Steve Martinelli b421eed868 add neutron CLI to decoder
Change-Id: I4717ffa2aa1c7bab1199728455ac7c13834d746f
2017-03-06 18:48:55 +00:00

17 KiB

1address-scope-createaddress scope createCreate an address scope for a given tenant.
2address-scope-deleteaddress scope deleteDelete an address scope.
3address-scope-listaddress scope listList address scopes that belong to a given tenant.
4address-scope-showaddress scope showShow information about an address scope.
5address-scope-updateaddress scope setUpdate an address scope.
6agent-deletenetwork agent deleteDelete a given agent.
7agent-listnetwork agent listList agents.
8agent-shownetwork agent showShow information of a given agent.
9agent-updatenetwork agent setUpdates the admin status and description for a specified agent.
10auto-allocated-topology-deletenetwork auto allocated topology deleteDelete the auto-allocated topology of a given tenant.
11auto-allocated-topology-shownetwork auto allocated topology createShow the auto-allocated topology of a given tenant.
12availability-zone-listavailability zone listList availability zones.
13bash-completioncompletePrints all of the commands and options for bash-completion.
14bgp-dragent-list-hosting-speakerList Dynamic Routing agents hosting a BGP speaker.
15bgp-dragent-speaker-addAdd a BGP speaker to a Dynamic Routing agent.
16bgp-dragent-speaker-removeRemoves a BGP speaker from a Dynamic Routing agent.
17bgp-peer-createCreate a BGP Peer.
18bgp-peer-deleteDelete a BGP peer.
19bgp-peer-listList BGP peers.
20bgp-peer-showShow information of a given BGP peer.
21bgp-peer-updateUpdate BGP Peer's information.
22bgp-speaker-advertiseroute-listList routes advertised by a given BGP speaker.
23bgp-speaker-createCreate a BGP Speaker.
24bgp-speaker-deleteDelete a BGP speaker.
25bgp-speaker-listList BGP speakers.
26bgp-speaker-list-on-dragentList BGP speakers hosted by a Dynamic Routing agent.
27bgp-speaker-network-addAdd a network to the BGP speaker.
28bgp-speaker-network-removeRemove a network from the BGP speaker.
29bgp-speaker-peer-addAdd a peer to the BGP speaker.
30bgp-speaker-peer-removeRemove a peer from the BGP speaker.
31bgp-speaker-showShow information of a given BGP speaker.
32bgp-speaker-updateUpdate BGP Speaker's information.
33dhcp-agent-list-hosting-netnetwork agent list --networkList DHCP agents hosting a network.
34dhcp-agent-network-addnetwork agent add networkAdd a network to a DHCP agent.
35dhcp-agent-network-removenetwork agent remove networkRemove a network from a DHCP agent.
36ext-listextension listList all extensions.
37ext-showextension showShow information of a given resource.
38flavor-associatenetwork flavor associateAssociate a Neutron service flavor with a flavor profile.
39flavor-createnetwork flavor createCreate a Neutron service flavor.
40flavor-deletenetwork flavor deleteDelete a given Neutron service flavor.
41flavor-disassociatenetwork flavor disassociateDisassociate a Neutron service flavor from a flavor profile.
42flavor-listnetwork flavor listList Neutron service flavors.
43flavor-profile-createnetwork flavor profile createCreate a Neutron service flavor profile.
44flavor-profile-deletenetwork flavor profile deleteDelete a given Neutron service flavor profile.
45flavor-profile-listnetwork flavor profile listList Neutron service flavor profiles.
46flavor-profile-shownetwork flavor profile showShow information about a given Neutron service flavor profile.
47flavor-profile-updatenetwork flavor profile setUpdate a given Neutron service flavor profile.
48flavor-shownetwork flavor showShow information about a given Neutron service flavor.
49flavor-updatenetwork flavor setUpdate a Neutron service flavor.
50floatingip-associatefloating ip set port --fixed-ipCreate a mapping between a floating IP and a fixed IP.
51floatingip-createfloating ip createCreate a floating IP for a given tenant.
52floatingip-deletefloating ip deleteDelete a given floating IP.
53floatingip-disassociatefloating ip unset portRemove a mapping from a floating IP to a fixed IP.
54floatingip-listfloating ip listList floating IPs that belong to a given tenant.
55floatingip-showfloating ip showShow information of a given floating IP.
56helphelpprint detailed help for another command
57ipsec-site-connection-createCreate an IPsec site connection.
58ipsec-site-connection-deleteDelete a given IPsec site connection.
59ipsec-site-connection-listList IPsec site connections that belong to a given tenant.
60ipsec-site-connection-showShow information of a given IPsec site connection.
61ipsec-site-connection-updateUpdate a given IPsec site connection.
62l3-agent-list-hosting-routernetwork agent list --routersList L3 agents hosting a router.
63l3-agent-router-addnetwork agent add router --agent-type l3Add a router to a L3 agent.
64l3-agent-router-removenetwork agent remove router --agent-type l3Remove a router from a L3 agent.
65lb-agent-hosting-poolGet loadbalancer agent hosting a pool.
66lb-healthmonitor-associateCreate a mapping between a health monitor and a pool.
67lb-healthmonitor-createCreate a health monitor.
68lb-healthmonitor-deleteDelete a given health monitor.
69lb-healthmonitor-disassociateRemove a mapping from a health monitor to a pool.
70lb-healthmonitor-listList health monitors that belong to a given tenant.
71lb-healthmonitor-showShow information of a given health monitor.
72lb-healthmonitor-updateUpdate a given health monitor.
73lb-member-createCreate a member.
74lb-member-deleteDelete a given member.
75lb-member-listList members that belong to a given tenant.
76lb-member-showShow information of a given member.
77lb-member-updateUpdate a given member.
78lb-pool-createCreate a pool.
79lb-pool-deleteDelete a given pool.
80lb-pool-listList pools that belong to a given tenant.
81lb-pool-list-on-agentList the pools on a loadbalancer agent.
82lb-pool-showShow information of a given pool.
83lb-pool-statsRetrieve stats for a given pool.
84lb-pool-updateUpdate a given pool.
85lb-vip-createCreate a vip.
86lb-vip-deleteDelete a given vip.
87lb-vip-listList vips that belong to a given tenant.
88lb-vip-showShow information of a given vip.
89lb-vip-updateUpdate a given vip.
90lbaas-agent-hosting-loadbalancerGet lbaas v2 agent hosting a loadbalancer.
91lbaas-healthmonitor-createLBaaS v2 Create a healthmonitor.
92lbaas-healthmonitor-deleteLBaaS v2 Delete a given healthmonitor.
93lbaas-healthmonitor-listLBaaS v2 List healthmonitors that belong to a given tenant.
94lbaas-healthmonitor-showLBaaS v2 Show information of a given healthmonitor.
95lbaas-healthmonitor-updateLBaaS v2 Update a given healthmonitor.
96lbaas-l7policy-createLBaaS v2 Create L7 policy.
97lbaas-l7policy-deleteLBaaS v2 Delete a given L7 policy.
98lbaas-l7policy-listLBaaS v2 List L7 policies that belong to a given listener.
99lbaas-l7policy-showLBaaS v2 Show information of a given L7 policy.
100lbaas-l7policy-updateLBaaS v2 Update a given L7 policy.
101lbaas-l7rule-createLBaaS v2 Create L7 rule.
102lbaas-l7rule-deleteLBaaS v2 Delete a given L7 rule.
103lbaas-l7rule-listLBaaS v2 List L7 rules that belong to a given L7 policy.
104lbaas-l7rule-showLBaaS v2 Show information of a given rule.
105lbaas-l7rule-updateLBaaS v2 Update a given L7 rule.
106lbaas-listener-createLBaaS v2 Create a listener.
107lbaas-listener-deleteLBaaS v2 Delete a given listener.
108lbaas-listener-listLBaaS v2 List listeners that belong to a given tenant.
109lbaas-listener-showLBaaS v2 Show information of a given listener.
110lbaas-listener-updateLBaaS v2 Update a given listener.
111lbaas-loadbalancer-createLBaaS v2 Create a loadbalancer.
112lbaas-loadbalancer-deleteLBaaS v2 Delete a given loadbalancer.
113lbaas-loadbalancer-listLBaaS v2 List loadbalancers that belong to a given tenant.
114lbaas-loadbalancer-list-on-agentList the loadbalancers on a loadbalancer v2 agent.
115lbaas-loadbalancer-showLBaaS v2 Show information of a given loadbalancer.
116lbaas-loadbalancer-statsRetrieve stats for a given loadbalancer.
117lbaas-loadbalancer-statusRetrieve status for a given loadbalancer.
118lbaas-loadbalancer-updateLBaaS v2 Update a given loadbalancer.
119lbaas-member-createLBaaS v2 Create a member.
120lbaas-member-deleteLBaaS v2 Delete a given member.
121lbaas-member-listLBaaS v2 List members that belong to a given pool.
122lbaas-member-showLBaaS v2 Show information of a given member.
123lbaas-member-updateLBaaS v2 Update a given member.
124lbaas-pool-createLBaaS v2 Create a pool.
125lbaas-pool-deleteLBaaS v2 Delete a given pool.
126lbaas-pool-listLBaaS v2 List pools that belong to a given tenant.
127lbaas-pool-showLBaaS v2 Show information of a given pool.
128lbaas-pool-updateLBaaS v2 Update a given pool.
129meter-label-createnetwork meter createCreate a metering label for a given tenant.
130meter-label-deletenetwork meter deleteDelete a given metering label.
131meter-label-listnetwork meter listList metering labels that belong to a given tenant.
132meter-label-rule-createnetwork meter rule createCreate a metering label rule for a given label.
133meter-label-rule-deletenetwork meter rule deleteDelete a given metering label.
134meter-label-rule-listnetwork meter rule listList metering labels that belong to a given label.
135meter-label-rule-shownetwork meter rule showShow information of a given metering label rule.
136meter-label-shownetwork meter showShow information of a given metering label.
137net-createnetwork createCreate a network for a given tenant.
138net-deletenetwork deleteDelete a given network.
139net-external-listnetwork list --externalList external networks that belong to a given tenant.
140net-ip-availability-listip availability listList IP usage of networks
141net-ip-availability-showip availability showShow IP usage of specific network
142net-listnetwork listList networks that belong to a given tenant.
143net-list-on-dhcp-agentnetwork list --agentList the networks on a DHCP agent.
144net-shownetwork showShow information of a given network.
145net-updatenetwork setUpdate network's information.
146port-createport createCreate a port for a given tenant.
147port-deleteport deleteDelete a given port.
148port-listport listList ports that belong to a given tenant.
149port-showport showShow information of a given port.
150port-updateport set/port unsetUpdate port's information.
151purgeDelete all resources that belong to a given tenant.
152qos-available-rule-typesnetwork qos rule type listList available qos rule types.
153qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-createnetwork qos rule create --type bandwidth-limitCreate a qos bandwidth limit rule.
154qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-deletenetwork qos rule delete --type bandwidth-limitDelete a given qos bandwidth limit rule.
155qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-listnetwork qos rule list --type bandwidth-limitList all qos bandwidth limit rules belonging to the specified policy.
156qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-shownetwork qos rule show --type bandwidth-limitShow information about the given qos bandwidth limit rule.
157qos-bandwidth-limit-rule-updatenetwork qos rule update --type bandwidth-limitUpdate the given qos bandwidth limit rule.
158qos-dscp-marking-rule-createnetwork qos rule create --type dscp-markingCreate a QoS DSCP marking rule.
159qos-dscp-marking-rule-deletenetwork qos rule delete --type dscp-markingDelete a given qos dscp marking rule.
160qos-dscp-marking-rule-listnetwork qos rule list --type dscp-markingList all QoS DSCP marking rules belonging to the specified policy.
161qos-dscp-marking-rule-shownetwork qos rule show --type dscp-markingShow information about the given qos dscp marking rule.
162qos-dscp-marking-rule-updatenetwork qos rule update --type dscp-markingUpdate the given QoS DSCP marking rule.
163qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-createnetwork qos rule create --type minimum-bandwidthCreate a qos minimum bandwidth rule.
164qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-deletenetwork qos rule delete --type minimum-bandwidthDelete a given qos minimum bandwidth rule.
165qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-listnetwork qos rule list --type minimum-bandwidthList all qos minimum bandwidth rules belonging to the specified policy.
166qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-shownetwork qos rule show --type minimum-bandwidthShow information about the given qos minimum bandwidth rule.
167qos-minimum-bandwidth-rule-updatenetwork qos rule update --type minimum-bandwidthUpdate the given qos minimum bandwidth rule.
168qos-policy-createnetwork qos policy createCreate a qos policy.
169qos-policy-deletenetwork qos policy deleteDelete a given qos policy.
170qos-policy-listnetwork qos policy listList QoS policies that belong to a given tenant connection.
171qos-policy-shownetwork qos policy showShow information of a given qos policy.
172qos-policy-updatenetwork qos policy setUpdate a given qos policy.
173quota-default-showquota show --defaultShow default quotas for a given tenant.
174quota-deleteDelete defined quotas of a given tenant.
175quota-listquota listList quotas of all tenants who have non-default quota values.
176quota-showquota showShow quotas for a given tenant.
177quota-updatequota setDefine tenant's quotas not to use defaults.
178rbac-createnetwork rbac createCreate a RBAC policy for a given tenant.
179rbac-deletenetwork rbac deleteDelete a RBAC policy.
180rbac-listnetwork rbac listList RBAC policies that belong to a given tenant.
181rbac-shownetwork rbac showShow information of a given RBAC policy.
182rbac-updatenetwork rbac setUpdate RBAC policy for given tenant.
183router-createrouter createCreate a router for a given tenant.
184router-deleterouter deleteDelete a given router.
185router-gateway-clearrouter unsetRemove an external network gateway from a router.
186router-gateway-setrouter setSet the external network gateway for a router.
187router-interface-addrouter add subnet / router add portAdd an internal network interface to a router.
188router-interface-deleterouter remove subnet / router remove portRemove an internal network interface from a router.
189router-listrouter listList routers that belong to a given tenant.
190router-list-on-l3-agentrouter list --agentsList the routers on a L3 agent.
191router-port-listport list --routerList ports that belong to a given tenant, with specified router.
192router-showrouter showShow information of a given router.
193router-updaterouter setUpdate router's information.
194security-group-createsecurity group createCreate a security group.
195security-group-deletesecurity group deleteDelete a given security group.
196security-group-listsecurity group listList security groups that belong to a given tenant.
197security-group-rule-createsecurity group rule createCreate a security group rule.
198security-group-rule-deletesecurity group rule deleteDelete a given security group rule.
199security-group-rule-listsecurity group rule listList security group rules that belong to a given tenant.
200security-group-rule-showsecurity group rule showShow information of a given security group rule.
201security-group-showsecurity group showShow information of a given security group.
202security-group-updatesecurity group setUpdate a given security group.
203service-provider-listnetwork service provider listList service providers.
204subnet-createsubnet createCreate a subnet for a given tenant.
205subnet-deletesubnet deleteDelete a given subnet.
206subnet-listsubnet listList subnets that belong to a given tenant.
207subnet-showsubnet showShow information of a given subnet.
208subnet-updatesubnet set / subnet unsetUpdate subnet's information.
209subnetpool-createsubnet pool createCreate a subnetpool for a given tenant.
210subnetpool-deletesubnet pool deleteDelete a given subnetpool.
211subnetpool-listsubnet pool listList subnetpools that belong to a given tenant.
212subnetpool-showsubnet pool showShow information of a given subnetpool.
213subnetpool-updatesubnet pool set / subnet pool unsetUpdate subnetpool's information.
214tag-addnetwork set --tagAdd a tag into the resource.
215tag-removenetwork unset --tagRemove a tag on the resource.
216tag-replaceReplace all tags on the resource.
217tap-flow-createtapflow createCreate a tap flow
218tap-flow-deletetapflow deleteDelete a tap flow
219tap-flow-listtapflow listList all tap flows
220tap-flow-showtapflow showShow details of the tap flow
221tap-service-createtapservice createCreate a tap service
222tap-service-deletetapservice deleteDelete a tap service
223tap-service-listtapservice listList all tap services
224tap-service-showtapservice showShow details of the tap service
225vpn-endpoint-group-createCreate a VPN endpoint group.
226vpn-endpoint-group-deleteDelete a given VPN endpoint group.
227vpn-endpoint-group-listList VPN endpoint groups that belong to a given tenant.
228vpn-endpoint-group-showShow a specific VPN endpoint group.
229vpn-endpoint-group-updateUpdate a given VPN endpoint group.
230vpn-ikepolicy-createCreate an IKE policy.
231vpn-ikepolicy-deleteDelete a given IKE policy.
232vpn-ikepolicy-listList IKE policies that belong to a tenant.
233vpn-ikepolicy-showShow information of a given IKE policy.
234vpn-ikepolicy-updateUpdate a given IKE policy.
235vpn-ipsecpolicy-createCreate an IPsec policy.
236vpn-ipsecpolicy-deleteDelete a given IPsec policy.
237vpn-ipsecpolicy-listList IPsec policies that belong to a given tenant connection.
238vpn-ipsecpolicy-showShow information of a given IPsec policy.
239vpn-ipsecpolicy-updateUpdate a given IPsec policy.
240vpn-service-createCreate a VPN service.
241vpn-service-deleteDelete a given VPN service.
242vpn-service-listList VPN service configurations that belong to a given tenant.
243vpn-service-showShow information of a given VPN service.
244vpn-service-updateUpdate a given VPN service.