The OSprofiler is a distributed trace toolkit library. It helps to trace internal calls of Openstack services including RPC, DB and WSGI. This patch integrates OSprofiler in Rally. Rally can trigger the profiling on a per-iteration basis. To do so a secret key (profiler_hmac_key) is stored alongside the credentials and used to initialize the profiler in the constructor of the scenarios. A configuration parameter (enable_profiler) can disabled the profiling. Note that in this patch we don't embed the full osprofiler report but only a trace id. This trace id can be used to retrieve the full trace from the osprofiler tool later. Change-Id: I7602856d094e073fde80d287b4d92b5750aacc3c Co-Authored-By: rcherrueau <Ronan-Alexandre.Cherrueau@inria.fr> Implements: spec osprofiler
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Rally step-by-step
In the following tutorial, we will guide you step-by-step through different use cases that might occur in Rally, starting with the easy ones and moving towards more complicated cases.
tutorial/step_0_installation tutorial/step_1_setting_up_env_and_running_benchmark_from_samples tutorial/step_2_input_task_format tutorial/step_3_benchmarking_with_existing_users tutorial/step_4_adding_success_criteria_for_benchmarks tutorial/step_5_task_templates tutorial/step_6_aborting_load_generation_on_sla_failure tutorial/step_7_working_with_multple_openstack_clouds tutorial/step_8_discovering_more_plugins tutorial/step_9_deploying_openstack tutorial/step_10_verifying_cloud_via_tempest_verifier tutorial/step_11_profiling_openstack_internals