Renis 5a9c8d41b7 Docs: Update ceph documentation
- Adding section for Ceph troubleshoot
- Rearrange Testing section to include Ceph

Co-Authored-By: portdirect <>

Change-Id: Ib04e9b59fea2557cf6cad177dfcc76390c161e06
Signed-off-by: Pete Birley <>
2018-07-06 16:01:20 -04:00

2.2 KiB

Backing up a PVC

Backing up a PVC stored in Ceph, is fairly straigthforward, in this example we use the PVC mysql-data-mariadb-server-0 as an example, but this will also apply to any other services using PVCs eg. RabbitMQ, Postgres.

#  get all required details
# you can check this by running  kubectl get pvc -n ${NS_NAME}

PV_NAME="$(kubectl get -n ${NS_NAME} pvc "${PVC_NAME}" --no-headers | awk '{ print $3 }')"
RBD_NAME="$(kubectl get pv "${PV_NAME}" -o json | jq -r '.spec.rbd.image')"
MON_POD=$(kubectl get pods \
  --namespace=ceph \
  --selector="application=ceph" \
  --selector="component=mon" \
  --no-headers | awk '{ print $1; exit }')

# copy admin keyring from ceph mon to host node

kubectl exec -it ${MON_POD} -n ceph -- cat /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring > /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
sudo kubectl get cm -n ceph ceph-etc -o json|jq -j  .data[] > /etc/ceph/ceph.conf

export CEPH_MON_NAME="ceph-mon-discovery.ceph.svc.cluster.local"

# create snapshot and  export to a file

rbd snap create rbd/${RBD_NAME}@snap1 -m ${CEPH_MON_NAME}
rbd snap list rbd/${RBD_NAME} -m ${CEPH_MON_NAME}

# Export the snapshot and compress , make sure we have enough space on host to accomidate big files that we are working .

# a. if we have enough space on host

rbd export rbd/${RBD_NAME}@snap1 /backup/${RBD_NAME}.img -m ${CEPH_MON_NAME}
cd /backup
time xz -0vk --threads=0  /backup/${RBD_NAME}.img

# b. if we have less space on host we can directly export  and compress in single command

rbd export rbd/${RBD_NAME}@snap1 -m ${CEPH_MON_NAME} - | xz  -0v --threads=0 >  /backup/${RBD_NAME}.img.xz

Restoring is just as straightforward. Once the workload consuming the device has been stopped, and the raw RBD device removed the following will import the back up and create a device:

cd /backup
unxz -k ${RBD_NAME}.img.xz
rbd import /backup/${RBD_NAME}.img rbd/${RBD_NAME} -m ${CEPH_MON_NAME}

Once this has been done the workload can be restarted.