Cyril Roelandt 9094e540b5 Add "image metadef property delete" command
Change-Id: I2e13b26139424c421ae609804c546a6b42add5a4
2023-10-18 13:27:02 +00:00

5.1 KiB

1cache-clearClear all images from cache, queue or both.
2cache-deleteDelete image from cache/caching queue.
3cache-listGet cache state.
4cache-queueQueue image(s) for caching.
5explainWONTFIXDescribe a specific model.
6image-createimage createCreate a new image.
7image-create-via-importimage create --importEXPERIMENTAL: Create a new image via image import using glance-direct import method. Missing support for web-download, copy-image and glance-download import methods. The OSC command is also missing support for importing image to specified store as well as all stores (--store, --stores, --all-stores) and skip or stop processing if import fails to one of the store (--allow-failure)
8image-deactivateimage set --deactivateDeactivate specified image.
9image-deleteimage deleteDelete specified image.
10image-downloadimage saveDownload a specific image.
11image-importimage importInitiate the image import taskflow.
12image-listimage listList images you can access.
13image-reactivateimage set --activateReactivate specified image.
14image-showimage showDescribe a specific image.
15image-stageimage stageUpload data for a specific image to staging.
16image-tag-deleteimage unset --tag <tag>Delete the tag associated with the given image.
17image-tag-updateimage set --tag <tag>Update an image with the given tag.
18image-tasksGet tasks associated with image.
19image-updateimage setUpdate an existing image.
20image-uploadUpload data for a specific image.
21import-infoimage import infoShow available import methods from Glance.
22location-addAdd a location (and related metadata) to an image.
23location-deleteRemove locations (and related metadata) from an image.
24location-updateUpdate metadata of an image's location.
25md-namespace-createimage metadef namespace createCreate a new metadata definitions namespace.
26md-namespace-deleteimage metadef namespace deleteDelete specified metadata definitions namespace with its contents.
27md-namespace-importImport a metadata definitions namespace from file or standard input.
28md-namespace-listimage metadef namespace listList metadata definitions namespaces.
29md-namespace-objects-deleteDelete all metadata definitions objects inside a specific namespace.
30md-namespace-properties-deleteDelete all metadata definitions property inside a specific namespace.
31md-namespace-resource-type-listimage metadef resource type listList resource types associated to specific namespace.
32md-namespace-showimage metadef namespace showDescribe a specific metadata definitions namespace.
33md-namespace-tags-deleteDelete all metadata definitions tags inside a specific namespace.
34md-namespace-updateUpdate an existing metadata definitions namespace.
35md-object-createCreate a new metadata definitions object inside a namespace.
36md-object-deleteDelete a specific metadata definitions object inside a namespace.
37md-object-listList metadata definitions objects inside a specific namespace.
38md-object-property-showDescribe a specific metadata definitions property inside an object.
39md-object-showDescribe a specific metadata definitions object inside a namespace.
40md-object-updateUpdate metadata definitions object inside a namespace.
41md-property-createimage metadef property createCreate a new metadata definitions property inside a namespace.
42md-property-deleteimage metadef property deleteDelete a specific metadata definitions property inside a namespace.
43md-property-listimage metadef property listList metadata definitions properties inside a specific namespace.
44md-property-showimage metadef property showDescribe a specific metadata definitions property inside a namespace.
45md-property-updateUpdate metadata definitions property inside a namespace.
46md-resource-type-associateAssociate resource type with a metadata definitions namespace.
47md-resource-type-deassociateDeassociate resource type with a metadata definitions namespace.
48md-resource-type-listList available resource type names.
49md-tag-createAdd a new metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.
50md-tag-create-multipleCreate new metadata definitions tags inside a namespace.
51md-tag-deleteDelete a specific metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.
52md-tag-listList metadata definitions tags inside a specific namespace.
53md-tag-showDescribe a specific metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.
54md-tag-updateRename a metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.
55member-createimage add projectCreate member for a given image.
56member-deleteimage remove projectDelete image member.
57member-getShow details of an image member
58member-listimage member listDescribe sharing permissions by image.
59member-updateimage set --accept --reject --statusUpdate the status of a member for a given image.
60stores-deleteimage delete --storeDelete image from specific store.
61stores-infoPrint available backends from Glance.
62task-createWONTFIXCreate a new task.
63task-listimage task listList tasks you can access.
64task-showimage task showDescribe a specific task.
65usageGet quota usage information.
66bash-completioncompletePrints arguments for bash_completion.
67helphelpDisplay help about this program or one of its subcommands.