Dina Belova 20b0943204 Add plan<->result references everywhere
Change-Id: I68acbcd3f656faa57540d2d7d4b8e1f2ffb8cfae
Closes-Bug: #1609927
2016-08-16 10:04:02 -07:00

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OpenStack control plane density testing






This document describes a test plan for measuring OpenStack control plane performance under with large number of items in terms of ability to handle specific amount of objects like VMs, networks, subnets etc.

Test Plan

Test Environment

This section describes the setup for OpenStack testing. In these tests basic multi-node setup with OpenStack services comprises 6 physical nodes: * Three nodes for a compute node. This node simulates activity which is typical for OpenStack compute components. * Three nodes for a controller nodes. These node simulate activity which is typical for OpenStack control plane services, including running three MySQL instances managed by Galera cluster and memcached cluster for Keystone caching.


Single node installation

For single node installation the one can use DevStack tool that is targeted at developers and CI systems to use upstream code. It makes many choices that are not appropriate for production systems, but for the all-in-one purposes this can fit ok.

Multi node installation

Multi node environment installation depends much on the chosen set of OpenStack deployment tools.

Environment description

The environment description includes hardware specification of servers, network parameters, operation system and OpenStack deployment characteristics.

Amount of servers each role
Role Servers count
rally 1
controller 3
compute 176
compute-osd 20
osd 0

Hardware configuration of each server

All servers have same configuration describing in table below

Description of servers hardware
server vendor,model HP,DL380 Gen9
vendor,model ----------------+ processor_count ----------------+ core_count ----------------+ frequency_MHz Intel,E5-2680 v3 -------------------------------+ 2 -------------------------------+ 12 -------------------------------+ 2500
vendor,model ----------------+ amount_MB HP,752369-081 -------------------------------+ 262144
interface_name ----------------+ vendor,model ----------------+ bandwidth p1p1 -------------------------------+ Intel,X710 Dual Port -------------------------------+ 10G

dev_name ----------------+ vendor,model

----------------+ SSD/HDD ----------------+ size

/dev/sda -------------------------------+ | raid10 - HP P840 | 12 disks EH0600JEDHE -------------------------------+ HDD -------------------------------+ 3,6TB

Test Case 1: perform baseline Rally scenarios


  1. Create work directory on server. In future we will call it as WORK_DIR

  2. Create directory "plugins" in WORK_DIR and copy to the directory nova_density.py <configs/nova_density.py> plugin.

  3. Create directory "scenarios" in WORK_DIR and copy to the directory boot_attach_and_list_with_secgroups.json <configs/boot_attach_and_list_with_secgroups.json> scenario.

  4. Create deployment.json file in WORK_DIR and fill it with OpenStack environment info. Example of how it may look like is presented below:

      "admin": {
        "password": "password",
        "tenant_name": "tenant",
        "username": "user"
      "auth_url": "",
      "region_name": "RegionOne",
      "type": "ExistingCloud",
      "endpoint_type": "internal",
      "admin_port": 35357,
      "https_insecure": true
  5. Create job-params.yaml file in WORK_DIR and fill it with scenarios info. Example of how it may look like is presented below:

        concurrency: 5
        compute: 196
        start_cidr: ""
        current_path: "/home/rally/rally-scenarios/heat/"
        floating_ip_amount: 800
        floating_net: "admin_floating_net"
        vlan_amount: 1025
        gre_enabled: false
        http_server_with_glance_images: ""
  6. Perform tests:

    rally deployment create --filename $(DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG) --name $(DEPLOYMENT_NAME)
    for scenario in SCENARIOS; do
      rally --plugin-paths ${PLUGINS_PATH} task start --tag ${scenario} --task-args-file ${JOB_PARAMS_CONFIG} ${WORK_DR}/scenarios/${scenario}
    task_list="$(rally task list --uuids-only)"
    rally task report --tasks ${task_list} --out=${WORK_DIR}/rally_report.html

List of performance metrics

Foe each component under test define atomic actions made in terms of this test case. Define what time does it take to perform this specific action (minimum, maximum, mean and percentiles across all attempts to perform this action).

For example, in case of Cinder testing final measurement for volume creation may look like:

Operation Mean 90%ile 50%ile Max Min
create_volume <mean_numbers>



<max_value> <min_value>


Test plan execution reports:
  • Results_of_OpenStack_services_density_testing