Add exception_to_unicode() function

There is no simple way working on Python 2 and Python 3 to get the
message of an exception as a Unicode string. This new functions uses an
heuristic to get the encoding of the exception message. It tries UTF-8
(which is a superset of ASCII), the locale encoding, or fallback to
ISO-8859-1 (which never fails).

This function is required to log exceptions using the logging module
when the exception message contains non-ASCII characters.

- logging.log() only works with non-ASCII characters on Python 2 and
  Python 3 if the message is formatted as Unicode. For example,
  logging.log(b'error: %s', b'\xe9') fails in most cases.
- unicode % bytes doesn't work with non-ASCII characters
- logging.log(u'error: %s', exc) doesn't work if the exception message
  contains a non-ASCII character

Only logging.log(u'error: %s', exception_to_unicode(exc)) works in all
cases: ASCII or non-ASCII exception message, Python 2 and Python 3.

Co-Authored-By: Joshua Harlow <>

Change-Id: I241b7c81c7ae3d26f81790e9180678dc9af81e22
This commit is contained in:
Victor Stinner 2015-03-11 16:21:49 +01:00 committed by Joshua Harlow
parent fdbb15be10
commit 7f2406874e
2 changed files with 184 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -93,3 +93,59 @@ def safe_encode(text, incoming=None,
return text.encode(encoding, errors)
return text
def exception_to_unicode(exc):
"""Get the message of an exception as a Unicode string.
On Python 3, the exception message is always a Unicode string. On
Python 2, the exception message is a bytes string *most* of the time.
If the exception message is a bytes strings, try to decode it from UTF-8
(superset of ASCII), from the locale encoding, or fallback to decoding it
from ISO-8859-1 (which never fails).
msg = None
if six.PY2:
# Don't call directly unicode(exc), because it fails with
# UnicodeDecodeError on Python 2 if exc.__unicode__() returns a bytes
# string not decodable from the default encoding (ASCII)
msg = exc.__unicode__()
except UnicodeError:
if msg is None:
# Don't call directly str(exc), because it fails with
# UnicodeEncodeError on Python 2 if exc.__str__() returns a Unicode
# string not encodable to the default encoding (ASCII)
msg = exc.__str__()
if isinstance(msg, six.text_type):
# This should be the default path on Python 3 and an *optional* path
# on Python 2 (if for some reason the exception message was already
# in unicode instead of the more typical bytes string); so avoid
# further converting to unicode in both of these cases.
return msg
# Try to decode from UTF-8 (superset of ASCII). The decoder fails
# if the string is not a valid UTF-8 string: the UTF-8 codec includes
# a validation algorithm to ensure the consistency of the codec.
return msg.decode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# Try the locale encoding, most error messages are encoded to this encoding
# (ex: os.strerror(errno))
encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
return msg.decode(encoding)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# The encoding is not ASCII, not UTF-8, nor the locale encoding. Fallback
# to the ISO-8859-1 encoding which never fails. It will produce mojibake
# if the message is not encoded to ISO-8859-1, but we don't want a super
# complex heuristic to get the encoding of an exception message.
return msg.decode('latin1')

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
import mock
from oslotest import base as test_base
import six
import testtools
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
@ -103,3 +104,130 @@ class EncodeUtilsTest(test_base.BaseTestCase):
text=text, incoming='utf-8', encoding='iso-8859-1')
self.assertNotEqual(text, result)
self.assertNotEqual(six.b("foo\xf1bar"), result)
class ExceptionToUnicodeTest(test_base.BaseTestCase):
def test_str_exception(self):
# The regular Exception class cannot be used directly:
# Exception(u'\xe9').__str__() raises an UnicodeEncodeError
# on Python 2
class StrException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
# On Python 3, an exception which returns bytes with is __str__()
# method (like StrException(bytes)) is probably a bug, but it was not
# harder to support this silly case in exception_to_unicode().
# Decode from ASCII
exc = StrException(b'bytes ascii')
u'bytes ascii')
# Decode from UTF-8
exc = StrException(b'utf-8 \xc3\xa9\xe2\x82\xac')
u'utf-8 \xe9\u20ac')
# Force the locale encoding to ASCII to test the fallback
with mock.patch('sys.getfilesystemencoding', return_value='ascii'):
# Fallback: decode from ISO-8859-1
exc = StrException(b'rawbytes \x80\xff')
u'rawbytes \x80\xff')
# No conversion needed
exc = StrException(u'unicode ascii')
u'unicode ascii')
# No conversion needed
exc = StrException(u'unicode \xe9\u20ac')
u'unicode \xe9\u20ac')
# Test the locale encoding
with mock.patch('sys.getfilesystemencoding', return_value='koi8_r'):
exc = StrException(b'\xf2\xd5\xd3\xd3\xcb\xc9\xca')
# Decode from the locale encoding
# (the message cannot be decoded from ASCII nor UTF-8)
@testtools.skipIf(six.PY3, 'test specific to Python 2')
def test_unicode_exception(self):
# Exception with a __unicode__() method, but no __str__()
class UnicodeException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __unicode__(self):
return self.value
# __unicode__() returns unicode
exc = UnicodeException(u'unicode \xe9\u20ac')
u'unicode \xe9\u20ac')
# __unicode__() returns bytes (does this case really happen in the
# wild?)
exc = UnicodeException(b'utf-8 \xc3\xa9\xe2\x82\xac')
u'utf-8 \xe9\u20ac')
@testtools.skipIf(six.PY3, 'test specific to Python 2')
def test_unicode_or_str_exception(self):
# Exception with __str__() and __unicode__() methods
class UnicodeOrStrException(Exception):
def __init__(self, unicode_value, str_value):
self.unicode_value = unicode_value
self.str_value = str_value
def __unicode__(self):
return self.unicode_value
def __str__(self):
return self.str_value
# __unicode__() returns unicode
exc = UnicodeOrStrException(u'unicode \xe9\u20ac', b'str')
u'unicode \xe9\u20ac')
# __unicode__() returns bytes (does this case really happen in the
# wild?)
exc = UnicodeOrStrException(b'utf-8 \xc3\xa9\xe2\x82\xac', b'str')
u'utf-8 \xe9\u20ac')
@testtools.skipIf(six.PY3, 'test specific to Python 2')
def test_unicode_only_exception(self):
# Exception with a __unicode__() method and a __str__() which
# raises an exception (similar to the Message class of oslo_i18n)
class UnicodeOnlyException(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __unicode__(self):
return self.value
def __str__(self):
raise UnicodeError("use unicode()")
# __unicode__() returns unicode
exc = UnicodeOnlyException(u'unicode \xe9\u20ac')
u'unicode \xe9\u20ac')
# __unicode__() returns bytes
exc = UnicodeOnlyException(b'utf-8 \xc3\xa9\xe2\x82\xac')
u'utf-8 \xe9\u20ac')