Igor Yozhikov 398544d585 Test plan & results for k8s+OS+Cinder+Ceph
* Initial data, description of used environment and tests
 * Tests results, raw results data, graphs

Change-Id: Ib60716724350b8e4555f3b625b63b6bfe2816150
2016-12-29 19:11:50 +03:00

18 KiB

Measuring performance of Cinder with Ceph backend






This document describes a test plan for quantifying the performance of block storage devices provided by OpenStack Cinder with Ceph used as back-end. The plan includes the collection of several resource utilization metrics, which will be used to analyze and understand the overall performance of used storage technologies. In particular, resource bottlenecks will either be fixed, or best practices developed for system and hardware requirements.

  • Kubernetes: is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  • Calico: is a new approach to virtual networking and network security for containers, VMs, and bare metal services, that provides a rich set of security enforcement capabilities running on top of a highly scalable and efficient virtual network fabric. Calico includes pre-integration with Kubernetes and Mesos (as a CNI network plugin), Docker (as a libnetwork plugin) and OpenStack (as a Neutron plugin).
  • fuel-ccp: CCP stands for "Containerized Control Plane". The goal of this project is to make building, running and managing production-ready OpenStack containers on top of Kubernetes an easy task for operators.
  • OpenStack: OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter, all managed through a dashboard that gives administrators control while empowering their users to provision resources through a web interface.
  • Cinder: The Block Storage service provides block storage devices to guest instances. The method in which the storage is provisioned and consumed is determined by the Block Storage driver, or drivers in the case of a multi-backend configuration. There are a variety of drivers that are available: NAS/SAN, NFS, iSCSI, Ceph, and more.
  • Heat: Heat is a service to orchestrate composite cloud applications using a declarative template format through an OpenStack-native REST API.
  • Ceph: Ceph is a massively scalable, open source, distributed storage system. It is comprised of an object store, block store, and a POSIX-compliant distributed file system. The platform can auto-scale to the exabyte level and beyond. It runs on commodity hardware, is self-healing and self-managing, and has no single point of failure. Ceph is in the Linux kernel and is integrated with the OpenStack cloud operating system.
  • Nodes: are servers used for workloads.
  • IOPS: Input/output operations per second is a performance measurement used to characterize computer storage devices like hard disk drives (HDD), solid state drives (SSD), and storage area networks (SAN).
  • Completion latency: This is the time that passes between submission to the kernel and when the IO is complete, not including submission latency.

Test Plan

This test plan aims to identify Cinder + Ceph storage performance and its dependency from amount of concurrent attached consumers.

Test Environment



To be able to run test we need:

  • Ceph cluster installed and configured
  • K8s cluster installed and configured with Calico
  • OpenStack cloud with Heat and Cinder installed on top of K8s cluster

- Created and uploaded into Glance image with random data which will be used for prefilling of Cinder volumes

Software to be installed
software version source
Ceph jewell Debian jessie ceph package repository
Kargo master From sources
Kubernetes 1.4.3 quay.io/coreos/hyperkube:v1.4.3_coreos.0
Calico 0.22.0 docker hub
calicoctl 1.0.0-beta docker hub
OpenStack newton From sources

Environment description

Test results MUST include a description of the environment used. The following items should be included:

  • Hardware configuration of each server. If virtual machines are used then both physical and virtual hardware should be fully documented. An example format is given below:

Ceph cluster member:

Description of server hardware
name ----------------+ role ----------------+ vendor,model ----------------+ operating_system







vendor,model ----------------+ processor_count ----------------+ core_count ----------------+ frequency_MHz







vendor,model ----------------+ amount_MB -------+ -------+
interface_name ----------------+ vendor,model ----------------+ bandwidth





dev_name ----------------+ vendor,model ----------------+ SSD/HDD ----------------+ size







  • Configuration of physical network. The description of phisical and logical connectivities.
  • Configuration of virtual machines and virtual networks (if used). The configuration files can be attached, along with the mapping of virtual machines to host machines.
  • Ceph cluster configuration Deployment scheme and configuration of ceph components.
  1. ceph nodes configuration and roles
  2. amount of ceph monitor nodes
  3. amount of ceph OSD and placement groups
  • Kubernetes + Calico configuration Deployment scheme and configuration of servers used within testing environment.
  1. k8s nodes configuration and roles
  2. k8s networking configuration (Calico)
  • OpenStack deployment configuration used by fuel-ccp. OpenStack services configuration and topology used by fuel-ccp.
  1. OpenStack services and roles topology
  2. OpenStack cinder + ceph configuration

Test Cases

  • Case group 1 - average time of creation, attachment and deletion of Cinder volumes
  • Case group 2 - amount of concurrent read, write and simultaneous read, write IOPS depending on amount of VMs


This specific test plan contains test cases, that needs to be run on the environments differing list of parameters below. Here we have 2 kinds of metrics to be measured.

  • OpenStack control plane side tests of Cinder with Ceph back-end like execution time for basic functionality of cinder.
  • Load tests of VM storage subsystem provided by Cinder with Ceph back-end. This tests will show dependency of IOPS from amount of consumers and disk operations types.


Parameters depend on ceph and OpenStack configurations.

Case group 1:

Parameter name Value
vms + volumes 30, 60, 90
concurrency 10, 20, 30
operation create, attach, delete

Case group 2:

Parameter name Value
VMs per rw mode 1, 2, 5, 10, 20
read/write mode randread, randwrite
block size 4k - constant
io depth (queue) 64
test duration in seconds 600
filesize 40G

List of performance metrics

The tables below show the list of test metrics to be collected. The priority is the relative ranking of the importance of each metric in evaluating the performance of the system.

Case group 1:

List of performance metrics for cinder functionality
Value Measurement Units Description
Time seconds
time spent on requested operation

Case group 2:

List of performance metrics for storage subsystem
Value Measurement Units Description
READ_IO operations/second
amount of input/output operations per
second during random read from storage
WRITE_IO operations/second
amount of input/output operations per
second during random read from storage
READ_LATENCY milliseconds
time that passes between submission to
the kernel and when the IO is complete

WRITE_LATENCY milliseconds
time that passes between submission to
the kernel and when the IO is complete

VMs_COUNT number
amount of simultaneously launched VMs
with attached cinder volumes producing
storage loads

Measuring performance values

Case group 1:

"Control plane" test will be executed using OpenStack Rally scenarios.

Maximum values of performance metrics from Rally
Action Min (sec) Median (sec) 90%ile (sec) 95%ile (sec) Max (sec) Avg (sec) Success Count


  • operation will be one of create, attach or delete
  • volume size is also matters and all operations mentioned above will be repeated for each groups of volumes

Case group 2:

Storage performance testing will be based on test scripts which will be delivered and launched inside VMs using OpenStack Heat templates.

Heat templates could be laucnhed with different set of paramteters. These parameters are serving for 2 porpuses:

  • 1.Parameters for OpenStack environment:
    1. key_name - SSH key name that will be injected into instances
    2. flavor - flavor to be used for instances
    3. image - image to be used for instances
    4. network_name - internal network to be used for instances
    5. volume_size - volume size to be created and attached to instance
    6. vm_count - amount of VMs with volumes to be spawned
  • 2.Parameters for test script:
    1. test_mode - condition of test (time or disk)
    2. test_rw - read or write mode (randread, randwrite, randrw)
    3. test_runtime - amount of time in seconds (default 600)
    4. test_filesize - amount of data size (default 4G)
    5. test_iodepth - IO queue size generated by test (default 64)
Average values of performance metrics from cinder + ceph
test duration
time in sec
Summary values of performance metrics from cinder + ceph
test duration
time in sec


Rally jobs templates: --------------------.. literalinclude:: rally/cinder30.yaml :language: yaml



Heat templates



Test script for heat



Test plan execution reports:
  • Measuring_performance_of_cinder_ceph