Ilya Shakhat d43a16fc67 RabbitMQ HA test report
The patch contains results of MQ HA test plan execution
for RabbitMQ with HA queues disabled.

Change-Id: Iffc1de481f42b566ad0d1051cf75c182c74aac18
2016-03-23 16:42:38 +03:00

2.8 KiB

Performa omsimulator

This section describes how to perform message_queue_ha with Performa tool.

Test environment preparation

To perform the test plan you will need to install performa toolkit. The toolkit uses MongoDB for stats processing and reporting.

$ pip install performa
The execution requires the following parameters to be set:
  • mongo-address - The host where MongoDB is installed
  • remote-user - The user that can connect to remote host in OpenStack cloud
  • tester-hosts - List of hosts were omsimulator will be executed
  • rabbit-url - RabbitMQ address, it has the form of rabbit://{<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>[,]}/
  • report - folder where to store the report


RPC CALL measurements:

$ performa --mongo-url <mongo-address> --mongo-db performa
  --scenario mq/omsimulator-ha-call --remote-user <remote-user>
  --vars "{tester_hosts: [<tester-hosts>], rabbit_url: \"<rabbit-url>\"}"
  --book <report>

$ performa --mongo-url --mongo-db performa --scenario mq/omsimulator-ha-call --remote-user root --vars "{rabbit_hosts: [node-123, node-111, node-58], tester_hosts: [node-144], rabbit_url: \"rabbit://nova:tGAPNtjHh8yvvkR69MooN1eD@node-58:5673,nova:tGAPNtjHh8yvvkR69MooN1eD@node-111:5673,nova:tGAPNtjHh8yvvkR69MooN1eD@node-123:5673/\"}" --book books/omsimulator-ha-call-cmsm-km

RPC CAST measurements:

$ performa --mongo-url <mongo-address> --mongo-db performa
  --scenario mq/omsimulator-ha-cast --remote-user <remote-user>
  --vars "{tester_hosts: [<tester-hosts>], rabbit_url: \"<rabbit-url>\"}"
  --book <report>

$ performa --mongo-url --mongo-db performa --scenario mq/omsimulator-ha-cast --remote-user root --vars "{rabbit_hosts: [node-123, node-111, node-58], tester_hosts: [node-144], rabbit_url: \"rabbit://nova:tGAPNtjHh8yvvkR69MooN1eD@node-58:5673,nova:tGAPNtjHh8yvvkR69MooN1eD@node-111:5673,nova:tGAPNtjHh8yvvkR69MooN1eD@node-123:5673/\"}" --book books/omsimulator-ha-cast-cmsm-km

NOTIFY measurements:

$ performa --mongo-url <mongo-address> --mongo-db performa
  --scenario mq/omsimulator-ha-notify --remote-user <remote-user>
  --vars "{tester_hosts: [<tester-hosts>], rabbit_url: \"<rabbit-url>\"}"
  --book <report>

$ performa --mongo-url --mongo-db performa --scenario mq/omsimulator-ha-notify --remote-user root --vars "{rabbit_hosts: [node-123, node-111, node-58], tester_hosts: [node-144], rabbit_url: \"rabbit://nova:tGAPNtjHh8yvvkR69MooN1eD@node-58:5673,nova:tGAPNtjHh8yvvkR69MooN1eD@node-111:5673,nova:tGAPNtjHh8yvvkR69MooN1eD@node-123:5673/\"}" --book books/omsimulator-ha-notify-cmsm-km