Now one can use Rally for benchmarking OpenStack clouds that are using LDAP, AD or any other read only keystone backend where you are not able to create any users. To do this one can specify "users" section in ExistingCloud plugin input file. Rally will use these "users" to generate load instead of creating new. As well if you specify both "users" section in deployment input file and "users" context it will use temporary created by Rally users. Restructurize samples/deployments directory: - Deploying OpenStack clouds with Rally is not popular functionallity so hide all samples deeper. - Some fixes in readme.rst - Add new sample for existing cloud with predefined users Change-Id: If3d31960ee317e0770abceacc62b3acf0947d269
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Rally Deployments
Rally needs to be configured to use an OpenStack Cloud deployment before it can benchmark the deployment.
To configure Rally to use an OpenStack Cloud deployment, you need create a deployment configuration by supplying the endpoint and credentials, as follows:
rally deployment create --file <one_of_files_from_this_dir> --name my_cloud
If you don't have OpenStack deployments, Rally can deploy it for you. For samples of various deployments take a look at samples from for_deploying_openstack_with_rally directory.
Register existing OpenStack cluster.
Register existing OpenStack cluster that uses Keystone v3.
If you are using read-only backend in Keystone like LDAP, AD then you need this sample. If you don't specify "users" rally will use already existing users that you provide.
Register existing OpenStack cluster, with parameter "endpoint" specified to explicitly set keystone management_url. Use this parameter if keystone fails to setup management_url correctly. For example, this parameter must be specified for FUEL cluster and has value "http://<identity-public-url-ip>:35357/v2.0/"