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Deploy tap-as-a-service (TaaS) Neutron / Dashboard plugin
This guide explains how to deploy tap-as-a-service (TaaS) Neutron plugin and
TaaS Dashboard plugin in Neutron and Horizon charts respectively.
TaaS plugin provides a mechanism to mirror certain traffic (for example tagged
with specific VLANs) from a source VM to any traffic analyzer VM. When packet
will be forwarded, the original value of source and target ip/ports information
will not be altered and the system administrator will be able to run, for ex.
tcpdump, on the target VM to trace these packets.
For more details, refer to TaaS specification: Tap-as-a-service_.
.. _Tap-as-a-service: https://github.com/openstack/tap-as-a-service/blob/master/specs/mitaka/tap-as-a-service.rst
TaaS Architecture
As any other Neutron plugin, TaaS neutron plugin functionality consists of
following modules:
.. figure:: figures/taas-architecture.png
:alt: Neutron TaaS Architecture
**TaaS Plugin**: This is the front-end of TaaS which runs on controller node
(Neutron server). This serves TaaS APIs and stores/retrieves TaaS configuration
state to/from Neutron TaaS DB.
**TaaS Agent, TaaS OVS Driver and TaaS SR-IOV Driver**: This forms the back-end
of TaaS which runs as a ML2 agent extension on compute nodes. It handles the RPC
calls made by TaaS Plugin and configures the mechanism driver, i.e. OpenVSwitch
or SR-IOV Nic Switch.
**TaaS Dashboard Plugin**: Horizon Plugin which adds GUI panels for TaaS
resources in the Horizon Dashboard.
Prepare LOCI images
Before deploying TaaS and/or TaaS Dashboard, it needs to be added in Neutron
and/or Horizon LOCI images.
This is a two step process, i.e.
#. Prepare a requirements LOCI image with Neutron TaaS and TaaS Dashboard code
#. Prepare Neutron or Horizon LOCI image using this requirements image as
:code:`docker build --build-arg WHEELS` command argument.
Requirements LOCI image
* Create a patchset for ``openstack/requirements`` repo
Add TaaS and TaaS dashboard dependencies in :code:`upper-constraints.txt`
file in :code:`openstack/requirements` repo, i.e.
.. path upper-constraints
.. code-block:: none
.. end
For example if gerrit refspec for this commit is "refs/changes/xx/xxxxxx/x",
so export the :code:`REQUIREMENTS_REF_SPEC` variable as follows:
.. code-block:: bash
export REQUIREMENTS_REF_SPEC="refs/changes/xx/xxxxxx/x"
.. end
* Build the requirements LOCI image using above commit
Use it as ``docker build --build-arg PROJECT_REF=${REQUIREMENTS_REF_SPEC}``
command argument to build the requirements LOCI image.
Neutron and Horizon LOCI images
* Create a patchset for ``openstack/neutron`` repo
Add TaaS dependency in ``requirements.txt`` file in ``openstack/neutron``
repo, i.e. https://opendev.org/openstack/neutron
.. path patchset-neutron
.. code-block:: none
.. end
For example if gerrit refspec for this commit is "refs/changes/xx/xxxxxx/x";
so export the :code:`NEUTRON_REF_SPEC` variable as follows:
.. path patchset-neutron-export
.. code-block:: bash
export NEUTRON_REF_SPEC="refs/changes/xx/xxxxxx/x"
.. end
* Create a patchset for ``openstack/horizon`` repo
Add TaaS Dashboard dependency in ``requirements.txt`` file in
``openstack/horizon`` repo, i.e. https://opendev.org/openstack/horizon
.. path patchset-horizon
.. code-block:: none
.. end
For example if gerrit refspec for this commit is "refs/changes/xx/xxxxxx/x";
so export the :code:`HORIZON_REF_SPEC` variable as follows:
.. path patchset-horizon-export
.. code-block:: bash
export HORIZON_REF_SPEC="refs/changes/xx/xxxxxx/x"
.. end
* Putting it all together
Apart from the variables above with gerrit refspec values, additionally
export following environment variables with values as applicable:
.. path other-env-export
.. code-block:: bash
export OPENSTACK_VERSION="stable/ocata"
export PRIVATE_REPO="docker.io/username"
.. end
Use above gerrit commits to prepare the LOCI images using following script:
.. path main-script
.. code-block:: bash
set -ex
# export following variables with applicable values before invoking the script
: ${OPENSTACK_VERSION:="stable/ocata"}
: ${PRIVATE_REPO:="docker.io/username"} # Replace with your own dockerhub repo
(echo "Please set a proper value for REQUIREMENTS_REF_SPEC env variable" && exit)
(echo "Please set a proper value for NEUTRON_REF_SPEC env variable" && exit)
(echo "Please set a proper value for HORIZON_REF_SPEC env variable" && exit)
# Login to private-repo : provide login password when asked
sudo docker login
sudo docker run -d \
--name docker-in-docker \
--privileged=true \
--net=host \
-v /var/lib/docker \
-v ${HOME}/.docker/config.json:/root/.docker/config.json:ro\
docker.io/docker:17.07.0-dind \
dockerd \
--pidfile=/var/run/docker.pid \
--host=unix:///var/run/docker.sock \
sudo docker exec docker-in-docker apk update
sudo docker exec docker-in-docker apk add git
# Prepare Requirements image
sudo docker exec docker-in-docker docker build --force-rm --pull --no-cache \
https://opendev.org/openstack/loci.git \
--network host \
--build-arg FROM=gcr.io/google_containers/ubuntu-slim:0.14 \
--build-arg PROJECT=requirements \
--tag ${PRIVATE_REPO}/requirements:${IMAGE_TAG}
sudo docker exec docker-in-docker docker push ${PRIVATE_REPO}/requirements:${IMAGE_TAG}
# Prepare Neutron image
sudo docker exec docker-in-docker docker build --force-rm --pull --no-cache \
https://opendev.org/openstack/loci.git \
--build-arg PROJECT=neutron \
--build-arg FROM=gcr.io/google_containers/ubuntu-slim:0.14 \
--build-arg PROFILES="fluent neutron linuxbridge openvswitch" \
--build-arg PIP_PACKAGES="pycrypto" \
--build-arg WHEELS=${PRIVATE_REPO}/requirements:${IMAGE_TAG} \
--tag ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:${IMAGE_TAG}
sudo docker exec docker-in-docker docker push ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:${IMAGE_TAG}
# Prepare Neutron sriov image
sudo docker exec docker-in-docker docker build --force-rm --pull --no-cache \
https://opendev.org/openstack/loci.git \
--build-arg PROJECT=neutron \
--build-arg FROM=docker.io/ubuntu:18.04 \
--build-arg PROFILES="fluent neutron linuxbridge openvswitch" \
--build-arg PIP_PACKAGES="pycrypto" \
--build-arg DIST_PACKAGES="ethtool lshw" \
--build-arg WHEELS=${PRIVATE_REPO}/requirements:${IMAGE_TAG} \
--tag ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:${IMAGE_TAG}-sriov-1804
sudo docker exec docker-in-docker docker push ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:${IMAGE_TAG}-sriov-1804
# Prepare Horizon image
sudo docker exec docker-in-docker docker build --force-rm --pull --no-cache \
https://opendev.org/openstack/loci.git \
--build-arg PROJECT=horizon \
--build-arg FROM=gcr.io/google_containers/ubuntu-slim:0.14 \
--build-arg PROFILES="fluent horizon apache" \
--build-arg PIP_PACKAGES="pycrypto" \
--build-arg WHEELS=${PRIVATE_REPO}/requirements:${IMAGE_TAG} \
--tag ${PRIVATE_REPO}/horizon:${IMAGE_TAG}
sudo docker exec docker-in-docker docker push ${PRIVATE_REPO}/horizon:${IMAGE_TAG}
.. end
Deploy TaaS Plugin
Override images in Neutron chart
Override the :code:`images` section parameters for Neutron chart with the
custom LOCI image's tag, prepared as explained in above sections.
.. code-block:: yaml
neutron_db_sync: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:ocata
neutron_server: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:ocata
neutron_dhcp: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:ocata
neutron_metadata: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:ocata
neutron_l3: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:ocata
neutron_openvswitch_agent: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:ocata
neutron_linuxbridge_agent: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:ocata
neutron_sriov_agent: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:ocata-sriov-1804
neutron_sriov_agent_init: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/neutron:ocata-sriov-1804
Configure TaaS in Neutron chart
While deploying neutron-server and L2 agents, TaaS should be enabled in
``conf: neutron`` section to add TaaS as a service plugin; in ``conf: plugins``
section to add TaaS as a L2 agent extension; in ``conf: taas_plugin`` section
to configure the ``service_provider`` endpoint used by Neutron TaaS plugin:
.. code-block:: yaml
service_plugins: taas
extensions: taas
enabled: True
service_provider: TAAS:TAAS:neutron_taas.services.taas.service_drivers.taas_rpc.TaasRpcDriver:default
Deploy TaaS Dashboard Plugin
TaaS dashboard plugin can be deployed simply by using custom LOCI images having
TaaS Dashboard code installed (as explained in above sections), i.e. override
the :code:`images` section parameters for Horizon charts:
.. code-block:: yaml
horizon_db_sync: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/horizon:ocata
horizon: ${PRIVATE_REPO}/horizon:ocata
Set log level for TaaS
Default log level for Neutron TaaS is :code:`INFO`. For changing it, override
following parameter:
.. code-block:: yaml
level: INFO
#. Neutron TaaS support in Openstack-Helm commits:
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/597200/
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/607392/
#. Add TaaS panel to Horizon Dashboard:
- https://review.openstack.org/#/c/621606/