- General formatting/sentence structure changes. - Capitalization changes for projects like Neutron, Kubernetes, OpenStack-Helm, etc (proper nouns). - Changed plural pronouns to singular nouns (“project” vs. “we” or “our”).
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Helm Overrides
This document covers Helm overrides and the OpenStack-Helm approach. For more information on Helm overrides in general see the Helm Values Documentation
Values Philosophy
Two major philosophies guide the OpenStack-Helm values approach. It is important that new chart developers understand the values.yaml
approach OpenStack-Helm has within each of its charts to ensure that all charts are both consistent and remain a joy to work with.
The first philosophy to understand is that all charts should be independently installable and should not require a parent chart. This means that the values file in each chart should be self-contained. The project avoids using Helm globals and parent charts as requirements for capturing and feeding environment specific overrides into subcharts. An example of a single site definition YAML that can be source controlled and used as --values
input to all OpenStack-Helm charts to maintain overrides in one testable place is forthcoming. Currently Helm does not support a --values=environment.yaml
chunking up a larger override file's YAML namespace. Ideally, the project seeks native Helm support for helm install local/keystone --values=environment.yaml:keystone
where environment.yaml
is the operator's chart-wide environment definition and keystone
is the section in environment.yaml that will be fed to the keystone chart during install as overrides. Standard YAML anchors can be used to duplicate common elements like the endpoints
sections. At the time of writing, operators can use a temporary approach like values.py to chunk up a single override YAML file as input to various individual charts. Overrides, just like the templates themselves, should be source controlled and tested, especially for operators operating charts at scale. This project will continue to examine efforts such as helm-value-store and solutions in the vein of helmfile. Another compelling project that seems to address the needs of orchestrating multiple charts and managing site specific overrides is Landscape
The second philosophy is that the values files should be consistent across all charts, including charts in core, infra, and add-ons. This provides a consistent way for operators to override settings, such as enabling developer mode, defining resource limitations, and customizing the actual OpenStack configuration within chart templates without having to guess how a particular chart developer has laid out their values.yaml. There are also various macros in the helm-toolkit
chart that will depend on the values.yaml
within all charts being structured a certain way.
Finally, where charts reference connectivity information for other services sane defaults should be provided. In cases where these services are provided by OpenStack-Helm itself, the defaults should assume that the user will use the OpenStack-Helm charts for those services, but should also allow those charts to be overridden if the operator has them externally deployed.
All charts must provide replica definitions and leverage those in the Kubernetes manifests. This allows site operators to tune the replica counts at install or when upgrading. Each chart should deploy with multiple replicas by default to ensure that production deployments are treated as first class citizens, and that services are tested with multiple replicas more frequently during development and testing. Developers wishing to deploy minimal environments can enable the development
mode override, which should enforce only one replica per component.
The convention today in OpenStack-Helm is to define a replicas:
section for the chart, where each component being deployed has its own tunable value.
For example, the glance
chart provides the following replicas in values.yaml
api: 2
registry: 2
An operator can override these on install
or upgrade
$ helm install local/glance --set replicas.api=3,replicas.registry=3
This project uses nodeSelectors as well as podAntiAffinity rules to ensure resources land in the proper place within Kubernetes. Today, OpenStack-Helm employs four labels:
- ceph-storage: enabled
- openstack-control-plane: enabled
- openstack-compute-node: enabled
- openvswitch: enabled
NOTE: The openvswitch
label is an element that is applicable to both openstack-control-plane
as well as openstack-compute-node
nodes. Ideally, you would eliminate the openvswitch
label if you simply wanted to deploy openvswitch to an OR of (openstack-control-plane
and openstack-compute-node
). However, Kubernetes nodeSelectors
prohibits this specific logic. As a result of this, a third label that spans all hosts is required, which in this case is openvswitch
. The Open vSwitch service must run on both control plane and tenant nodes with both labels to provide connectivity for DHCP, L3, and Metadata services. These Open vSwitch services run as part of the control plane as well as tenant connectivity, which runs as part of the compute node infrastructure.
Labels are of course definable and overridable by the chart operators. Labels are defined in charts with a common convention, by using a labels:
section, which defines both a selector and a value:
node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane
node_selector_value: enabled
In some cases, such as with the Neutron chart, a chart may need to define more then one label. In cases such as this, each element should be articulated under the labels:
section, nesting where appropriate:
# ovs is a special case, requiring a special
# label that can apply to both control hosts
# and compute hosts, until we get more sophisticated
# with our daemonset scheduling
node_selector_key: openvswitch
node_selector_value: enabled
node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane
node_selector_value: enabled
node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane
node_selector_value: enabled
node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane
node_selector_value: enabled
node_selector_key: openstack-control-plane
node_selector_value: enabled
These labels should be leveraged by nodeSelector
definitions in charts for all resources, including jobs:
{{ .Values.labels.node_selector_key }}: {{ .Values.labels.node_selector_value }}
In some cases, especially with infrastructure components, it becomes necessary for the chart developer to provide some scheduling instruction to Kubernetes to help ensure proper resiliency. The most common example employed today are podAntiAffinity rules, such as those used in the mariadb
chart. We encourage these to be placed on all foundational elements so that Kubernetes will not only disperse resources for resiliency, but also allow multi-replica installations to deploy successfully into a single host environment:
# this soft requirement allows single
# host deployments to spawn several mariadb containers
# but in a larger environment, would attempt to spread
# them out
scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/affinity: >
"podAntiAffinity": {
"preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": [{
"labelSelector": {
"matchExpressions": [{
"key": "app",
"operator": "In",
"topologyKey": "kubernetes.io/hostname",
"weight": 10
Our core philosophy regarding images is that the toolsets required to enable the OpenStack services should be applied by Kubernetes itself. This requires the openstack-helm to develop common and simple scripts with minimal dependencies that can be overlayed on any image meeting the OpenStack core library requirements. The advantage of this however is that we can be image agnostic, allowing operators to use Stackanetes, Kolla, Yaodu, or any image flavor and format they choose and they will all function the same.
The long-term goal besides being image agnostic is to also able to support any of the container runtimes that Kubernetes supports, even those which may not use Docker's own packaging format. This will allow this project to continue to offer maximum flexibility with regard to operator choice.
To that end, all charts provide an images:
section that allows operators to override images. It is also our assertion that all default image references should be fully spelled out, even those hosted by docker, and no default image reference should use :latest
but be pinned to a specific version to ensure a consistent behavior for deployments over time.
Today, the images:
section has several common conventions. Most OpenStack services require a database initialization function, a database synchronization function, and finally a series of steps for Keystone registration and integration. There may also be specific images for each component that composes those OpenStack services and these may or may not differ but should all be defined in images
The following standards are in use today, in addition to any components defined by the service itself.
- dep_check: The image that will perform dependency checking in an init-container.
- db_init: The image that will perform database creation operations for the OpenStack service.
- db_sync: The image that will perform database sync (schema insertion) for the OpenStack service.
- ks_user: The image that will perform keystone user creation for the service.
- ks_service: The image that will perform keystone service registration for the service.
- ks_endpoints: The image that will perform keystone endpoint registration for the service.
- pull_policy: The image pull policy, one of "Always", "IfNotPresent", and "Never" which will be used by all containers in the chart.
An illustrative example of a images: section taken from the heat chart:
dep_check: quay.io/stackanetes/kubernetes-entrypoint:v0.1.0
db_init: quay.io/stackanetes/stackanetes-kolla-toolbox:newton
db_sync: docker.io/kolla/ubuntu-source-heat-api:3.0.1
ks_user: quay.io/stackanetes/stackanetes-kolla-toolbox:newton
ks_service: quay.io/stackanetes/stackanetes-kolla-toolbox:newton
ks_endpoints: quay.io/stackanetes/stackanetes-kolla-toolbox:newton
api: docker.io/kolla/ubuntu-source-heat-api:3.0.1
cfn: docker.io/kolla/ubuntu-source-heat-api:3.0.1
cloudwatch: docker.io/kolla/ubuntu-source-heat-api:3.0.1
engine: docker.io/kolla/ubuntu-source-heat-engine:3.0.1
pull_policy: "IfNotPresent"
The openstack-helm project today uses a mix of docker images from Stackanetes, Kolla, but going forward we will likely first standardize on Kolla images across all charts but without any reliance on Kolla image utilities, followed by support for alternative images with substantially smaller footprints such as Yaodu
The openstack-helm project assumes all upgrades will be done through Helm. This includes both template changes, including resources layered on top of the image such as configuration files as well as the Kubernetes resources themselves in addition to the more common practice of updating images.
Today, several issues exist within Helm when updating images within charts that may be used by jobs that have already run to completion or are still in flight. We will seek to address these within the Helm community or within the charts themselves by support Helm hooks to allow jobs to be deleted during an upgrade so that they can be recreated with an updated image. An example of where this behavior would be desirable would be an updated db_sync image which has updated to point from a Mitaka image to a Newton image. In this case, the operator will likely want a db_sync job which was already run and completed during site installation to run again with the updated image to bring the schema inline with the Newton release.
The openstack-helm project also implements annotations across all chart configmaps so that changing resources inside containers such as configuration files, triggers a Kubernetes rolling update so that those resources can be updated without deleting and redeploying the service and treated like any other upgrade such as a container image change.
This is accomplished with the following annotation:
configmap-bin-hash: {{ tuple "configmap-bin.yaml" . | include "hash" }}
configmap-etc-hash: {{ tuple "configmap-etc.yaml" . | include "hash" }}
The hash
function defined in the helm-toolkit
chart ensures that any change to any file referenced by configmap-bin.yaml or configmap-etc.yaml results in a new hash, which will trigger a rolling update.
All chart components (except DaemonSets
) are outfitted by default with rolling update strategies:
replicas: {{ .Values.replicas }}
revisionHistoryLimit: {{ .Values.upgrades.revision_history }}
type: {{ .Values.upgrades.pod_replacement_strategy }}
{{ if eq .Values.upgrades.pod_replacement_strategy "RollingUpdate" }}
maxUnavailable: {{ .Values.upgrades.rolling_update.max_unavailable }}
maxSurge: {{ .Values.upgrades.rolling_update.max_surge }}
{{ end }}
In values.yaml in each chart, the same defaults are supplied in every chart, allowing the operator to override at upgrade or deployment time.
revision_history: 3
pod_replacement_strategy: RollingUpdate
max_unavailable: 1
max_surge: 3
Resource Limits
Resource limits should be defined for all charts within openstack-helm.
The convention is to leverage a resources:
section within values.yaml with an enabled
setting that defaults to false
but can be turned on by the operator at install or upgrade time.
The resources specify the requests (memory and cpu) and limits (memory and cpu) for each deployed resource. For example, from the nova chart values.yaml
enabled: false
memory: "124Mi"
cpu: "100m"
memory: "1024Mi"
cpu: "2000m"
memory: "124Mi"
cpu: "100m"
memory: "1024Mi"
cpu: "2000m"
memory: "124Mi"
cpu: "100m"
memory: "1024Mi"
cpu: "2000m"
These resources definitions are then applied to the appropriate component, when the enabled
flag is set. For instance, the following nova_compute daemonset has the requests and limits values applied from .Values.resources.nova_compute
{{- if .Values.resources.enabled }}
memory: {{ .Values.resources.nova_compute.requests.memory | quote }}
cpu: {{ .Values.resources.nova_compute.requests.cpu | quote }}
memory: {{ .Values.resources.nova_compute.limits.memory | quote }}
cpu: {{ .Values.resources.nova_compute.limits.cpu | quote }}
{{- end }}
When a chart developer doesn't know what resource limits or requests to apply to a new component, they can deploy them locally and examine utilization using tools like WeaveScope. The resource limits may not be perfect on initial submission but over time with community contributions they will be refined to reflect reality.
NOTE: This feature is under active development. There may be dragons here.
Endpoints are a large part of what openstack-helm seeks to provide mechanisms around. OpenStack is a highly interconnected application, with various components requiring connectivity details to numerous services, including other OpenStack components, infrastructure elements such as databases, queues, and memcached infrastructure. We want to ensure we provide a consistent mechanism for defining these "endpoints" across all charts and the macros necessary to convert those definitions into usable endpoints. The charts should consistently default to building endpoints that assume the operator is leveraging all of our charts to build their OpenStack stack. However, we want to ensure that if operators want to run some of our charts and have those plug into their existing infrastructure, or run elements in different namespaces, for example, these endpoints should be overridable.
For instance, in the neutron chart values.yaml
the following endpoints are defined:
# typically overriden by environmental
# values, but should include all endpoints
# required by this chart
default: glance-api
type: image
path: null
scheme: 'http'
api: 9292
registry: 9191
default: nova-api
path: "/v2/%(tenant_id)s"
type: compute
scheme: 'http'
api: 8774
metadata: 8775
novncproxy: 6080
default: keystone-api
path: /v3
type: identity
scheme: 'http'
admin: 35357
public: 5000
default: neutron-server
path: null
type: network
scheme: 'http'
api: 9696
These values define all the endpoints that the neutron chart may need in order to build full URL compatible endpoints to various services. Long-term these will also include database, memcached, and rabbitmq elements in one place-essentially all external connectivity needs defined centrally.
The macros that help translate these into the actual URLs necessary are defined in the helm-toolkit
chart. For instance, the cinder chart defines a glance_api_servers
definition in the cinder.conf
+glance_api_servers = {{ tuple "image" "internal" "api" . | include "helm-toolkit.endpoint_type_lookup_addr" }}
This line of magic uses the endpoint_type_lookup_addr
macro in the helm-toolkit
chart (since it is used by all charts). Note a second convention here, all {{ define }}
macros in charts should be pre-fixed with the chart that is defining them. This allows developers to easily identify the source of a helm macro and also avoid namespace collissions. In the example above, the macro endpoint_type_look_addr
is defined in the helm-toolkit
chart. This macro is passed three parameters (aided by the tuple
method built into the go/sprig templating library used by Helm):
- image: This is the OpenStack service we are building an endpoint for. This will be mapped to
which is the image service for OpenStack. - internal: This is the OpenStack endpoint type we are looking for - valid values would be
, andpublic
- api: This is the port to map to for the service. Some components such as glance provide an
port and aregistry
port, for example.
Charts should avoid at all costs hard coding values such as ``http://keystone-api:5000` as these are not compatible with operator overrides or supporting spreading components out over various namespaces.
Common Conditionals
The openstack-helm charts make the following conditions available across all charts which can be set at install or upgrade time with Helm:
Developer Mode
helm install local/chart --set development.enabled=true
The development mode flag should be available on all charts. Enabling this reduces dependencies that chart may have on persistent volume claims (which are difficult to support in a laptop minikube environment) as well as reducing replica counts or resiliency features to support a minimal environment.
The glance chart for instance defines the following development:
enabled: false
storage_path: /data/openstack-helm/glance/images
The enabled
flag allows the developer to enable development mode. The storage path allows the operator to store glance images in a hostPath instead of leveraging a ceph backend, which again, is difficult to spin up in a small laptop minikube environment. The host path can be overriden by the operator if desired.
helm install local/chart --set resources.enabled=true
Resource limits/requirements can be turned on and off. By default, they are off. Setting this enabled to true
will deploy Kubernetes resources with resource requirements and limits.