Adds loweralpha list-style-type styling to enumerated lists in styles.css. Change-Id: Ia98467c19a05fc95ec6a5fd3624eddafc6c92b7a Closes-Bug: 1476084
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Demo documentation
The demo documentation provides example markup for looking at the expected output.
The project aims for simple implementation, massive scalability, and a rich set of features. Cloud computing experts from around the world contribute to the project.
Here's an example glossary:
- Cactus
An OpenStack grouped release of projects that came out in the spring of 2011. It included Compute (nova), Object Storage (swift), and the Image service (glance). Cactus is a city in Texas, US and is the code name for the third release of OpenStack. When OpenStack releases went from three to six months long, the code name of the release changed to match a geography nearest the previous summit.
Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) is a specification for audit event data. CADF is supported by OpenStack Identity.
One of the RPC primitives used by the OpenStack message queue software. Sends a message and waits for a response.
Here's an example configuration:
my_ip =
vnc_enabled = True
vncserver_listen =
vncserver_proxyclient_address =
novncproxy_base_url = http://controller:6080/vnc_auto.html
Here's another example that's python code:
def builder_inited(app):
= os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'theme')
theme_dir 'Using openstack theme from %s' % theme_dir)
app.info(# Insert our theme directory at the front of the search path and
# force the theme setting to use the one in the package. This is
# done here, instead of in setup(), because conf.py is read after
# setup() runs, so if the conf contains these values the user
# values overwrite these. That's not bad for the theme, but it
# breaks the search path.
0, theme_dir)
app.config.html_theme_path.insert(# Set the theme name
= 'openstack'
app.config.html_theme # Re-initialize the builder, if it has the method for setting up
# the templates and theme.
if hasattr(app.builder, 'init_templates'):
Here's the same example but with ..code-block: ini to test the pygments lexer:
my_ip =
vnc_enabled = True
vncserver_listen =
vncserver_proxyclient_address =
novncproxy_base_url = http://controller:6080/vnc_auto.html
Here's an example note.
section_dashboard_access_and_security dashboard_demo configure_access_and_security_for_instances create_and_manage_databases create_and_manage_networks launch-instance