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.. _reliability_testing_results:
OpenStack reliability testing
:status: draft
:version: 0
This document describes an abstract methodology for OpenStack cluster
high-availability testing and analysis. OpenStack data plane testing
at this moment is out of scope but will be described in future. All tests
have been performed regarding :ref:`reliability_testing`
.. include:: ../../test_plans/reliability/plan_conventions.rst
Test results
Test environment
Software configuration on servers with OpenStack
.. table:: **Basic cluster configuration**
|Name | Build-9.0.0-451 |
|OpenStack release | Mitaka on Ubuntu 14.04 |
|Total nodes | 6 nodes |
|Controller | 3 nodes |
|Compute, Ceph OSD | 3 nodes with KVM hypervisor |
|Network | Neutron with tunneling segmentation |
|Storage back ends | | Ceph RBD for volumes (Cinder) |
| | | Ceph RadosGW for objects (Swift API) |
| | | Ceph RBD for ephemeral volumes (Nova) |
| | | Ceph RBD for images (Glance) |
Software configuration on servers with Rally role
Before you start configuring a server with Rally role, verify that Rally
is installed. For more information, see `Rally installation documentation`_.
.. table:: **Software version of Rally server**
|Software |Version |
|Rally |0.4.0 |
|Ubuntu |14.04.3 LTS |
Environment description
.. table:: **Description of server hardware**
|SERVER |name | | 728997-comp-disk-228 | 729017-comp-disk-255 |
| | | | 728998-comp-disk-227 | |
| | | | 728999-comp-disk-226 | |
| | | | 729000-comp-disk-225 | |
| | | | 729001-comp-disk-224 | |
| | | | 729002-comp-disk-223 | |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |role | | controller | Rally |
| | | | controller | |
| | | | controller | |
| | | | compute, ceph-osd | |
| | | | compute, ceph-osd | |
| | | | compute, ceph-osd | |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |vendor, model |HP, DL380 Gen9 |HP, DL380 Gen9 |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |operating_system | | 3.13.0-87-generic | | 3.13.0-87-generic |
| | | | Ubuntu-trusty | | Ubuntu-trusty |
| | | | x86_64 | | x86_64 |
|CPU |vendor, model |Intel, E5-2680 v3 |Intel, E5-2680 v3 |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |processor_count |2 |2 |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |core_count |12 |12 |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |frequency_MHz |2500 |2500 |
|RAM |vendor, model |HP, 752369-081 |HP, 752369-081 |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |amount_MB |262144 |262144 |
|NETWORK |interface_name |p1p1 |p1p1 |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |vendor, model |Intel, X710 Dual Port |Intel, X710 Dual Port |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |bandwidth |10 Gbit |10 Gbit |
|STORAGE |dev_name |/dev/sda |/dev/sda |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |vendor, model | | raid10 - HP P840 | | raid10 - HP P840 |
| | | | 12 disks EH0600JEDHE | | 12 disks EH0600JEDHE |
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| +-----------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| |size | 3,6 TB | 3,6 TB |
.. table:: **Services on servers by role**
|Role |Service name |
|controller || horizon |
| || keystone |
| || nova-api |
| || nava-scheduler |
| || nova-cert |
| || nova-conductor |
| || nova-consoleauth |
| || nova-consoleproxy |
| || cinder-api |
| || cinder-backup |
| || cinder-scheduler |
| || cinder-volume |
| || glance-api |
| || glance-glare |
| || glance-registry |
| || neutron-dhcp-agent |
| || neutron-l3-agent |
| || neutron-metadata-agent |
| || neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| || neutron-server |
| || heat-api |
| || heat-api-cfn |
| || heat-api-cloudwatch |
| || ceph-mon |
| || rados-gw |
| || heat-engine |
| || memcached |
| || rabbitmq_server |
| || mysqld |
| || galera |
| || corosync |
| || pacemaker |
| || haproxy |
|compute-osd || nova-compute |
| || neutron-l3-agent |
| || neutron-metadata-agent |
| || neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| || ceph-osd |
High availability cluster architecture
Controller nodes:
.. image:: https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/_images/logical-diagram-controller.svg
:height: 700px
:width: 600px
:alt: Mirantis reference HA architecture
Compute nodes:
.. image:: https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-8.0/_images/logical-diagram-compute.svg
:height: 250px
:width: 350px
:alt: Mirantis reference HA architecture
All servers have the similar network configuration:
.. image:: images/Network_Scheme.png
:alt: Network Scheme of the environment
The following example shows a part of a switch configuration for each switch
port that is connected to ens1f0 interface of a server:
.. code:: bash
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk native vlan 600
switchport trunk allowed vlan 600-602,630-649
spanning-tree port type edge trunk
spanning-tree bpduguard enable
no snmp trap link-status
Factors description
- **reboot-random-controller:** consists of a node-crash fault injection on a
random OpenStack controller node.
- **sigkill-random-rabbitmq:** consists of a service-crash fault injection on
a random slave RabbitMQ messaging node.
- **sigkill-random-mysql:** consists of a service-crash fault injection on a
random MySQL node.
- **freeze-random-nova-api:** consists of a service-hang fault injection to
all nova-api process on a random controller node for a 150 seconds period.
- **freeze-random-memcached:** consists of a service-hang fault injection to
the memcached service on a random controller node for a 150 seconds period.
- **freeze-random-keystone:** consists of a service-hang fault injection to
the keystone (public and admin endpoints) service on a random controller
node for a 150 seconds period.
Testing process
Use the following VM parameters for testing purposes:
.. table:: **Test parameters**
|Name |Value |
|Flavor to create VM from |m1.tiny |
|Image name to create VM from |cirros |
#. Create a work directory on a server with Rally role.
In this documentation, we name this directory ``WORK_DIR``. The path
example: ``/data/rally``.
#. Create a directory ``plugins`` in ``WORK_DIR`` and copy the
:download:`scrappy.py <rally_plugins/scrappy.py>` plugin into that directory.
#. Download the bash framework :download:`scrappy.sh <rally_plugins/scrappy.sh>`
and :download:`scrappy.conf <rally_plugins/scrappy.conf>` to
#. Modify the ``scrappy.conf`` file with appropriate values. For example:
.. literalinclude:: rally_plugins/scrappy.conf
:language: bash
#. Create a ``scenarios`` directory in ``WORK_DIR`` and copy all Rally
scenarios with factors that you are planning to test to that directory.
For example:
#. Create a ``deployment.json`` file in the ``WORK_DIR`` and fill it with
your OpenStack environment info. It should looks like this:
.. code:: json
"admin": {
"password": "password",
"tenant_name": "tenant",
"username": "user"
"auth_url": "",
"region_name": "RegionOne",
"type": "ExistingCloud",
"endpoint_type": "internal",
"admin_port": 35357,
"https_insecure": true
#. Prepare for tests:
.. code:: bash
rally deployment create --filename $(DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG) --name $(DEPLOYMENT_NAME)
#. Create a ``/root/scrappy`` directory on every node in your OpenStack
environment and copy :download:`scrappy_host.sh <rally_plugins/scrappy_host.sh>`
to that directory.
#. Perform tests:
.. code:: bash
for scenario in SCENARIOS; do
rally --plugin-paths ${PLUGINS_PATH} task start --tag ${scenario} ${WORK_DR}/scenarios/${scenario}
task_list="$(rally task list --uuids-only)"
rally task report --tasks ${task_list} --out=${WORK_DIR}/rally_report.html
Once these steps are done, you get an HTML file with Rally test results.
Test case 1: NovaServers.boot_and_delete_server
This Rally scenario boots and deletes virtual instances with injected fault
factors using OpenStack Nova API.
**Service-level agreement**
=================== ========
Parameter Value
=================== ========
MTTR (sec) <=240
Failure rate (%) <=95
Auto-healing Yes
=================== ========
=================== ========
Parameter Value
=================== ========
Runner constant
Concurrency 5
Times 100
Injection-iteration 20
Testing-cycles 5
=================== ========
**List of reliability metrics**
======== ============== ================= =================================================
Priority Value Measurement Units Description
======== ============== ================= =================================================
1 SLA Boolean Service-level agreement result
2 Auto-healing Boolean Is cluster auto-healed after fault-injection
3 Failure rate Percents Test iteration failure ratio
4 MTTR (auto) Seconds Automatic mean time to repair
5 MTTR (manual) Seconds Manual mean time to repair, if Auto MTTR is Inf.
======== ============== ================= =================================================
Test case 1 results
**Rally scenario used during factor testing:**
.. literalinclude:: rally_scenarios/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_reboot_factor.json
:language: bash
**Factor testing results:**
.. table:: **Full description of cyclic execution results**
| Cycles | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate(%) | Auto-healing | Performance degradation |
| 1 | 4.31 | 2 | Yes | Yes, up to 148.52 sec. |
| 2 | 19.88 | 14 | Yes | Yes, up to 150.946 sec. |
| 3 | 7.31 | 8 | Yes | Yes, up to 124.593 sec. |
| 4 | 95.07 | 9 | Yes | Yes, up to 240.893 |
| 5 | Inf. | 80.00 | No | Inf. |
**Rally report:** :download:`reboot_random_controller.html <../../../../raw_results/reliability/rally_results/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/reboot_random_controller.html>`
.. table:: **Testing results summary**
| Value | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate |
| Min | 4.31 | 2 |
| Max | 95.07 | 80 |
| SLA | Yes | No |
**Detailed results description**
This factor affects OpenStack cluster operation on every run.
Auto-healing works, but may take a long time. In our testing results, the
cluster was recovered on the fifth testing cycle only, after Rally had
completed testing with the error status. Therefore, the performance degradation
is very significant during cluster recovering.
**Rally scenario used during factor testing:**
.. literalinclude:: rally_scenarios/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_kill_rabbitmq.json
:language: bash
**Factor testing results:**
.. table:: **Full description of cyclic execution results**
| Cycles | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate(%) | Auto-healing | Performance degradation |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 12.266 sec. |
| 2 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 15.775 sec. |
| 3 | 98.52 | 1 | Yes | Yes, up to 145.115 sec. |
| 4 | 0 | 0 | Yes | No |
| 5 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 65.926 sec. |
**Rally report:** :download:`random_controller_kill_rabbitmq.html <../../../../raw_results/reliability/rally_results/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_kill_rabbitmq.html>`
.. table:: **Testing results summary**
| Value | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate |
| Min | 0 | 0 |
| Max | 98.52 | 1 |
| SLA | Yes | Yes |
**Detailed results description**
This factor may affect OpenStack cluster operation.
Auto-healing works fine.
Performance degradation is significant during cluster recovering.
**Rally scenario used during factor testing:**
.. literalinclude:: rally_scenarios/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_kill_mysqld.json
:language: bash
**Factor testing results:**
.. table:: **Full description of cyclic execution results**
| Cycles | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate(%) | Auto-healing | Performance degradation |
| 1 | 2.31 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 12.928 sec. |
| 2 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 11.156 sec. |
| 3 | 0 | 1 | Yes | Yes, up to 13.592 sec. |
| 4 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 11.864 sec. |
| 5 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 12.715 sec. |
**Rally report:** :download:`random_controller_kill_mysqld.html <../../../../raw_results/reliability/rally_results/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_kill_mysqld.html>`
.. table:: **Testing results summary**
| Value | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate |
| Min | 0 | 0 |
| Max | 2.31 | 1 |
| SLA | Yes | Yes |
**Detailed results description**
This factor may affect OpenStack cluster operation.
Auto-healing works fine.
Performance degradation is not significant.
**Rally scenario used during factor testing:**
.. literalinclude:: rally_scenarios/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_freeze_nova-api_150_sec.json
:language: bash
**Factor testing results:**
.. table:: **Full description of cyclic execution results**
| Cycles | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate(%) | Auto-healing | Performance degradation |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 156.935 sec. |
| 2 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 155.085 sec. |
| 3 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 156.93 sec. |
| 4 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 156.782 sec. |
| 5 | 150.55 | 1 | Yes | Yes, up to 154.741 sec. |
**Rally report:** :download:`random_controller_freeze_nova_api_150_sec.html <../../../../raw_results/reliability/rally_results/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_freeze_nova_api_150_sec.html>`
.. table:: **Testing results summary**
| Value | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate |
| Min | 0 | 0 |
| Max | 150.55 | 1 |
| SLA | Yes | Yes |
**Detailed results description**
This factor affects OpenStack cluster operation.
Auto-healing does not work. Cluster operation was recovered
only after sending SIGCONT POSIX signal to all freezed nova-api
processes. Performance degradation is determined by the factor duration time.
This behaviour is not normal for an HA OpenStack configuration
and should be investigated.
**Rally scenario used during factor testing:**
.. literalinclude:: rally_scenarios/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_freeze_memcached_150_sec.json
:language: bash
**Factor testing results:**
.. table:: **Full description of cyclic execution results**
| Cycles | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate(%) | Auto-healing | Performance degradation |
| 1 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 26.679 sec. |
| 2 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 23.726 sec. |
| 3 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 21.893 sec. |
| 4 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 22.796 sec. |
| 5 | 0 | 0 | Yes | Yes, up to 27.737 sec. |
**Rally report:** :download:`random_controller_freeze_memcached_150_sec.html <../../../../raw_results/reliability/rally_results/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_freeze_memcached_150_sec.html>`
.. table:: **Testing results summary**
| Value | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate |
| Min | 0 | 0 |
| Max | 0 | 0 |
| SLA | Yes | Yes |
**Detailed results description**
This factor does not affect an OpenStack cluster operations.
During the factor testing, a small performance degradation is observed.
**Rally scenario used during factor testing:**
.. literalinclude:: rally_scenarios/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_freeze_keystone_150_sec.json
:language: bash
**Factor testing results:**
.. table:: **Full description of cyclic execution results**
| Cycles | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate(%) | Auto-healing | Performance degradation |
| 1 | 97.19 | 7 | Yes | No |
| 2 | 93.87 | 6 | Yes | No |
| 3 | 92.12 | 8 | Yes | No |
| 4 | 94.51 | 6 | Yes | No |
| 5 | 98.37 | 7 | Yes | No |
**Rally report:** :download:`random_controller_freeze_keystone_150_sec.html <../../../../raw_results/reliability/rally_results/NovaServers/boot_and_delete_server/random_controller_freeze_keystone_150_sec.html>`
.. table:: **Testing results summary**
| Value | MTTR(sec) | Failure rate |
| Min | 92.12 | 6 |
| Max | 98.37 | 8 |
| SLA | Yes | No |
**Detailed results description**
This factor affects an OpenStack cluster operations.
After the keystone processes freeze on controllers, the HA
logic needs approximately 95 seconds to recover service operation.
After recovering, performance degradation is not observed but
only at small concurrency. This behaviour is not normal
for an HA OpenStack configuration and should be investigated in future.
.. references:
.. _Rally installation documentation: https://rally.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html |