Jingwei.Zhang 0213d8c6d6 feat: optimize configuration reading
Add config/config.yaml to set default configurations. Use the config/local_config.yaml to set the custom configurations

Change-Id: I22049e478b6440c765751c8f17663f36f33c277a
2023-05-31 11:41:19 +08:00

138 lines
3.8 KiB

`简体中文 <./README.zh_CN.rst>`__\ \| English
**Table of contents**
- `Instructions <#instructions>`__
- `Resources <#resources>`__
- `Prerequisites <#prerequisites>`__
- `Local Environment <#local-environment>`__
- `Usage <#usage>`__
- `Docs <#docs>`__
- `How to develop <#how-to-develop>`__
- `How to test <#how-to-test>`__
- `Wiki <>`__
- `Bug Tracker <>`__
- ``node``: lts/erbium (v12.*)
- ``yarn``: 1.22.4 +
Local Environment
Take CentOS as an example
- Install nvm ( version control system for nodejs )
.. code:: shell
wget -P /root/ --tries=10 --retry-connrefused --waitretry=60 --no-dns-cache --no-cache
bash /root/
. /root/.nvm/
- Install nodejs
.. code:: shell
nvm install --lts=$NODE_VERSION
nvm alias default lts/$NODE_VERSION
nvm use default
- Verify nodejs and npm versions
.. code:: shell
node -v
# v12.*.*
npm -v
# 6.*.*
- Install yarn
.. code:: shell
npm install -g yarn
- Install the project dependency under the root directory, with
``package.json`` in the same place.
.. code:: shell
yarn install
After those steps, please just wait until the installation is
Under the root directory, with ``package.json`` in the same place.
- ``yarn run mock``: Use the mock interface of
`rap2 <>`__
- ``yarn run dev``: To use the actual interface, you can copy
``config/config.yaml`` to ``config/local_config.yaml`` , and
replace the ``server`` value with the correct address.
- ``yarn run build``: Build packages and then you can hand over the
contents of the generated *dist* directory to the back end.
How to develop
- `Preparation before
development <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `Directory structure <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `Develop a new resource
page <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `BaseList
introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `BaseTabList
introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `BaseDetail
introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `BaseDetailInfo
introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `BaseStore
introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `FormAction
introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `ModalAction
introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `ConfirmAction
introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `StepAction
introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `FormItem
introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `Action introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `Menu introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `Route introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
- `I18n introduction <docs/en/develop/>`__
How to test
- `Two kinds of tests <docs/en/test/>`__
- `Directory structure <docs/en/test/>`__
- `How to edit e2e case <docs/en/test/>`__
- `E2E - Form operation <docs/en/test/>`__
- `E2E - Table operation <docs/en/test/>`__
- `E2E - Detail operation <docs/en/test/>`__
- `E2E - Resource
operation <docs/en/test/>`__