
542 lines
22 KiB

#!/usr/bin/python -u
# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import itertools
from contextlib import contextmanager
import unittest
import uuid
import random
import time
import six
from swift.common.direct_client import DirectClientException
from swift.common.manager import Manager
from swift.common.utils import md5
from swift.obj.reconstructor import ObjectReconstructor
from test.probe.common import ECProbeTest
from swift.common import direct_client
from swiftclient import client, ClientException
class Body(object):
def __init__(self, total=3.5 * 2 ** 20):
self.total = int(total)
self.hasher = md5(usedforsecurity=False)
self.size = 0
self.chunk = b'test' * 16 * 2 ** 10
def etag(self):
return self.hasher.hexdigest()
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.size > self.total:
raise StopIteration()
self.size += len(self.chunk)
return self.chunk
# for py2 compat
next = __next__
class TestReconstructorRebuild(ECProbeTest):
def setUp(self):
super(TestReconstructorRebuild, self).setUp()
# create EC container
headers = {'X-Storage-Policy': self.policy.name}
client.put_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name,
# PUT object and POST some metadata
self.headers_post = {
client.post_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name,
self.object_name, headers=dict(self.headers_post))
self.opart, self.onodes = self.object_ring.get_nodes(
self.account, self.container_name, self.object_name)
# stash frag etags and metadata for later comparison
self.frag_headers, self.frag_etags = self._assert_all_nodes_have_frag()
for node_index, hdrs in self.frag_headers.items():
# sanity check
'X-Backend-Durable-Timestamp', hdrs,
'Missing durable timestamp in %r' % self.frag_headers)
def _format_node(self, node):
return '%s#%s' % (node['device'], node['index'])
def _assert_all_nodes_have_frag(self, extra_headers=None):
# check all frags are in place
failures = []
frag_etags = {}
frag_headers = {}
for node in self.onodes:
headers, etag = self.direct_get(node, self.opart,
frag_etags[node['index']] = etag
del headers['Date'] # Date header will vary so remove it
frag_headers[node['index']] = headers
except direct_client.DirectClientException as err:
failures.append((node, err))
if failures:
self.fail('\n'.join([' Node %r raised %r' %
(self._format_node(node), exc)
for (node, exc) in failures]))
return frag_headers, frag_etags
def _annotate_failure_with_scenario(self, failed, non_durable):
except (AssertionError, ClientException) as err:
'Scenario with failed nodes: %r, non-durable nodes: %r\n'
' failed with:\n%s' %
([self._format_node(self.onodes[n]) for n in failed],
[self._format_node(self.onodes[n]) for n in non_durable], err)
def _test_rebuild_scenario(self, failed, non_durable,
# helper method to test a scenario with some nodes missing their
# fragment and some nodes having non-durable fragments
with self._annotate_failure_with_scenario(failed, non_durable):
self.break_nodes(self.onodes, self.opart, failed, non_durable)
# make sure we can still GET the object and it is correct; the
# proxy is doing decode on remaining fragments to get the obj
with self._annotate_failure_with_scenario(failed, non_durable):
headers, etag = self.proxy_get()
self.assertEqual(self.etag, etag)
for key in self.headers_post:
self.assertIn(key, headers)
self.assertEqual(self.headers_post[key], headers[key])
# fire up reconstructor
for i in range(reconstructor_cycles):
# check GET via proxy returns expected data and metadata
with self._annotate_failure_with_scenario(failed, non_durable):
headers, etag = self.proxy_get()
self.assertEqual(self.etag, etag)
for key in self.headers_post:
self.assertIn(key, headers)
self.assertEqual(self.headers_post[key], headers[key])
# check all frags are intact, durable and have expected metadata
with self._annotate_failure_with_scenario(failed, non_durable):
frag_headers, frag_etags = self._assert_all_nodes_have_frag()
self.assertEqual(self.frag_etags, frag_etags)
# self._frag_headers include X-Backend-Durable-Timestamp so this
# assertion confirms that the rebuilt frags are all durable
self.assertEqual(self.frag_headers, frag_headers)
def test_rebuild_missing_frags(self):
# build up a list of node lists to kill data from,
# first try a single node
# then adjacent nodes and then nodes >1 node apart
single_node = (random.randint(0, 5),)
adj_nodes = (0, 5)
far_nodes = (0, 4)
for failed_nodes in [single_node, adj_nodes, far_nodes]:
self._test_rebuild_scenario(failed_nodes, [], 1)
def test_rebuild_non_durable_frags(self):
# build up a list of node lists to make non-durable,
# first try a single node
# then adjacent nodes and then nodes >1 node apart
single_node = (random.randint(0, 5),)
adj_nodes = (0, 5)
far_nodes = (0, 4)
for non_durable_nodes in [single_node, adj_nodes, far_nodes]:
self._test_rebuild_scenario([], non_durable_nodes, 1)
def test_rebuild_with_missing_frags_and_non_durable_frags(self):
# pick some nodes with parts deleted, some with non-durable fragments
scenarios = [
# failed, non-durable
((0, 2), (4,)),
((0, 4), (2,)),
for failed, non_durable in scenarios:
self._test_rebuild_scenario(failed, non_durable, 3)
scenarios = [
# failed, non-durable
((0, 1), (2,)),
((0, 2), (1,)),
for failed, non_durable in scenarios:
# why 2 repeats? consider missing fragment on nodes 0, 1 and
# missing durable on node 2: first reconstructor cycle on node 3
# will make node 2 durable, first cycle on node 5 will rebuild on
# node 0; second cycle on node 0 or 2 will rebuild on node 1. Note
# that it is possible, that reconstructor processes on each node
# run in order such that all rebuild complete in once cycle, but
# that is not guaranteed, we allow 2 cycles to be sure.
self._test_rebuild_scenario(failed, non_durable, 2)
scenarios = [
# failed, non-durable
((0, 2), (1, 3, 5)),
((0,), (1, 2, 4, 5)),
for failed, non_durable in scenarios:
# why 3 repeats? consider missing fragment on node 0 and single
# durable on node 3: first reconstructor cycle on node 3 will make
# nodes 2 and 4 durable, second cycle on nodes 2 and 4 will make
# node 1 and 5 durable, third cycle on nodes 1 or 5 will
# reconstruct the missing fragment on node 0.
self._test_rebuild_scenario(failed, non_durable, 3)
def test_rebuild_partner_down(self):
# we have to pick a lower index because we have few handoffs
nodes = self.onodes[:2]
random.shuffle(nodes) # left or right is fine
primary_node, partner_node = nodes
# capture fragment etag from partner
failed_partner_meta, failed_partner_etag = self.direct_get(
partner_node, self.opart)
# and 507 the failed partner device
device_path = self.device_dir(partner_node)
# reconstruct from the primary, while one of it's partners is 507'd
# a handoff will pickup the rebuild
hnodes = list(self.object_ring.get_more_nodes(self.opart))
for node in hnodes:
found_meta, found_etag = self.direct_get(
node, self.opart)
except DirectClientException as e:
if e.http_status != 404:
self.fail('Unable to fetch rebuilt frag from handoffs %r '
'given primary nodes %r with %s unmounted '
'trying to rebuild from %s' % (
[h['device'] for h in hnodes],
[n['device'] for n in self.onodes],
self.assertEqual(failed_partner_etag, found_etag)
del failed_partner_meta['Date']
del found_meta['Date']
self.assertEqual(failed_partner_meta, found_meta)
# just to be nice
def test_sync_expired_object(self):
# verify that missing frag can be rebuilt for an expired object
delete_after = 2
self.proxy_put(extra_headers={'x-delete-after': delete_after})
self.proxy_get() # sanity check
orig_frag_headers, orig_frag_etags = self._assert_all_nodes_have_frag(
extra_headers={'X-Backend-Replication': 'True'})
# wait for object to expire
timeout = time.time() + delete_after + 1
while time.time() < timeout:
except ClientException as e:
if e.http_status == 404:
self.fail('Timed out waiting for %s/%s to expire after %ss' % (
self.container_name, self.object_name, delete_after))
# sanity check - X-Backend-Replication let's us get expired frag...
fail_node = random.choice(self.onodes)
fail_node, self.opart,
extra_headers={'X-Backend-Replication': 'True'})
# ...until we remove the frag from fail_node
self.onodes, self.opart, [self.onodes.index(fail_node)], [])
# ...now it's really gone
with self.assertRaises(DirectClientException) as cm:
self.direct_get(fail_node, self.opart,
extra_headers={'X-Backend-Replication': 'True'})
self.assertEqual(404, cm.exception.http_status)
self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Timestamp', cm.exception.http_headers)
# run the reconstructor
# the missing frag is now in place but expired
with self.assertRaises(DirectClientException) as cm:
self.direct_get(fail_node, self.opart)
self.assertEqual(404, cm.exception.http_status)
self.assertIn('X-Backend-Timestamp', cm.exception.http_headers)
# check all frags are intact, durable and have expected metadata
frag_headers, frag_etags = self._assert_all_nodes_have_frag(
extra_headers={'X-Backend-Replication': 'True'})
self.assertEqual(orig_frag_etags, frag_etags)
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertEqual(orig_frag_headers, frag_headers)
def test_sync_unexpired_object_metadata(self):
# verify that metadata can be sync'd to a frag that has missed a POST
# and consequently that frag appears to be expired, when in fact the
# POST removed the x-delete-at header
client.put_container(self.url, self.token, self.container_name,
headers={'x-storage-policy': self.policy.name})
opart, onodes = self.object_ring.get_nodes(
self.account, self.container_name, self.object_name)
delete_at = int(time.time() + 3)
contents = ('body-%s' % uuid.uuid4()).encode()
headers = {'x-delete-at': delete_at}
client.put_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name,
self.object_name, headers=headers, contents=contents)
# fail a primary
post_fail_node = random.choice(onodes)
post_fail_path = self.device_dir(post_fail_node)
# post over w/o x-delete-at
client.post_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name,
self.object_name, {'content-type': 'something-new'})
# revive failed primary
# wait for the delete_at to pass, and check that it thinks the object
# is expired
timeout = time.time() + 5
err = None
while time.time() < timeout:
post_fail_node, opart, self.account, self.container_name,
self.object_name, headers={
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': int(self.policy)})
except direct_client.ClientException as client_err:
if client_err.http_status != 404:
err = client_err
self.fail('Failed to get a 404 from node with expired object')
self.assertEqual(err.http_status, 404)
self.assertIn('X-Backend-Timestamp', err.http_headers)
# but from the proxy we've got the whole story
headers, body = client.get_object(self.url, self.token,
self.assertNotIn('X-Delete-At', headers)
# ... and all the nodes have the final unexpired state
for node in onodes:
headers = direct_client.direct_head_object(
node, opart, self.account, self.container_name,
self.object_name, headers={
'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': int(self.policy)})
self.assertNotIn('X-Delete-At', headers)
def test_rebuild_quarantines_lonely_frag(self):
# fail one device while the object is deleted so we are left with one
# fragment and some tombstones
failed_node = self.onodes[0]
device_path = self.device_dir(failed_node)
self.assert_direct_get_fails(failed_node, self.opart, 507) # sanity
# delete object
client.delete_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name,
# check we have tombstones
for node in self.onodes[1:]:
err = self.assert_direct_get_fails(node, self.opart, 404)
self.assertIn('X-Backend-Timestamp', err.http_headers)
# run the reconstructor with zero reclaim age to clean up tombstones
for conf_index in self.configs['object-reconstructor'].keys():
ObjectReconstructor, 'object-reconstructor', conf_index,
{'reclaim_age': '0'})
# check we no longer have tombstones
for node in self.onodes[1:]:
err = self.assert_direct_get_fails(node, self.opart, 404)
self.assertNotIn('X-Timestamp', err.http_headers)
# revive the failed device and check it has a fragment
self.assert_direct_get_succeeds(failed_node, self.opart)
# restart proxy to clear error-limiting so that the revived drive
# participates again
# client GET will fail with 503 ...
with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as cm:
client.get_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name,
self.assertEqual(503, cm.exception.http_status)
# ... but client GET succeeds
headers = client.head_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name,
for key in self.headers_post:
self.assertIn(key, headers)
self.assertEqual(self.headers_post[key], headers[key])
# run the reconstructor without quarantine_threshold set
error_lines = []
warning_lines = []
for conf_index in self.configs['object-reconstructor'].keys():
reconstructor = self.run_custom_daemon(
ObjectReconstructor, 'object-reconstructor', conf_index,
{'reclaim_age': '0'})
logger = reconstructor.logger.logger
# check logs for errors
found_lines = False
for lines in error_lines:
if not lines:
self.assertFalse(found_lines, error_lines)
found_lines = True
for line in itertools.islice(lines, 0, 6, 2):
'Unable to get enough responses (1/4 from 1 ok '
'responses)', line, lines)
for line in itertools.islice(lines, 1, 7, 2):
'Unable to get enough responses (4 x 404 error '
'responses)', line, lines)
self.assertTrue(found_lines, 'error lines not found')
for lines in warning_lines:
self.assertEqual([], lines)
# check we have still have a single fragment and no tombstones
self.assert_direct_get_succeeds(failed_node, self.opart)
for node in self.onodes[1:]:
err = self.assert_direct_get_fails(node, self.opart, 404)
self.assertNotIn('X-Timestamp', err.http_headers)
# run the reconstructor to quarantine the lonely frag
error_lines = []
warning_lines = []
for conf_index in self.configs['object-reconstructor'].keys():
reconstructor = self.run_custom_daemon(
ObjectReconstructor, 'object-reconstructor', conf_index,
{'reclaim_age': '0', 'quarantine_threshold': '1'})
logger = reconstructor.logger.logger
# check logs for errors
found_lines = False
for index, lines in enumerate(error_lines):
if not lines:
self.assertFalse(found_lines, error_lines)
found_lines = True
for line in itertools.islice(lines, 0, 6, 2):
'Unable to get enough responses (1/4 from 1 ok '
'responses)', line, lines)
for line in itertools.islice(lines, 1, 7, 2):
'Unable to get enough responses (6 x 404 error '
'responses)', line, lines)
self.assertTrue(found_lines, 'error lines not found')
# check logs for quarantine warning
found_lines = False
for lines in warning_lines:
if not lines:
self.assertFalse(found_lines, warning_lines)
found_lines = True
self.assertEqual(1, len(lines), lines)
self.assertIn('Quarantined object', lines[0])
self.assertTrue(found_lines, 'warning lines not found')
# check we have nothing
for node in self.onodes:
err = self.assert_direct_get_fails(node, self.opart, 404)
self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Timestamp', err.http_headers)
# client HEAD and GET now both 404
with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as cm:
client.get_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name,
self.assertEqual(404, cm.exception.http_status)
with self.assertRaises(ClientException) as cm:
client.head_object(self.url, self.token, self.container_name,
self.assertEqual(404, cm.exception.http_status)
# run the reconstructor once more - should see no errors in logs!
error_lines = []
warning_lines = []
for conf_index in self.configs['object-reconstructor'].keys():
reconstructor = self.run_custom_daemon(
ObjectReconstructor, 'object-reconstructor', conf_index,
{'reclaim_age': '0', 'quarantine_threshold': '1'})
logger = reconstructor.logger.logger
for lines in error_lines:
self.assertEqual([], lines)
for lines in warning_lines:
self.assertEqual([], lines)
if six.PY2:
# The non-ASCII chars in metadata cause test hangs in
# _assert_all_nodes_have_frag because of https://bugs.python.org/issue37093
class TestReconstructorRebuildUTF8(TestReconstructorRebuild):
def _make_name(self, prefix):
return b'%s\xc3\xa8-%s' % (
prefix.encode(), str(uuid.uuid4()).encode())
if __name__ == "__main__":