dukhlov 1482687ff7 Move server's logic from executors
Now we have situation when openstack projects like Mistral needs
extra oslo.messaging functionality.

 But it is too complicated now to to implement something new and
 integrate it with current code because there is a little bit mess.
 1) Executor should be responsible for how to run jobs
      (but now also has code with server logic)
 2) Dispatcher should be responsible for routing message to the
     target endpoint for processing (but it also has serialisation, sending replies,
     executing some executor's callbacks etc)
 3) Server should do all server specific logic, we need to have different
      implementation of servers for RPC and notification, not different implementations
      of dispatchers

 This patch fixes 1-st point

Change-Id: Ib6408f408889bb7b7056722be636a5547b1a780d
2016-02-23 15:00:58 +00:00

346 lines
13 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import time
import uuid
import concurrent.futures
from oslo_config import cfg
import six.moves
from testtools import matchers
import oslo_messaging
from oslo_messaging.tests.functional import utils
class CallTestCase(utils.SkipIfNoTransportURL):
def setUp(self):
super(CallTestCase, self).setUp(conf=cfg.ConfigOpts())
self.conf.prog = "test_prog"
self.conf.project = "test_project"
def test_specific_server(self):
group = self.useFixture(utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(
self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client(1)
self.assertEqual('openstack', client.append(text='stack'))
self.assertEqual(12, client.add(increment=10))
self.assertEqual(9, client.subtract(increment=3))
self.assertEqual('openstack', group.servers[1].endpoint.sval)
self.assertEqual(9, group.servers[1].endpoint.ival)
for i in [0, 2]:
self.assertEqual('', group.servers[i].endpoint.sval)
self.assertEqual(0, group.servers[i].endpoint.ival)
def test_server_in_group(self):
group = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client()
data = [c for c in 'abcdefghijklmn']
for i in data:
for s in group.servers:
self.assertThat(len(s.endpoint.sval), matchers.GreaterThan(0))
actual = [[c for c in s.endpoint.sval] for s in group.servers]
self.assertThat(actual, utils.IsValidDistributionOf(data))
def test_different_exchanges(self):
# If the different exchanges are not honoured, then the
# teardown may hang unless we broadcast all control messages
# to each server
group1 = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url,
group2 = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url, exchange="a",
group3 = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url, exchange="b",
client1 = group1.client(1)
data1 = [c for c in 'abcdefghijklmn']
for i in data1:
client2 = group2.client()
data2 = [c for c in 'opqrstuvwxyz']
for i in data2:
actual1 = [[c for c in s.endpoint.sval] for s in group1.servers]
self.assertThat(actual1, utils.IsValidDistributionOf(data1))
actual1 = [c for c in group1.servers[1].endpoint.sval]
self.assertThat([actual1], utils.IsValidDistributionOf(data1))
for s in group1.servers:
expected = len(data1) if group1.servers.index(s) == 1 else 0
self.assertEqual(expected, len(s.endpoint.sval))
self.assertEqual(0, s.endpoint.ival)
actual2 = [[c for c in s.endpoint.sval] for s in group2.servers]
for s in group2.servers:
self.assertThat(len(s.endpoint.sval), matchers.GreaterThan(0))
self.assertEqual(0, s.endpoint.ival)
self.assertThat(actual2, utils.IsValidDistributionOf(data2))
for s in group3.servers:
self.assertEqual(0, len(s.endpoint.sval))
self.assertEqual(0, s.endpoint.ival)
def test_timeout(self):
transport = self.useFixture(
utils.TransportFixture(self.conf, self.url)
target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic="no_such_topic")
c = utils.ClientStub(transport.transport, target, timeout=1)
def test_exception(self):
group = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client(1)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, client.subtract, increment=3)
def test_timeout_with_concurrently_queues(self):
transport = self.useFixture(
utils.TransportFixture(self.conf, self.url)
target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic="topic_" + str(uuid.uuid4()),
server="server_" + str(uuid.uuid4()))
server = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerFixture(self.conf, self.url, target,
client = utils.ClientStub(transport.transport, target,
cast=False, timeout=5)
def short_periodical_tasks():
for i in range(10):
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
future = executor.submit(client.long_running_task, seconds=10)
self.assertRaises(oslo_messaging.MessagingTimeout, future.result)
self.assertEqual(10, server.endpoint.ival)
class CastTestCase(utils.SkipIfNoTransportURL):
# Note: casts return immediately, so these tests utilise a special
# internal sync() cast to ensure prior casts are complete before
# making the necessary assertions.
def test_specific_server(self):
group = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client(1, cast=True)
self.assertEqual('openstack', group.servers[1].endpoint.sval)
self.assertEqual(12, group.servers[1].endpoint.ival)
for i in [0, 2]:
self.assertEqual('', group.servers[i].endpoint.sval)
self.assertEqual(0, group.servers[i].endpoint.ival)
def test_server_in_group(self):
if self.url.startswith("amqp:"):
group = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client(cast=True)
for i in range(20):
for i in range(len(group.servers)):
# expect each server to get a sync
total = 0
for s in group.servers:
ival = s.endpoint.ival
self.assertThat(ival, matchers.GreaterThan(0))
self.assertThat(ival, matchers.LessThan(20))
total += ival
self.assertEqual(20, total)
def test_fanout(self):
group = self.useFixture(
utils.RpcServerGroupFixture(self.conf, self.url)
client = group.client('all', cast=True)
for s in group.servers:
self.assertEqual('openstack', s.endpoint.sval)
self.assertEqual(12, s.endpoint.ival)
class NotifyTestCase(utils.SkipIfNoTransportURL):
# NOTE(sileht): Each test must not use the same topics
# to be run in parallel
def test_simple(self):
listener = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['test_simple']))
notifier = listener.notifier('abc')
notifier.info({}, 'test', 'Hello World!')
event = listener.events.get(timeout=1)
self.assertEqual('info', event[0])
self.assertEqual('test', event[1])
self.assertEqual('Hello World!', event[2])
self.assertEqual('abc', event[3])
def test_multiple_topics(self):
listener = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['a', 'b']))
a = listener.notifier('pub-a', topic='a')
b = listener.notifier('pub-b', topic='b')
sent = {
'pub-a': [a, 'test-a', 'payload-a'],
'pub-b': [b, 'test-b', 'payload-b']
for e in sent.values():
e[0].info({}, e[1], e[2])
received = {}
while len(received) < len(sent):
e = listener.events.get(timeout=1)
received[e[3]] = e
for key in received:
actual = received[key]
expected = sent[key]
self.assertEqual('info', actual[0])
self.assertEqual(expected[1], actual[1])
self.assertEqual(expected[2], actual[2])
def test_multiple_servers(self):
if self.url.startswith("amqp:"):
if self.url.startswith("zmq:"):
listener_a = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['test-topic']))
listener_b = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['test-topic']))
n = listener_a.notifier('pub')
events_out = [('test-%s' % c, 'payload-%s' % c) for c in 'abcdefgh']
for event_type, payload in events_out:
n.info({}, event_type, payload)
events_in = [[(e[1], e[2]) for e in listener_a.get_events()],
[(e[1], e[2]) for e in listener_b.get_events()]]
self.assertThat(events_in, utils.IsValidDistributionOf(events_out))
for stream in events_in:
self.assertThat(len(stream), matchers.GreaterThan(0))
def test_independent_topics(self):
listener_a = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['1']))
listener_b = self.useFixture(
utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, ['2']))
a = listener_a.notifier('pub-1', topic='1')
b = listener_b.notifier('pub-2', topic='2')
a_out = [('test-1-%s' % c, 'payload-1-%s' % c) for c in 'abcdefgh']
for event_type, payload in a_out:
a.info({}, event_type, payload)
b_out = [('test-2-%s' % c, 'payload-2-%s' % c) for c in 'ijklmnop']
for event_type, payload in b_out:
b.info({}, event_type, payload)
for expected in a_out:
actual = listener_a.events.get(timeout=0.5)
self.assertEqual('info', actual[0])
self.assertEqual(expected[0], actual[1])
self.assertEqual(expected[1], actual[2])
self.assertEqual('pub-1', actual[3])
for expected in b_out:
actual = listener_b.events.get(timeout=0.5)
self.assertEqual('info', actual[0])
self.assertEqual(expected[0], actual[1])
self.assertEqual(expected[1], actual[2])
self.assertEqual('pub-2', actual[3])
def test_all_categories(self):
listener = self.useFixture(utils.NotificationFixture(
self.conf, self.url, ['test_all_categories']))
n = listener.notifier('abc')
cats = ['debug', 'audit', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'critical']
events = [(getattr(n, c), c, 'type-' + c, c + '-data') for c in cats]
for e in events:
e[0]({}, e[2], e[3])
# order between events with different categories is not guaranteed
received = {}
for expected in events:
e = listener.events.get(timeout=1)
received[e[0]] = e
for expected in events:
actual = received[expected[1]]
self.assertEqual(expected[1], actual[0])
self.assertEqual(expected[2], actual[1])
self.assertEqual(expected[3], actual[2])
def test_simple_batch(self):
listener = self.useFixture(
utils.BatchNotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url,
batch_size=100, batch_timeout=2))
notifier = listener.notifier('abc')
for i in six.moves.range(0, 205):
notifier.info({}, 'test%s' % i, 'Hello World!')
events = listener.get_events(timeout=3)
self.assertEqual(3, len(events), events)
self.assertEqual(100, len(events[0][1]))
self.assertEqual(100, len(events[1][1]))
self.assertEqual(5, len(events[2][1]))