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# Instructions
[简体中文](./README-zh_CN.md)| English
## Prerequisites
- `node`: lts/erbium (v12.\*)
- `yarn`: 1.22.4 +
## Local Environment
Take CentOS as an example
- Install nvm ( version control system for nodejs )
wget -P /root/ --tries=10 --retry-connrefused --waitretry=60 --no-dns-cache --no-cache https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/master/install.sh
bash /root/install.sh
. /root/.nvm/nvm.sh
- Install nodejs
nvm install --lts=$NODE_VERSION
nvm alias default lts/$NODE_VERSION
nvm use default
- Verify nodejs and npm versions
node -v
# v12.*.*
npm -v
# 6.*.*
- Install yarn
npm install -g yarn
- Install the project dependency under the root directory, with `package.json`in the same place.
yarn install
After those steps, please just wait until the installation is complete.
## Usage
Under the root directory, with `package.json` in the same place.
- `yarn run mock`: Use the mock interface of [rap2](http://rap2.taobao.org/)
- `yarn run dev`: To use the actual interface,please change the "http://pre.xxx.com" in line 47 into the real address in file `webpack.dev.js`.
- `yarn run build`: Build packages and then you can hand over the contents of the generated _dist_ directory to the back end.