For
more information, see how to `activate namespace for ceph <../install/multinode.html#activating-control-plane-namespace-for-ceph>`_.
Note: This step is not relevant for PVCs within the same namespace Ceph
was deployed.
Ceph Validating PVC Operation
To validate persistent volume claim (PVC) creation, we've placed a test
manifest `here <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstack/openstack-helm/master/tests/pvc-test.yaml>`_.
Deploy this manifest and verify the job completes successfully.
Ceph Validating StorageClass
Next we can look at the storage class, to make sure that it was created
admin@kubenode01:~$ kubectl describe storageclass/general
Name: general
IsDefaultClass: No
Annotations: <none>
Provisioner: ceph.com/rbd
Parameters: adminId=admin,adminSecretName=pvc-ceph-conf-combined-storageclass,adminSecretNamespace=ceph,imageFeatures=layering,imageFormat=2,monitors=ceph-mon.ceph.svc.cluster.local:6789,pool=rbd,userId=admin,userSecretName=pvc-ceph-client-key
ReclaimPolicy: Delete
Events: <none>
The parameters are what we're looking for here. If we see parameters
passed to the StorageClass correctly, we will see the
``ceph-mon.ceph.svc.cluster.local:6789`` hostname/port, things like ``userid``,
and appropriate secrets used for volume claims.