With pbr 2.0 and Sphinx 1.5, the setting for treat sphinx warnings as errors is setting warning-is-error in build_sphinx section. Migrate the setting from the old warnerrors one. The history document is removed because some of the commit messages used in ChangeLog were being identified as invalid markup and there doesn't appear to be anyway to edit there retroactively nor disable warnings on a specific file. Change-Id: I79e7ac56d5af1151865686761f3d40a11efbf472
572 B
572 B
The Oslo messaging API supports RPC and notifications over a number of different messaging transports.
transport executors target server rpcclient notifier notification_driver notification_listener serializer exceptions opts conffixture drivers supported-messaging-drivers AMQP1.0 pika_driver zmq_driver driver-dev-guide FAQ contributing
Indices and tables