See http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-May/022718.html and http://lists.opendev.org/pipermail/service-discuss/2021-May/000249.html for more information. Change-Id: I6ac37c23153c5c9d42d96e448e0656dbf8257991
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People working on the Swift project may be found in the
channel on OFTC during working hours in their timezone. The channel is logged, so if you ask a question when no one is around, you can check the log to see if it's been answered: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-swift/ - weekly meeting
This is a Swift team meeting. The discussion in this meeting is about all things related to the Swift project:
- time: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Swift_Team_Meeting
- agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Swift
- mailing list
We use the openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org mailing list for asynchronous discussions or to communicate with other OpenStack teams. Use the prefix
in your subject line (it's a high-volume list, so most people use email filters).More information about the mailing list, including how to subscribe and read the archives, can be found at: http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-discuss
Contacting the Core Team
The swift-core team is an active group of contributors who are responsible for directing and maintaining the Swift project. As a new contributor, your interaction with this group will be mostly through code reviews, because only members of swift-core can approve a code change to be merged into the code repository. But the swift-core team also spend time on IRC so feel free to drop in to ask questions or just to meet us.
Although your contribution will require reviews by members of swift-core, these aren't the only people whose reviews matter. Anyone with a gerrit account can post reviews, so you can ask other developers you know to review your code ... and you can review theirs. (A good way to learn your way around the codebase is to review other people's patches.)
If you're thinking, "I'm new at this, how can I possibly provide a helpful review?", take a look at How to Review Changes the OpenStack Way.
Or for more specifically in a Swift context read review_guidelines
You can learn more about the role of core reviewers in the OpenStack governance documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/contributors/common/governance.html#core-reviewer
The membership list of swift-core is maintained in gerrit: https://review.opendev.org/#/admin/groups/24,members
You can also find the members of the swift-core team at the Swift weekly meetings.
Getting Your Patch Merged
Understanding how reviewers review and what they look for will help getting your code merged. See Swift Review Guidelines for how we review code.
Keep in mind that reviewers are also human; if something feels stalled, then come and poke us on IRC or add it to our meeting agenda.
Project Team Lead Duties
All common PTL duties are enumerated in the PTL guide.